
Culinary Skill Quotes

There are 136 quotes

"I love frying chicken, I think I'm the best at it anywhere, and chicken sandwiches are really hot right now."
"This street Chef in Delhi who works in a restaurant called Ganesh restaurant is known to pluck out fried fish using bare hands from boiling hot oil."
"The calamari is cooked perfectly, still very, very moist, very delicate."
"The pinkness of the veal in the center is spot on."
"Nailed the cooking here. The color is perfect."
"You're like a food alchemist and an artist all wrapped into one."
"You surprised me today and you are a credit not just to your restaurant but your country."
"Our show is blessed with a team of the top culinary creators, but that doesn't mean they're fancy." - Yeah, well, which is why today we're gonna choose to learn about the taste of a more refined and elegant member of the Mythical Kitchen.
"He's cooking like crazy. Stefan Diggs turned into Stefan Dougtrio Diggs."
"Who bakes the best cake? It's not always the person with the best ingredients."
"This meal is the best meal I have ever created on any of the challenges."
"When you cook the dish and put your soul into it, it's very good."
"It pisses me off, how good at cooking you are."
"I make damn good lentil soup... it came out exquisite!"
"Cooking for me is a gift. Some people can sing, some people can act, I can cook."
"Pizza perfection: Foolproof and delicious every time."
"Every time will be different, it's about developing a feel for the dough."
"One thing I knew... was capable of creating some good food."
"The golden crispy shell encapsulates the tender succulent fish within... a true Masterpiece of deep fried Temptation."
"You've nailed the eclair! Well done! The balance of flavor, the tartness balanced with the richness of the pistachio cream, the creme Pat, the consistency was just absolutely gorgeous. It's amazing."
"My wife has told me that several of the cooks that I've done on this have been the best yet."
"Spices are often the difference between good cooking and great cooking."
"You made a loaf of bread without a recipe, which is really impressive."
"All six meats perfectly cooked under smoke fire, just great flavor and a nice amount of smoke."
"This scallop has been cooked perfectly, the peas very sweet, you've got them at their best. But the lemon puree for me and your buttermilk takes this plate of food to another level."
"One time Melissa made chicken meatloaf... better than your mama's meatloaf, the type of meatloaf that could beat Bobby Flay."
"Knowing the right moment to stop the cook on a poached egg, it's the ultimate test of skill and instinct. Perfect."
"She made really good meals, I remember that."
"I'm kind of known for my shrimp and grits, so I don't want to brag, but I'm just telling you what the people are saying."
"I just wanna let y'all know, I'm nice with this taco (beep)."
"From now on, when they see you, you tell them that Sophia the chef takes care of you."
"I'm making a very simple lobster risotto, so I really want to showcase the flavor of the lobster and make sure the judges love it."
"You make food that people want to eat."
"And if anyone's ever tried to get a nice straight side with buttercream then you'll know it's actually quite tricky to do, so that's actually a really good job."
"Putting layers and layers and layers of flavor together and making it work is one of the hardest things to do in food."
"Patience is a key to good cooking. If you're patient, you're gonna have some good food."
"This might be the best brisket I've ever cooked."
"Those flavors pop, that sauce is divine, really is. Thank you very much."
"That dish was absolutely brilliant, it was awesome."
"What is the secret to the perfect chicharron? He doesn't know the exact temperature, but he knows how to do it. You feel it here in your heart."
"I'm quite proud of this pie. Done right, it has a magic egg running all the way through."
"The food presentation looks amazing."
"I loved that your mom was such an incredibly generous person and a really good cook."
"The best tempeh he makes, everyone wants to learn from him."
"She was this really amazing cook."
"We are really great." They make the ordinary home cooking into a delicious flavor that's hard to replicate.
"He's cool and he's calm, and that's the trick to being a great cook."
"That's incredible, if I do say so myself, that is absolutely delicious."
"Every cook needs to know how to do three-step breading because it's just one of the glories of the world."
"I think those might be the best ribs I've ever made."
"Anything that touches that grill turns into a masterpiece."
"Filipino chefs are masters at vinegar."
"Protein's cooked perfectly. Thank you, Chef."
"Good short crust has to be like a flaky, has to be like really short and then like melting in the mouth but still hard enough to hold the case that can put inside other things which doesn't sort of collapse."
"Right now, her food is better than a lot of chefs' food that I'm tasting. This is superb."
"This is my poke recipe, like 15 years later, mastered."
"That is what we call a spring roll, that's better than mine, that's really good."
"The way she put that together was absolutely like chef's kiss."
"It tastes just divine, great job."
"My father used to fry fish, putting his hand into the deep oil, saying that it is not hot enough for the fish."
"My wife does a three-cheese mac and cheese, and browns up the top. It brings a tear to your eye."
"Tender daikon infused with umami-rich dashi, the mild sweetness of the white miso is enhanced by the flavor of sea bream."
"A few simple ingredients treated with care can produce a masterful dish."
"They know how to fry chicken there, it's not Kentucky chicken, it's not southern fried chicken, but it is a really tasty way that they do it."
"He made chicharones; they are huge and amazing."
"You're cooking with a mind of a chef."
"The pie crust is really good, flaky, buttery, everything you'd want that to be."
"You can really tell that they put a lot of thought and experience into crafting each recipe."
"It's so good, it is amazing; I don't know how they do it here, but incredible."
"It's not just about picking ingredients. It's also how you put them together. That's where the tasty meal comes from."
"Adhering to the tradition and being creative at the same time is what Cantonese cooks are good at."
"If this turkey is marinated in a good way and stuffed with that beautiful stuffing, then it's going to turn out to be something that Gordon Ramsay would be proud of."
"A large piece of fish is in the master's skilful hand, became pieces as thin as a cicada soon."
"Look how that's just shredding right there. Oh my goodness, that looks wonderful."
"I think the way that you season your food, not just this bowl but every time I watch your videos, I always think there's a skill to that because you just elevate the flavors that are already in the dish to another level."
"Not only are you an excellent cook, but you bring a tenacity and grit."
"You're a force to be reckoned with, continue cooking with that ability."
"Watching Chef Ramsay cook anything, he's so sophisticated and so elegant, but such a badass at the same time."
"Wow, that was incredible, that first burst right there by the Iron Chef."
"Whoever made the sauce today deserves an award."
"Your time in the kitchen will build on each recipe, and your confidence will make it seem less time-consuming."
"I think she's a good cook and she's intuitive."
"I'm just saying that I think you are a cut above so many other people when it comes to what you make in the kitchen."
"You're an amazing chef. Miss Jen is one lucky lady getting to eat like this every night."
"Nobody makes better meatballs or Minestrone than she does."
"It's something that I believe that once you get right is a dish that you always go back to."
"It's so perfect, your dishes just get better and better."
"To transform something as tough and chewy as beef short rib with just one hour of marination into something this tender and delicious, I think is pretty impressive."
"The all-out effort, intensity on display today is what truly makes Hiroyuki Sakai the Iron Chef."
"He is viewed as the only man who can accurately recreate Don Sabatini's flavors."
"New Orleans crawfish rolls with homemade dipping sauce, made from scratch by a New Orleans native."
"The meat is cooked to perfection, one of Gordon’s specialty."
"I'm very loyal, I'm an amazing cook, I'm easygoing, low maintenance, trustworthy, and I'm a good time."
"Fresh seafood from the Sea of Genkai is transformed into works of art by Nakagawa's technique and more so by his passion."
"A good amount of seasoning, the ratio of breaded to chicken very well done."
"Those layers of phyllo are so thin, they're like thinner than paper."
"That sauce game here, Philippines knows what they're doing in terms of sauce."
"Wow, the execution of the spices, the way you control the heat, the aromas—it's a very humble, authentic dish."
"The skill of the vegan chef is immense."
"It's all about the hands that prepare the dish."
"When an ingredient has its own unique personality, it takes skill to properly prepare it to harmonize the flavors."
"People who can make clear soup with strong taste and good smell must be quite masterful at cooking skills."
"Eat in moderation and eat only that which is made out of fresh ingredients and cooked with great skill, care, and judgment."
"I believe with every fiber of my being that Susan makes the most perfect meatballs that you could ever desire or imagine."
"It's the Iron Chef Michiba doing it again, coming through with corn."
"It's the chef's skill that makes great food. That chef takes pride in the flavor, doing everything he can to perfect it, so the name of the chef doesn't count at all."
"I make the best banana pudding on Morrow Hill and probably for miles and miles around."
"We're really proud of our food, every Peruvian knows how to cook."
"In Chinese cooking, he who conquers flames conquers taste."
"Any man who can make a burger like that is okay by me."
"How delicious that is, Chef Rose wins this round."
"It's just like my mom would cook and she'd put the stuff in the oven... she knew man at 18 minutes it was gonna be perfect."
"The shrimp is cooked to perfection."
"I might be an idiot as a person, but I'm a damn good chef."
"You cook with confidence, you put up food that was impressive, spectacular, delicious."
"Every single meal was delicious, you guys definitely know what you're doing when it comes to fast food."
"If you can make those simple flavors sing, there's a chance you're the one that's going through."
"Ken was an excellent cook, even better than me."
"The fact that you're able to actually cook without the use of magic and it makes it its own special unique flavor means that it's going to be far better than a shortcut will ever be."
"I'm a lucky man to have a wife who's a great cook like this."
"It's gonna come out looking and tasting like you spent all day working on it."
"It's a Master Chef classic: poached eggs benedict."
"The soup is cooked for 6 hours, and the cooks prepare such a pot of soup a day, and it is sold out in 2-3 days. Genius!"
"The best pie that completely wowed all flavors, this person really cooks from the heart."
"Joyful actually is an incredible breakfast cook."
"This might be one of my best dishes, guys, this is so to die for."
"This bald eagle and flag sculpture is made out of chocolate by the Grand Floridian bakery, which is pretty amazing."
"This right here is a five-star meal; it's delicious, dang garnet, I can sell this meal for $18.99, you better believe I can."
"She could cook squirrel and bring tears to a glass eye."