
Media Review Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"Only its soundtrack disappoints, but I can't hold that against it when everything else is this well done."
"Vanguard isn't just uninspired, it's apathetic. And so is this review. Apathy is death."
"I can only critique the final product. The storytelling of Titans is broken."
"The Dio rework is definitely something worth checking out."
"You're not exactly missing out on anything if you decide to give this one a pass."
"This I think is my favorite animation we've seen so far and one of my favorites that we're ever going to see."
"There are pros and cons to both the film and the book, but both very much get a 100 percent recommendation from me..."
"Steins;Gate, it's a really really cool take on time travel."
"Attack on Titan, in my mind, for all the reasons I've mentioned, was overrated as the first season was airing, but at this point, I think it's underrated."
"The soundtrack isn't too bad. It's not exactly full of bangers or anything, but for what it is, it's relaxing, ambient, and fits the tone."
"Honestly, I don't mind that 'The Silver Eyes' was slow-paced... it gives you more time to relate to the characters."
"It isn't an adaptation that captures the spirit of the animated series."
"When media reviewers started out, they were iconic for their loud, obnoxious, immature personalities."
"Despite receiving generally mixed reviews, Permanent Record was famously championed by Roger Ebert as one of the best films of 1988 with Reeves perfectly cast as outsider Chris Townsend."
"Although it does seem a bit rushed, we still think this anime is worth your time."
"So, what are your opinions on the HBO Chernobyl miniseries?"
"In terms of story, Odd Taxi was just... the complete package."
"Fantano was well versed in memes, his reviews were filled with quirky humor and bits like cow chuchesta."
"He never really addressed the core claims of the film."
"The storytelling and dialogue is very... it's okay, it's serviceable."
"Simon says freeze is probably the best headline for a review I've ever heard in my life."
"That was so great dear lord I have missed attack on time for glorious moments such as these incredible animation mixed with brilliant use of CGI."
"It's not a great adaptation, but also not terrible, just fine."
"Imagine reviewing the latest movies, TV shows, and music releases."
"All in all, I think Korra is a slight bit better than the reviews say."
"It scored a 100 among critics on Rotten Tomatoes and also boasts a 92 audience review score."
"This was easily the deepest and most poignant of the Distant Land specials."
"Two out of five because the show is too long."
"Overall, I liked it. Overall, I don't think you did like it."
"The characters feel genuinely real and honestly, I could talk about this for much longer than I have time for in this video."
"I'm going to start with something I really didn't think I would say: about a Disney Star Wars show, I kind of liked it."
"We should be reviewing these movies in terms of what they are, not what we hoped they would be."
"This season is a major upgrade from last season."
"I've become an instant fan of The Young Turks, great conversation, great takes, very informative."
"But from my TV reviewer super analytical super picky stance, I'm going to go with the TCL."
"Infinite's presentation still leaves little to criticize."
"Spongebob remains one show I'm always excited to review. For the laughs, for the nostalgia, and even sometimes for the feels."
"I thought it was spectacular, for the most part."
"VIN smoke judge is developing his mighty War spear for peace. For peace." - Reviewer
"This is one of the better ones that I saw last year."
"Sunny Boy has been the single most interesting piece of anime I've seen in the past six months."
"There are no Pro piece I mean you're you're hard-pressed to find anybody."
"But next week, we go back to reviewing classic Wrestlemanias, beginning with WrestleMania 12."
"A simple yet strong hook, a horrific plunge into darkness, good action, great character work in absolute banger."
"It's been a ride for this humble little show about some asshole reviewing comic books."
"Fluid animation, defined visuals. This is really a work of art."
"Thank you guys so much for watching just a little breakdown of what they've shown."
"Possibly the greatest infotainment on the market now."
"I support this review and look forward to getting back on air."
"This recent state of play from PlayStation initially seemed to be pretty mid, but on the positive side, a whole new demographic will get to enjoy them which is awesome."
"Never too dark, just as strange as we were all hoping it would be."
"The characters aren't cringe, they actually do a really good job with the characters."
"I actually liked the video. There's a lot of good parts about this video."
"Do not listen to the Rotten Tomatoes critic score. It's dudu, it's garbage."
"I don't care how late the review is, I'm doing a full breakdown review."
"It's profound, it's important, it's engrossing, entertaining."
"Let's go with final verdicts, I actually really loved it."
"Midnight Mass is without a doubt his best show."
"When you see a second review of the same drama coming from me, it usually means I really like it."
"Half the season to me was just bunk, was just bunk."
"I think this easily makes the top three with a very, very nice video."
"I praise on this channel are the ones that don’t get worse the more you think about them."
"Overall, this was a phenomenal remake regardless."
"Still a good character though, I do recommend."
"Considerations like this separate good criticism from bad."
"The writing is terrible, but the voice acting itself certainly isn't terrible."
"It might not always be perfect but it's still a lot better than it has any right to be."
"It's not just entertaining, but also informative."
"I am going to give it a nine because it took me on a journey, like it won me over, and then I just couldn't get enough." - Link
"This is an easy one to do a reaction or review for. I'm just enjoying it. I was along for the ride. I'm sure I could be critical about some things, but again, like, I just woke up and I liked it."
"Thank you so much for watching... the chapter was just so... exciting to talk about."
"It's tough to say like if the reviews of these it's like the critical darling."
"Who's worse, Eva or the Android? Charlotte Flair is by far the worst thing on television."
"I watched it earlier today and it's very well done."
"This isn't a sponsored post, but I've been really digging the Cuaro BBC series."
"I thoroughly enjoyed the Rough Riders documentary." - DJ Envy
"Now I've watched and throughly enjoyed both of Matt Johnson's previous feature films but I have to say that, this new TV show is my favorite out of all of them."
"Super is not as bad as everyone says it; it depends."
"If I think they fucked up adapting something you just probably won't hear the same level of resentment in my voice."
"I feel like this movie in a lot of ways was ahead of its time I think if this had come out now it'd probably be much more appreciated for what it was ultimately setting out to do."
"It's a very very strong recommendation from me."
"I should remove a sin for the scene being so emotionally powerful, but since I can't see what I'm writing while ugly crying, I'll just let this encounter do what it wants."
"Succession has gone on to be universally lauded by critics."
"Overall, Jungle Fury is quite underrated and deserves more love and attention."
"I'm not hating it, it's totally fine but this isn't like the most memorable interesting romance ever."
"A game that has been making the rounds on YouTube for the past couple of months... an incredibly gut-wrenching piece of media that honestly did leave me speechless."
"It's not the best Spider-Man movie, uh, it's certainly not the worst one absolutely not which we'll get to but..."
"This was actually a really solid Nintendo showcase." - Nintendo Direct commentator
"Spring unsprung is really where the world of Ever After High starts to feel original."
"Infinity Train is a pretty good animation series and animation is not a medium I regularly watch." - "Infinity Train: unexpectedly good."
"In this video, I want to take a look at the good, the bad, and the extremely disappointing of Bleach's zero division."
"I would go ahead and I'm also gonna give it a 9 out of 10."
"It's the best scream that we've gotten in a long time."
"Helsing itself is, I don't really think there could be any more perfect of an adaptation."
"Season 5 feels as if it's the halfway point of Steven universe."
"There was so much to like talk about and there was a lot that I loved about it so let's get into it."
"When this one came out, it definitely got a lot of hype, and I think it lived up to it."
"Wow, there's a lot going on in that one but really, really, really good."
"Blair herself kind of does this too we're gonna get into that in a minute"
"Last of Us adaptation: storytelling mastery."
"The best thing about this article from the BBC is that it doesn't actually say one complimentary thing about the series."
"Let us know what you thought about this first trailer for Black Adam."
"I just started actually reviewing movies on a consistent basis... about a year and a half ago."
"Literally every single person I have spoken to that's seen this show without spoiling it of course, I'm going into this completely blind."
"I'm not going to title this an unboxing and review in the same video five minutes after opening it up."
"The hazarded corner when I started watching Supergirl I expected some random monster of the week show with quirky side characters and funny quips what I didn't expect was the greatest queer love story of this generation."
"Critics are calling it sexy, witty, and darkly rewarding."
"An instant classic," said by Rachel Kors of Time Magazine.
"Even better than before, raves Peter Travers of Rolling Stone."
"Perfect may be an understatement, raves Marcus Allen of CBS TV."
"The game looked good on the broadcast, but as I jumped into the film, it looked even better."