
Seattle Quotes

There are 164 quotes

"The demands of the collective black voices at Free Capitol Hill to the government of Seattle, Washington... We do not request reform, we demand abolition."
"We demand that the Seattle City Council and the mayor defund and abolish the Seattle Police Department and the attached criminal justice apparatus. This means 100% of funding, including existing pensions for Seattle Police."
"This place just elevates the level and when you and I were cutting promos for the TV show many years ago, we used to always talk about how crazy things happen at Seattle all the time."
"Seattle has some of the best street food in America."
"The seattle music scene is renowned for its legendary contributions to rock history."
"They're at that point where they're like, 'Yeah, we're heavy in Seattle, and guess what, we can't really make a go of it.'"
"Seattle Police Department is unleashing flashbangs, Mace, tear gas."
"We are continually having businesses shut down here in Seattle."
"Seattle though is like gorgeous, holy crap, it's like the Emerald City."
"I really want you guys to have the best experience possible if you come to visit Seattle and hopefully you fall in love with it like I did."
"If you're here in the summer and you have an extra day, I would say take the ferry to Bainbridge Island. The view from the ferry when you're going away is like the famous shot that they always show on Grey's Anatomy."
"So probably my favorite restaurant in Seattle for happy hour is List in Belltown. Go there for happy hour if you can because you can literally get like under $10 gnocchi, steak salads, really good food for literally under $10."
"Seattle is just a really good combo of having city water outdoorsy stuff. You can drive to the snow. It just has everything."
"Because of Afro Tech, we have a hub in Seattle where the big boys play in tech."
"Fremont Troll: part weird, part awesome, totally Seattle."
"Space Needle: Seattle's iconic symbol since 1962."
"Underground tour: discover the hidden history of Seattle."
"There's a skate park shaped like bacon and eggs an hour out of Seattle."
"The grunge sound had been nurtured by Seattle punk bands such as Soundgarden, the Melvins, and Mudhoney."
"Seattle is certainly a food city."
"I've never been to Seattle before. When I got there, my first impression was how cold it felt despite the fact it was June." - Narrator
"Despite drawing one of the toughest schedules Seattle put together some very solid wins."
"...second and about five Seattle at it's 23..."
"This angsty new Seattle sound is called grunge."
"There's a whole history of Seattle bands that you don't hear about."
"Suddenly the once overlooked city of Seattle is the hottest town in the country."
"One of Seattle's prized possessions and a fantastic spot to watch the sunset over the Olympics is none other than Discovery Park."
"Seattle's actually really good for dating."
"Seattle, Washington, in fact, the Pacific Northwest is kind of a dead spot when it comes to theme parks."
"Seattle continues to be uh what a pleasant surprise for the folks up there in the kingdom"
"Our energy around the city of Seattle uplifted the rest of these sports around here to up their games a little bit."
"Plenty of things to do here in the great city of Seattle."
"People will say that people in Seattle are cold, but in terms of friendliness, I don't find that to be true at all."
"Seattle is a very green, sustainable city. It always feels like the city is doing something to better the environment and Earth."
"Seattle is a very pet-friendly city. Dogs can go with you kind of anywhere, they can go into stores and go to restaurants."
"The fans and everything in Seattle are incredible."
"Seattle, mostly here because of the cultural impact and sales of this band."
"That's the future, I think Seattle has got some kind of NBA future."
"Let's get started on my top picks for Seattle hotels."
"It's called the Seattle summer and it has garlic, sun-dried tomatoes, and spinach on it."
"Seattle the night before pax is always and super interesting to walk around."
"It's so close to Capitol Hill and it's so close to downtown in Pioneer Square."
"Capitol Hill is the premier neighborhood in Seattle for young adults."
"Seattle has a ton of different Transit modes to get around on and while services like the ferry are classic to the city and the exciting building out of Link light rail is something to look forward to, the real Workhorse of public transit in Seattle is its buses."
"Seattle is like a very big place for a lot of very famous companies. Amazon started there, Boeing started there, Microsoft."
"I will say I'm digging Seattle so far."
"Everyone we've met so far in Seattle has been super awesome, super nice."
"I loved Seattle... Take Seattle in the summertime."
"If you are looking to buy or sell your home in the Seattle or greater Seattle region, feel free to reach out to me."
"Seattle's one of the easier places I've ever spent any time in, so it's always nice for me to be back here."
"Seattle... the downtown looks really nice and you have the rolling hills in this city and it's really green."
"Seattle is the perfect place for relocation."
"The sales tax here is very high; it's 10.1 percent in Seattle."
"Median home price in Seattle for December of 2022 was at $875,000."
"I'm here at the pier at downtown Seattle, and I'd like to show you a little project that I've been working on for the past 20 months."
"I'm reminded of going back to that day when you first came to Seattle... each particular shade of grey was just perfectly beautiful in mosaic, like an art piece."
"If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, then what's the definition of Seattle?"
"It's a must if you're in Seattle."
"Without a doubt, the most iconic building in Seattle is the Space Needle."
"Time to make some memories in Seattle."
"Seattle had become one of the most residentially integrated cities in the country by that time."
"Seattle becomes the first city in the country to voluntarily desegregate its schools."
"Desegregation ended the isolation, the racial isolation of Seattle's black kids."
"I'm now in Seattle for a little over a week because, oh my god, I can cry just thinking about it, I'm meeting Rachel's baby today."
"I just miss Seattle magic, you know the feeling around it, like hanging out with a bunch of people you know."
"I'm more in the Seattle that I grew up in as a kid."
"The chemistry is unbelievable with Seattle right now."
"The migration of the 1940s altered the racial configuration of Seattle, making blacks for the first time in the city history the largest racial minority."
"Real fans making real noise in an NHL building in Seattle, no less."
"What a wonderful time we had in Seattle."
"I think Seattle will forever be the kind of home you know."
"I want my life back, but not here, not in Manhattan. I'm starting again in Seattle."
"A piping hot caffeinated beverage from the very first, the original Starbucks here in Seattle, that's pretty dang cool."
"It's about as touristy as it gets, drinking the first Starbucks coffee that I got from the first Starbucks in front of the Seattle gum wall here in Post Alley. Cheers, full tourist mode."
"I'm out in Seattle now, and I'm in a video place that I've always wanted to go to."
"We made it to Seattle... the excitement can start now."
"The maximum thickness of the ice over Seattle during that last advance was three thousand feet."
"I was just so freaking excited to live in Seattle, you have no idea."
"This stadium boasts a unique horseshoe shape with an open north end to give a stunning view of the Seattle skyline."
"We kind of fell in love with Seattle."
"What a pleasure for all of us to return to the awesome Northwest, the Emerald City of Seattle."
"Speaking of Seattle, how about this view? It's beautiful skyline from Kerry Park."
"Everyone says that Seattle is rainy and cloudy, but every time I've been to Seattle, it's been just absolutely amazing."
"Seattle, a booming tech mecca, big tech is the driving force now."
"Hello Seattle, I did it, it was marvelous."
"If you love coffee, if you love Starbucks, that is where the very first Starbucks was opened here in Seattle."
"The air here in Seattle is so crisp, and once you get up in those hikes, you can see the gorgeous trees, the mountains, and it's just incomparable to anywhere else."
"Seattle is known for breaking down walls, whether it's coffee, music, or technology."
"This city goes big, and tonight will be no different."
"Welcome to Seattle, Washington, for round 19 of the 2022 Monster Jam season."
"Nothing says Seattle like the Space Needle."
"Seattle trip was amazing... we didn't have any rain which was absolutely amazing and we were so grateful."
"Summer in Seattle, it's a beautiful season, baby."
"The answer we're looking for is Seattle."
"The Puget Lobe advanced and retreated over Seattle at least seven times in the last two million years."
"The glacier was three thousand feet thick over Seattle."
"There's so much geology here in Seattle, but we're just getting started."
"I decided I like it in Seattle, I'm gonna stay here."
"It was the first time Seattle had ever been in the Super Bowl."
"Good morning clan, welcome back once again to Seattle, Washington, right below the Space Needle."
"It's winter in Seattle, so we've seen the Sun for the last time until about May."
"I want to travel to Seattle. That has always been a dream of mine because I love that it's super gloomy and rainy."
"The NBA needs to be back in Seattle, of all places it needs to be back in Seattle, 100%."
"The Seattle Supersonics were the first major professional sports team in Seattle and were a huge part of the sports scene in the Pacific Northwest."
"The best winter I ever spent was a summer in Seattle."
"It's amazing to see Seattle with so much snow."
"I'm at Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle, Washington."
"It wouldn't be a trip to Seattle without a coffee adventure."
"It's a beautiful cloudy day in Seattle today; it's a wonderful day to go thrifting."
"It's hard to believe that this outdoor recreation paradise is only minutes away from downtown Seattle."
"To this day, there has always been a duwamish population in Seattle."
"I'm so happy, look at the view. Shout out to Seattle."
"All he did in 2014 was revitalize baseball in Seattle."
"I've only heard good things about Seattle and the Kraken."
"Let everyone know Seattle knows how to party."
"Seattle summers are gorgeous, and I'm really happy with my move here."
"I decided this is where I'm going to stay, I even bought my first home in Seattle."
"The air quality around Seattle is some of the worst in the world at the time."
"Don't be surprised in the summer and fall if there's more price cuts in Seattle."
"I wanted to wish you all a wonderful, glorious, somewhat sunny spring morning from here in Seattle."
"The World Trade Organization meetings in Seattle were met by massive popular protests, called the Battle in Seattle."
"If you're having a good time commuting in Seattle, keep it up."
"What a way to end an absolutely incredible day in one of the greatest cities in America, Seattle."
"We say in Seattle we don't tan, we rust."
"It's a really cool city, yes I've been there and yes it was recently, but there's plenty more of Seattle I'd love to explore."
"I'm so excited that Ruby central has announced that RailsConf is going to be held in Seattle next year, my hometown."
"Welcome to beautiful sun shiny super warm Seattle Washington."
"It's snowing outside today in Seattle, which is very exciting."
"It only snows in Seattle like once or twice a year, usually, so when it does, it's a big deal."
"I finally found a good Italian place in Seattle."
"Definitely plan time to explore Seattle when you come for a cruise because it is a great city with plenty of things to see and do before you embark on your cruise."
"Spectacular to be sailing out of Seattle and be able to see something like this for the very first time."
"What he did in Seattle was phenomenal."
"Liz is in downtown Seattle at the art museum this morning, just a little solo day for her since the weather's so nice."
"On day eight we will disembark the ship, but we have the whole day to explore Seattle."
"Seattle has a special place in my heart forever."