
Technical Performance Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"You guys can't afford framedrops; you can't afford to lose any more frames than the few you already have."
"Even just hitting those speeds at all, you're going to need good dies and hitting those speeds consistently across all those unique pieces of silicon is going to be a whole other matter entirely."
"For these really tough codecs, the M1 Ultra 4000 model is awesome."
"The justification is conjecture. All this being said, basic performance-wise at least, the game is running surprisingly well on my creaky mid-range gaming PC with a few graphic settings like RTX turned off."
"The Marty is a superb 2D gaming device... I'm really impressed with what it's capable of."
"A pretty damn impressive for a game running on the ps2 and xbox."
"This port would probably run at a locked 60 fps on a damn raspberry pi."
"Everything's working great and it has been working great for four days now."
"ZBrush excels in viewport and sculpting performance."
"Achieving a much better image quality than the game being played on PlayStation 5 is not too hard for most GPUs out there."
"It just looks gorgeous as the motion blur shutter speed scales properly with that framerate."
"The engines are steady and nominal, 100 percent." - Unnamed commentator
"And the last game on the list is Prototype 2. In Prototype 2, I set all settings to the maximum, and I used a full HD or 1080p resolution. The frame rate mostly is about 50, but very often will go over sixty."
"Horizon Forbidden West is a gorgeous and highly polished experience that takes full advantage of the PS5 superior hardware."
"So okay, everything seems to be working well."
"The 13700k matches the previous generation Ryzen 9 in Blender open data results."
"I'm determined to not have any technical difficulty the entire season."
"This game is beautiful. Some people have been asking me how it runs..."
"The 3950 X does really well in most of the production workloads we test with."
"Draw distances in particular I think are just amazing here."
"Once I got into Windows, the system actually drew about 3 Watts less from the wall."
"The camera handled the focusing in particular very, very well."
"Flying all over the place... like I was moving at a speed to where I thought the game would crash."
"Donkey Kong Country simply makes great use of all the available hardware features."
"It's an accomplishment really to run idle temperatures as high as this case is."
"Low light performance at high ISO settings is absolutely outstanding."
"The delay isn't good enough to play all types of games, but Platformers and story mode games are honestly just fine."
"Everything continues to look nominal on both first and second stages."
"The game ran spectacularly well with the i7 at 4.2 and a 1080 1070, even at 4k around 60fps."
"Load times are really good too, which is nice to see."
"It's pretty impressive for something with this level of performance inside."
"In terms of day to day performance like the note 5 there is some evidence of lag here and there."
"It's a high refresh rate experience at Native 4K resolution."
"Poor 1% lows are occurring when you fully exhaust your vram and system memory at the exact same time."
"It's actually around 60 fps once again, and now the lighting is way better because it's on ultra."
"I expected way higher frames for some reason, I don't know why."
"The MacBook Pro just doesn't match in terms of pure performance."
"That's elite level performance that only a few monitors I've tested can achieve."
"A chip that just absolutely screams when needed with the thermal headroom to do it, but while maintaining the excellent idle efficiency offered by Apple’s low-power cores."
"Let's match the Raptor. This is walking up here without any problems at all. That is unreal."
"20 frames per second, no joke, no joke at all."
"The fluidity of movement and Tek is impressive, offering a variety of actions like jump, parry, dash, and shooting."
"AMD is now becoming a lot more competitive, if not equal, with better power in some circumstances."
"8K resolution, guys, of course, god, it still drops into the twin did okay I was ah this is bad."
"It's pretty much the best performance at every wattage."
"The performance of the A9 chip is actually amazing. It's still the king when it comes to single core scores. This thing is a beast of a processor."
"We were especially impressed with how things tracked across and above us, and there is no doubt the surround sound processing power inside and all the data you give the receiver really enables it to lay down an incredibly immersive sound field."
"The GH4 has the best detailed image quality in this price range."
"More detail, less noise, less worry about aliasing."
"Here we go, we have off propulsion continues to be normal, R68 chamber pressure looks good, probably not TO."
"The aircraft proved to be extremely reliable during the entire period of operation."
"All 15 silver plates involved in these missions performed well."
"So on the factory magazines and magazines with extension as long as your Springs are good this thing is going to run it didn't experience a single other issue that wasn't related to a magazine extension the entire time I was running it."
"How planted the Ferrari is looking, you know, how much they seem to understand their car."
"The flight controller is a huge part of your quad flying well."
"Overclocking the 2600X to 4.125 gigahertz at 1.425 volts."
"Load regulation is excellent from 1 milliamp up."
"This display has been great; it offers a fantastic viewing experience, colors really pop, and it's plenty bright."
"It's very important to understand the nature of your back-end and whether it's CPU-bound or IO-bound."
"For 700 US dollars, you're getting an astoundingly good balance of both tonality and enjoyable tuning alongside technicalities and capability."
"I think our program is working pretty well now."
"It's just a fantastically tuned headphone with mediocre technicalities but a promising future."
"It's been running now for several hours and it seems to be holding its calibration perfectly."
"It's sheer technical abilities for 25 bucks is just mind-blowing."
"In any decent first-person game, the player's movements have to be completely independent of the frame rate."
"The Anthem is a terrific technical climber; it responds really well to dynamic riding which is especially beneficial for XC racing."
"The latency is basically no longer an issue; it's virtually undetectable."
"For technical performance, this does sound actually reasonably impressive for a single BA."
"The system does work well as long as the parameters are close enough."