
Competitive Edge Quotes

There are 531 quotes

"Every successful business has some sort of edge that gives them a long-term advantage over someone else or in the marketplace."
"This really does highlight how comfortable they are when it comes to those down to the wire moments."
"The Niners are at their best when they're playing edgy. They're towing the line. It becomes a little testy; guys want to fight in those things."
"Most of the time guys are so close that just a little bit of an edge bam that's all you need right."
"If you come in and you're keeping Messi out of the team, you're some player."
"When you're both first and last, you end up becoming virtually unstoppable." - Cipher PK
"I hit you every single time, that's pretty good going."
"The fight will be fought on Tyson's terms." - Frank Warren
"Margins are so thin here, if the needle goes one way, it's by point zero zero zero one percent."
"You have to be on the cutting edge of this stuff if you want to succeed."
"Professional cyclists should be afraid, very afraid, of Chloé Dygert Owen."
"When people can sense that... that's when you start getting killer instinct."
"He's done an excellent job taking those two plus seconds every lap out of Alexander West." - Recognition of exceptional performance and effort.
"No one can touch him and no one's to play them at the moment."
"Absolutely on the limit, he's found another tenth within the middle sector of this lap."
"This is by the slimmest of margins that I even get to consider a Western team has a shot at a world championship."
"Qck comes in after a pretty poor Icebox and drops 18 kills in the first half."
"All the way to the bank just imagine having a superstar working for you that is literally making you money hand over fist compared to a competitor."
"It is no more Jew no more Gentile no more born no more free no more barbarian Cinthia none of that when Christ died he died for all of us that make us one."
"The technology was genuinely impressive and it had by far the highest-quality screen of any handheld on the market."
"She takes people out no matter what your legs, your foot, your face, your elbow, your back, your hip, or your foot."
"I think I have a good edge here, and swings are going to happen."
"Zero Suit Samus's upbeat is in the top of high tier, it's small so it's really hard to hit."
"To be different is incredible. That is the key to make our restaurant stand out."
"He's first by nearly a thousand, like yeah, no, this is ridiculous."
"I want Joe root just to be Joe root like he's the best player when he's on his game he the best player in the world."
"I think Cassie has the best face-off in battle rap history."
"So the only person that can beat Nick that's significantly lighter is Hottie as of now."
"Neo's doing something here to stay competitive and it's pretty ingenious."
"I believe that Justin's mentality is what gives him a big chance." - Daniel Cormier
"Musk believes his undying enthusiasm gives him an edge over less optimistic competitors."
"Van Persie was at risk, he was 29 but he was a world-class player and Sir Alex Ferguson was desperate. He knew that City was starting to take control and he needed to win a title and he got van Persie. Nick book worked brilliantly."
"I just see a dude that's able to adapt to any situation."
"This unit is going to be a killer all the way through."
"Big Time Players make big plays in Big Time situations and that's why Henry is the number one Madden player in the world."
"We're gonna give you one more thing to actually cry about."
"I still would but that's because they've been there and they've done it before haven't they so."
"You have a massive competitive advantage when you have a remote team."
"I almost feel like her car is a little bit sharper right now. She feels really invested."
"Bestowing your state an unparalleled amount of statistical advantages."
"G iving up alcohol will give you the biggest competitive advantage over pretty much everybody else that you can think of and going back to college at 27 involves swallowing a lot of pride."
"The edge is knowledge and that you actually study more than other people."
"This period of time when people could say 'Hey AMD is leading,' that's over. We're back with a very defined view of what it requires to be leadership in every dimension." - Intel
"Liverpool had the firepower, but Real Madrid had the killer instinct."
"I believe in mentality more than I believe in anything else in sport."
"What will you create that will allow you to have a competitive advantage that no one else will have?"
"Wow, oh, FaZe now a chance to close this out 3-1 on the Arsenal hardpoint, stunned optic in that map one. I think that's another stunner."
"The second thing is something I think fortnight is doing that actually has to do with the gameplay itself and it's kind of unrivaled in this way."
"All he did was realize how the game is played and decided to be the best player out there."
"Your craft, mate, is what it is. You have to learn your craft, you have to learn the little details, the bits that, like you say, the percents that give you an advantage."
"This is the best opportunity that NA has ever had... there's every year for NA to make finals, it's this one."
"Everything matters in a car show like this, who knows it might be the color of your shoes that separates you and puts you ahead of someone else."
"Taliyah just looks like an absolute powerhouse right now."
"To beat them you better either develop like crazy or get transfers in or start recruiting at the level that they're recruiting. Because until somebody does it's going to be so difficult to beat those teams."
"Amazon is a clear Contender and you're going to see them continue to aggressively invest."
"They potentially will have the ability to discover extraterrestrial life before anybody else does. A tiny little company like this will be able to discover extraterrestrial life before SpaceX, before NASA, before anybody."
"Sora's got a bag of tricks and nobody else has really awkward tricks. That's what I'm saying."
"Liverpool still sitting pretty at the top, leading Manchester City by six points."
"Is there any challenge on this wheel that can stop Real Madrid from winning? I don't think so."
"This range of services... the true competitive advantage."
"You can find measures of success in training that transcends your competitive approach to fitness."
"This one bullet could be everything for 100 Thieves, if it hits a head, suddenly it can flip a fight in your favor."
"The Brazilians have the deepest and most lethal attack going into this World Cup."
"There's nobody riding like him today, you will not see it."
"Having good attacks and beefed up stats are the key to beating the crap out of people."
"If you play twos with this build, the other team's not touching the ball. If you play threes, you're probably gonna pick up a lockdown anyways."
"If you give them an inch, they're gonna take it from here, they're gonna take everything that you give them. Their momentum is really stellar right now."
"A slight advantage is where you're going to be the same in one of the triangles but you're going to have an advantage in another triangle."
"It makes all your specials better... and you'll probably win the match."
"His pace was so good at the beginning, he was just able to hold on in the end."
"Strategically timing your charge move can tip the balance in battles."
"One quarter away from yet another NBA championship."
"Race teams seek out any advantage they can find."
"To be a good top side, you have to have that nasty streak."
"The Pariah is meant to be this quick and it's not going to be patched, it's not going to be left, it is just completely dominant."
"Terrorclaw, the ultimate champion, tears apart the competition!"
"Race drivers know it as the red mist, the rush of blood behind the wheel."
"Aaron Rodgers is an all-time great front-runner. When he smells blood, he will, so to speak, slit your throat."
"Tesla effectively has three thousand three hundred and thirty-three times more data than Waymo."
"He can take over the game against the best teams in the world."
"Average content doesn't cut it anymore if you want to stand out."
"Whenever you hear somebody saying 'Oh Tesla doesn't have anything special, there's no moat, anybody can make an EV, anybody can make self-driving software,' somebody will eventually come up with self-driving hardware and software."
"We're in a great moment at the moment and I think we can make it difficult for any team in the world."
"The hook is the thing that separates the winners from the losers."
"Tesla is in A League of Their Own; they have no competition."
"Who in this world has any chance against this man?"
"Now I've got him where I want him. Fighters like that, you can count on the fingers of a boxing glove. And boxing gloves don't have many fingers."
"He's extremely intimidating, maintaining over 85% win rate."
"If he wins this race, he is going to be looking very, very good in the championship."
"Fox's neutral is so scary because he's so fast, he's so powerful."
"When top teams smell blood, they kill a team off."
"Rob's still with some injuries this year, but when he's healthy and he gets in that zone, he's as scary as anyone."
"Rappers they stepping they all getting hurt, I eat them up kinda like a dessert."
"Honda Sensing suite now standard across all trims, making it one of the few rivals to include these features standard."
"My biggest advantage is my mental strength. I have a belief in my ability that nobody can pierce."
"Travis is already pulling superhuman action schmoves."
"Ali found his mark, landing a padding right hand rocking Frazier and forcing him to retreat."
"We've won the title by 13 points over City, that is just nuts!"
"Myst and other early CD games looked leaps and bounds better than their competition."
"Aang would have the ultimate advantage with the Avatar state."
"You completely counter the meta and this deck is used at the top of the world by a lot of pro players."
"A new trick had been discovered that was taking the game by storm: the bug slide."
"Andre had the edge before, and he's got the edge after, and he's got the edge for eternity."
"If you don't have a competitive advantage, don't compete."
"Nearly 12 seconds now, that really is a stunner."
"High frequency traders are going to be interested because any millisecond over the competition that they can have is just money money money for them."
"When he's hot, there's nobody better in baseball."
"I'm hoping they see that I took a risk to get this advantage, it's huge."
"If they played Dust2, they can actually beat anyone in the world. It's mental."
"If he has that it's over if he doesn't have it now you're probably looking at William Bonac but me the muscles there the shape is there."
"I just keep doing what I do keep stacking them up and um I mean it's no secret who the best is right now."
"Two minutes is the difference between finishing 20th place and winning a game."
"What separates Cooper Webb from the rest... he races with a chip on his shoulder."
"The Last Word is one of the fastest killing weapons in the entire game."
"Helping you to kick your win condition into hyperdrive."
"Outbreak Perfected: nanite swarms help in damaging other Guardians nearby."
"He's dummy athletic, that's going to be hard to top."
"A finger can literally be the difference between a W and an L."
"As long as the aggression is not only there but dialed up as it was... she might just be somebody at the end of the day who's the aggression mixed with everything else she has as that calling card."
"If there's something you could work on that'll maximize an edge why not do it?"
"Invest in yourself, invest in your education. That's what's gonna propel you and give you that competitive advantage over everybody else."
"The person who has the most options typically wins."
"Justin took this idea of beating players with mechanical ability to another level."
"Thank God we got this great bow because the range on it is nuts."
"It's about raising your status and upping your game."
"Tesla is on the cusp of solving autonomy. The point isn't when they solve it, it's when anyone else even gets close."
"Paul's gonna take the box going into the back nine three under."
"Trading is all about having an edge over somebody else."
"I think Chris Brown's gonna take it if they fight I think Chris Brown got this [ __ ]."
"This is the biggest advantage in the history of MasterChef."
"When it gets time to stepping out right here, that's his advantage."
"Croatia's midfield on its day can give a lot of teams problems."
"There's always room to improve and win more games."
"Just an amazing game of football, an amazing kind of difference in two halves."
"Maybe Hamilton needs to kind of focus up a bit and get his head back in the game."
"Device just going to stay tucked inside of C. He's been spotted and he will find one kill, but that activates Device who is... That's the beauty of Device, so damn good. He makes it look easy."
"Wrestler Kirby in Fighters 2 is an absolute game changer."
"Move over or get out of my way, 'cause the big dog's coming through."
"Although even now there's no appropriate opponent for this mysterious fighter."
"The bronco raptor is in a great position, beating out the wrangler 392 which is its chief competitor."
"Our outplay potential is really gonna be something that kind of carries us here."
"We are much faster than the thing that was trying to catch up to us."
"With this raid I feel like Joan the maid is taking a slight lead."
"I place myself right on top of the pile... I believe I've got a really good chance in beating him."
"Logan is just going to be a really dangerous classic guy overall."
"Nobody's doing what we're doing. All the other shows with the bumped up kicks, better run, better run, outrun that gun. That is Morning Combat." - Brian Campbell
"They're phenomenal, they're top tier players, whatever team they're gonna go to are gonna be a top contender."
"I think Liverpool's attack is better than man united."
"I just think this is just too good looking of a car to be beaten."
"If you ever have an edge in trading markets, no matter what it is, don't let anyone minimize that."
"Miracle became more of a team player, making him a more well-rounded and deadly competitor."
"A massive confidence boost going into the next race."
"Fitness is everything. If you're the fittest player on the pitch, you'll be the best player on the pitch."
"It's definitely a car that is capable of winning any race we go to."
"The energy and concentration definitely separated you from the rest of the field."
"Be that you kind of look like I could, Anakin. I could, you could be you slice the youth up, bruh. So hold on."
"Lotus brought innovative new pieces to almost every single race."
"I want to have an advantage for work in the future."
"I'm just one step ahead of you, five steps ahead even right now."
"Lewis wasn't too happy about losing the championship lead to Max at his home race."
"Elimination games are what make a good player great."
"This is more than just a wild wild card team for you to use."
"He's one jump shot away from becoming the best player in the world."
"Handling is a very strong pro for the Type R."
"That is just too good, that is just too... I didn't even give her a chance once she planted her hands."
"That was big, clutched up, going up by 11 points."
"I think Lincoln made enough updates to it to keep it competitive."
"Philly has the best shot to dethrone the Nets in the East with their shooting and defense."
"Just the same, one of the biggest areas, the storage is, and the utility in space, the rivals still are not really catching up with this."
"A massive life gain, yeah, a big chunk of life gain will really put people out of reach, especially when you're hitting yourself as well."
"Especially in areas like competitive programming or online interview questions in which people are doing these days, your choice of keyboard will determine your fate."
"It's like poker, it's like you have a strong hand."
"Tesla is about, from the chemistry standpoint, probably five years ahead of everybody and they're not standing still, they're going to be doing more."
"Sport is not about equality, sport is about maintaining a competitive advantage for as long as possible legally or illegally."
"Technology is the place where you can gain and acquire the biggest competitive advantage."
"The rate of technological progress is the only true competitive advantage."
"If you're one of the few to train your ability to concentrate, you have a huge competitive advantage."
"Are you in fact a Saudi Arabian billionaire? Then you can have the best team easy, you can just win easy."
"Land of the Lustrous should win Best CGI. Let's be honest, they're so far ahead."
"AMD knows they're going to have the gaming crown on average very soon."
"Where does this go from here? Because I feel like beating the automakers is kind of a shooting at this point and going to be a cakewalk."
"Tank's power kind of beat the fight out of them."
"Wow, Darwin Nunes has become a beast and if I can shine him, we'll be weakening Real Madrid."
"The fact that the core fighting mechanics have been improved and rebalanced from older installments certainly does go a long way towards making Super Smash Brothers Ultimate the supreme fighting game experience."
"Strategy is often an overlooked aspect of the sport. In 2023, it may be the key to a title."
"If Cooper Webb considers himself an underdog for this 2023 season, I think that's very dangerous for his competitors."
"Focus on the mission. Define your targets and don't let them be defined by your competitor."
"If you can untap with this you're off to the races."
"The biggest competitive strength of Tesla is going to be manufacturing."
"Adding his name to the Indy 500 entry list is going to add a ton of intrigue."
"We have and we will come out of the crisis more competitive."
"Matt Fraser is your leader right now through 35 reps but more importantly for him as he is ahead of Lucas Hobert the man closest to him in the overall standings."
"He's got the legs he's got on the outside and yes absolutely sick finish there from Quaid."
"With this knowledge, you'll have an edge on your opponents who are still adjusting and have a bad read on the meta."
"Custodies became an absolutely top-tier army with subtle buffs and rule adjustments."
"I think finding something that makes them different is gonna be pretty important."
"From a technology standpoint, they're years ahead of their competition."
"Concerning the cost of this being way lower... these are big advantages."
"Whippo is losing his mind... that's a mental edge if I've ever seen it."
"Club knows what it takes to play in the top four you need to invest otherwise everyone else around you will overtake you."