
Self-driven Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"I've always had a hard drive and I've always been self-motivated, so nothing's going to stop me now."
"Your success has all been down to you, Scorpio. You're the master of your own dreams."
"Everything in life starts with you. Whatever you want in life, it has to come from you first."
"Stop waiting for things to happen, go and make them happen."
"Motivation to train should come from within, not just from aesthetics."
"The success you desire must be brought from within."
"Success is not coming to you, you must come to it."
"Happiness is mostly something that comes from you, not an external factor."
"Your college experience is exactly what you make it."
"Do it because you want to do it 100% for you."
"He doesn't need any motivation; I guess he's self-motivated."
"I love the fact that you are self-driven, business-minded, you're not just locked into one way of doing things."
"The man of integrity who is true to self and to God will choose the right whether or not anyone is looking because he is self-driven, not externally controlled."
"Intrinsically motivated person. That motivation, meaning it's coming from within yourself."
"I feel like I don't need like I don't need anything to kind of keep me driven. You know, I am my own project and I'm trying to build a big Legacy so now having like this new stepping stone becoming a pro it just gives me more motivation like to keep going."
"We want self-driven healthy designers."
"I'm just so proud I mean she's so self-driven so much of her training is is completely done by her."
"Any sustainable change has to be self-driven, and if it's anything extrinsic, anything that is outside of you, the change is going to be temporary at best."
"Who's going to be successful? Someone that's willing to do the research on their own and really understand that it's self-paced."
"This program's definitely for people who have the ability to figure out what you're going to do job-wise and are a little bit more driven in that field."
"This workout is great; it's going to be no jumping, low impact, but the intensity comes from you."
"True motivation comes from within."
"Your dreams don't care, they don't wait, it's because of you."
"I'm a highly self-motivated person; I always have been."
"When you get something done, make sure it's because you really really want to get it done."
"Passion is something that nobody has to tell you to do or inspire you or motivate you to do or think about or talk about."
"Achievers don't need motivation from others to get going; they are naturally motivated and they love accomplishment."
"Intrinsic motivation is when an individual is motivated by internal forces."
"Intrinsic motivation comes from within; extrinsic motivation comes from external rewards."
"True learning, true education comes from you."
"You are self-motivated and flexible."
"You don't need anything to push you. Your goals are gonna push you, your dreams are gonna push you."
"It's really nice to see him doing something that's really self-motivated."
"We are looking for people that first and foremost are self-motivators."
"All improvement comes from self-improvement."
"The only thing standing between you and learning is your desire."
"Intrinsic motivation is the motivation that comes from within."
"The key to resolving this gap between the intrinsic and extrinsic players is by smoothing over this abrupt leap from overt goals to self-motivation."
"I think it's better to work on things that are driven by your own ideas versus taking a bootcamp just to add a skill to your resume."
"Intrinsic motivation is when you do something because it's value, because the thing itself has a value."
"It was a calculated journey from myself."
"You gotta want to be successful first."
"Gotta stay self-motivated, you got to make things happen yourself."
"Be your own motivation when it comes to anything."
"A lot of things are going to happen and start unfolding in your lives because of you."
"It's all about the momentum that you create for yourself."
"I think as long as your goals are more inwardly driven, they're more attainable because they're probably more realistic."