
Family Interaction Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"Ramsay believes you should 'eat properly' and talk to your family whilst having dinner."
"And daddy, why are you so ugly? What do you mean why am I so ugly? I'm scary. I'm a withered skeleton."
"Nothing beats the thrill of kicking your family's ass by having an empire that spans the board of houses and hotels."
"Daddy, why are you laughing? We're about to die!"
"Well, sweetheart, I think we're not gonna go."
"Anything on your phone will now be on your TV screen you can kind of show family like photos and stuff when your phone on the big screen you can play music you can do everything that you would do on your phone but now it's on your TV."
"My girlfriend did the sweetest thing for my brother, and now I know she's the one."
"Can I play on the computer after dinner, mom, please?"
"That was the greatest 26 seconds of my entire life, Junior. What do you think? Wasn't that cool?"
"So you're scared of mum. Little baby. Hahaa."
"He was so sweet to my boys, he was so worried about scaring them, he'd always tell them jokes."
"I've got Sienna a new little hair card which I'm gonna have laid out on the bed and then with these gorgeous scrunchies to match."
"Sorry for the intrusion, hey Nat, why don't you hang out with Mom and get started on your homework? Mom, I'll be right back, okay?"
"It was getting dark and my grandbaby wanted to turn the overhead light on. I told my grandbaby to use his night vision. He pointed to his Temple and said the batteries are dead."
"I love you interact with family." - Alvaro Nito
"My kid is gaming with friends, so I brought him a snack and he says, 'Thank you, I love you.'"
"I love my daughter's expression when I tell her we couldn't skip ads when I was her age."
"Little Kaylee blew her grandfather a kiss through the window and he had no idea that this was the last time he would ever see her little smiling face."
"He wanted to do all of that, so he's come over now on my birthday and he's spoken to my mum, and when he arrived, and to be honest, spending that day with him, I just knew, yeah, I'm actually gonna go back."
"Amy showed me a picture and said, 'Mom, this is me.'"
"Is there a better feeling than when your kid is proud of you?"
"I'm sorry Dad, I won't steal your grilled cheese sandwich ever."
"It's really wonderful to see the family playing with Ben like this."
"Keep away from other people in your home as much as you can."
"Americans would rather have their face time or do whatever there's ways there's technology there's ways to still be connected with loved ones in this time without physically being there."
"My dad used to write me notes in my lunch: 'We wrote all A's or you're all gone.' He was hilarious."
"Mom, please don't turn the internet off, I need this squad battle game."
"If you have $150, $100, $75, go to the grocery store, get a large portion of food, and tell your family to come over and y'all just sit and talk."
"It's just kind of until he finds us button maybe Kari gives him his huh."
"I've been trying to plug in a lot more with my kids and be like a happy play dad."
"My favorite moment/memory of the month was definitely surprising my parents with my tattoo."
"Shame is what I want to talk to your dad about."
"Realize that your parents also have lives; it's good to ask about their day."
"Starting your day with a conversation with your loved ones... feeds your soul."
"I like it even more now, everybody! We're up in the BET to $640, oh good job Ma!"
"It's my look, they're waving, hey buddy, because that reaction is priceless, and it proves this family will find ways to keep the energy flowing."
"Create cherished memories with your Bloxburg family."
"Deciding to smile and pause every time we see our kid."
"Tell your in-laws about your new Cutting Edge ball trimmer."
"Hannah was a typical three-year-old who loved sticking out her tongue, playing peek-a-boo with her two older sisters, hanging out with her dad while he played video games."
"I try to record every sort of moment that I get at the window with mom because we just don't know when it's gonna be the last time."
"The more time that I spent with their parents... that's how I deciphered how to be their dad."
"My dad would always build my mom up with his words."
"He would just get down on our level and play with us."
"I'm with my family with Mimi and my parents in the back. Hello! Say hi, Dad!"
"I called 9-1-1 immediately but as I was on the phone with them ALYSSA started tugging at my arm."
"Every day when I came back from school, my mom would always say hello."
"Like with kids it's like just hug me just prove that you- I'll hug you more!"
"I threw her in the pool she got water on, oh my dress is so wet, Dax. Who cares? Grandmother not me even now I'm not quite sure."
"It was a very warm scene, the kids looked engaged with each other, with their parents, with their extended family members."
"How many parents sat down today and asked their children how they're feeling?"
"Lady, okay, so I'm gonna ask you guys food and dessert rating, 10, on a scale of one to ten, what do you rate? I would say at 10, you say 10 out of 10, mom."
"I'm like turn it on like well time for dinner I don't think be right there honey just gotta wash my hands of all this."
"That's the mommy shredder, bro! Is there something in the shredder? Don't get your hand cut, shredded mommy!"
"Not the jerk, but your boyfriend and his dad are."
"I was so happy to see him on this podium. I mean, I live with my brother who's a huge Fernando Alonso fan so he was absolutely buzzing."
"What if you could walk into the Madrigals casita just saying meet the family."
"I'm giving that an eight and a half out of ten, this is what Adam's mom sees when she comes home from work and Adam hugs her."
"Dad, you're so cool and brave! Mommy, I have to pee!"
"Last night I heard my daddy ask my mommy, 'Darling, how does my dictate?' Not usually my style of joke, but all right."
"Listening to us read always had a calming effect on Ethan."
"Operation scare mom definitely worked, you feel me?"
"Thank you so much for the support guys, I couldn't make outro because my mom was being super annoying."
"I love that I can be in my living room and I could still see all the way over to my other living room and say hi to my kids."
"I honestly just didn't even think about it. I'm really sorry, pops. I won't do it again."
"But before he could finish his question, she was already gone, yelling 'Don't take all the strawberry before I get there!'"
"It's just about surviving this set of donuts in front of the grandson."
"But the first thing that crossed Jay's mind was that we're still in October so why is she badgering her son about Valentine's and at this god-awful hour as well?"
"Years later, I was replaying through the series leading up to the release of Mass Effect 3, and my dad came in to see what I was up to right as I was using the galaxy map and was immediately intrigued."
"I'm lost for words. The best outcome of this experience is to be able to see the boys all play together without beating the hell out of each other."
"We're doing sister tag... just freestyle and get you guys involved."
"Can you believe your dad was in the pool the whole time?"
"Oh so you're not eating the vest it's a barbecue mom. Relax."
"She literally was on the phone talking to her grandmother, they were on their way to the grocery store."
"Hey Mommy, I have to take a piss."
"That sounds like a great idea," she sobbed. "Oh my," said Amy. "Whoever is the matter?" corrected Grandma Robbie. "We should be going. Say hello to Kevin for us, Amy."
"If you're on your phone at dinner, it's very hard for you to tell your kids not to be on their phone at dinner."
"I specifically remember practicing my serve when my brother came out to talk to me."
"Hands up Uncle Theobald, it's just us."
"It's very important for a child to have interaction with both parents."
"She was so excited about giving it to me that she had her grandpa call me from his phone to talk to me."
"I love the way that she interacts with her family."
"Oh my god, kids, I have a revolutionary idea: we're gonna sit down together and talk."
"The number one way that children develop spiritually is through warm interaction in the home, parent and child."
"Listening to stories and family talk are great ways to build children's vocabulary and that sets the foundation for reading."
"It was quite refreshing, you know, to see how he interact with his family and how appreciative he was."
"It's just watching this family interact off each other after this death and it's just... you feel it."
"Mom, it's my day off, can you let me sleep a little more?"