
Mail Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"Sending mail, I find it therapeutic. You write the check out, seal it up, write the return address, and walk to the mailbox. I find it kind of therapeutic, to be honest."
"Turn junk mail into cash with Small Business Knowledge Center!"
"So what happens to these unclaimed or lost packages of mail? A lot of them end up at these mail recovery centers. They hold on to them for a while but after 30 to 60 days the mail is either donated or it's auctioned off."
"If you're interested in that, it's brand new, you saw us open it up straight out of USPS mail."
"Somebody stole your 40. That's what happened. That's why you don't send cash in the mail."
"It's just fun to get, like, a little piece of happy mail, yeah."
"This is part of the day in the life I got mail I got mail this is coming in from freaking England dude I've never I haven't had a package from England in years this is sick"
"I'm getting so much mail now. It's almost like a money laundering scheme at this point."
"Another amazing part of being a youtuber is p.o box and I have got a bunch of pr parcels I've saved all of this week's mail up to open at the end of the week so I can show you."
"We got mail, we got mail! And like, what the [ __ ] is this?"
"It's lunch time now and while my soup's heating up in the microwave, I'm going to do a quick haul of all the magic mail I've had recently."
"Points for creativity and for, you know, taking that extra stuff. Plus, who doesn't love getting mail that's not bills?"
"So I've got all the mail that I've picked up in these two bins and I will open them up and when I organize them, I do it like this."
"Everybody loves getting mail, we don't get it nearly enough today, it's a lost art."
"He had a quick breakfast and returned to the creek without waiting for the mail."
"Who doesn't like getting mail? And it just seems fancier when it's on a postcard."
"I've been sent this last week I just didn't have time to open it."
"I can't emphasize enough how great it is to get something in the mail."
"But something did come in the mail already. I did, I lured, yeah, I ordered this."
"Acceptance takes place the moment the acceptance is actually mailed."
"Books two and three came in the mail, they're beautiful."
"...it's not okay to try to stick you with a fake item if you receive it in the mail."
"I'm not going to send it through the mail."
"Where'd it come from? From you. It's your letter. When you mailed it in, you forgot to put a stamp on it."
"And of course, once you create those cards, it's time to pop them in the mail and make somebody smile."
"Seeing those 1400 envelopes heading to the post office is a feeling I'll never forget."
"...for a lot of guys, mail is the lifeline... when I see a guy who hadn't had a letter from his family in six months or a year get one, for a while it may be hours, maybe days, maybe even a week, but they would suddenly have a whole new brighter spirit about them."
"Tampering with mail is a federal offense."
"Happy mail is a really cute stamp set for this."
"I was really happy to get this one in the mail and test it out for you guys with a little bit of fun flying."
"Everyone likes to get a nice gift in the mail."
"A letter mailed in 1943 was finally delivered to a family member 80 years later."
"It's always exciting to get a little package in the mail, something unexpected."
"These are gorgeous, and I'm so humbled when I get those in the mail."
"It's always fun to receive a box in the mail."
"You might get a surprise from me in your mailbox one day."
"I promise you, I used to get excited when something came in the mail."
"I absolutely love opening happy mail."
"I've never understood why they called junk mail spam, because spam is delicious; junk mail is just annoying."
"Look at these amazing cards. I am going to share with you some beautiful mail that I have received in the last few weeks."
"It flattens to fit into a regular envelope and it kind of pops up a little bit on its own as soon as you take it out of the envelope."
"You can pop the whole thing in the mail and surprise someone and make their day."
"It is always a good day when you come home to new mail, especially when it is a teacher tee that you have ordered."
"Neither wind nor rain, nor snow nor sleet can keep the mail away... well, that's not true."
"Right now it's a great time to cheer your friends up, your family with happy mail."
"Male art is a form of artwork where the artist uses whatever materials they'd like... and it's not considered complete until you've dropped it in the mail."
"I want to go to the post office and open a P.O. box because there'll be a lot of companies wanting to send me products."
"One day I was just checking the mail... and I saw a package for me."
"I literally could not have been more excited when I received this in the post."
"It's exciting getting mail, come with me my boy."
"Everything you're gonna get in the mail from them is going to be high quality and very upscale."
"You just rarely get real things by post only on certain occasions like a wedding and that's why I think it's something very special."
"It's always super nice, you just rarely get real things by post."
"It's been probably one of the funnest happy mails that we've ever gotten."
"Look what I just got in the mail today."
"Thank you everybody who sent me mail."
"Wouldn't that be fun to receive in the mail?"
"It's amazing what some personal snail mail can do in your mailbox, your real physical mailbox."
"I love opening mail; it's so much fun."
"I'm home and I have my P.O. box stuff, so I want to show it to y'all really quick."
"Who wouldn't love this, right? Got this in the mail, what a card or a letter."
"It's gonna be for homeless people; they're gonna be stopping by to pick up their mail."
"You know when you get a thing in the mail and you're not sure if it's special or not, but then it comes in like a wooden box that looks nicer than most of the things you've ever seen."
"I'm not content and happy unless I know something's in the mail waiting for me to open it."
"Here's the mail that never fails, it makes me want to wag my tail."
"Bless somebody by sending them a handmade card in the mail."
"Please open up your mail. I know it's no fun because it's usually mostly bills, but sometimes there is a fun package you've ordered yourself in there to give you a bump of serotonin."
"I'm excited because I've gotten a few hang tags in the mail today."
"Pies ship fantastic in the mail if you follow my instructions."
"Hopefully when your happy mail gets to you, you're actually happy with what you've won."
"It's just really fun, and I think it'd be fun to receive for mail."
"It's really fun to get something in the mail that is not junk mail."
"I think they're so much fun and they make so much happiness in the mail for flat mail."
"I got this catalog in the mailbox and I got really excited."