
Thumbnails Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"Eclipse is the genius behind all of the thumbnails on YouTube."
"Thumbnails are the gateway to your world, enticing total strangers to spare a moment of their time."
"The point of a thumbnail is to serve as a succinct representation of the video and its creator."
"You know what, thumbnails kill now is when it's just one person by themselves looking sad and the title is just a word like 'help' or 'you,' and then in parentheses 'not clickbait.'"
"Wonderful thumb, wonderful thumb, wonderful thumbnails."
"I'm in the business of reactions and thumbnails."
"Top YouTubers don't just make one killer thumbnail; they make three."
"Faces do well in thumbnails because it helps us understand other people's emotions and intentions."
"Thumbnails have two things: they have to look good really small, and they have to get you intrigued."
"If you look at successful faceless channels you will see they have kickass thumbnails."
"Using AI software for your thumbnails can save you a lot of time."
"The power of the thumbnail: people make a decision to watch your video based on the title and the thumbnail."
"For your thumbnails to be effective, you'll need to combine them with a high-quality video edit."
"AI is not just limited to generating images for thumbnails."
"...it's all about creating thumbnails and titles that are going to yield a high clickthrough rate."
"Thumbnails are so important. This is the first impression that people see."
"Thumbnails are not all about pretty design. 80, maybe even 90% of the power they use to get you to click is about working out what will interest you on a deeper psychological level."
"I do really like coming up with thumbnails for videos. It's interesting. Thumbnails are so interesting on YouTube because it is 100% of your marketing. The only marketing you get for weeks and weeks of work that you put into a video is one single image and the title."
"Titles and thumbnails are everything. If you don't have a compelling title that goes with the compelling thumbnail, your videos just not going to get viewed as much."
"Most of the thumbnails kind of make us roll our eyes, but they work."
"At the end of the day, you have great content with incredible thumbnails."
"This is the best thumbnail on YouTube!"
"The big thing is the thumbnail, you know what I mean, like what you see on the screen to make you click on it."
"This thumbnail looks like a PBS Eons or Vsauce thumbnail, a channel that people know and trust. The thumbnails look similar, so right off the bat, a lot of people judge books by their cover when it comes to YouTube."
"I'm not the most artistic person out there but polly mata's eight-part lesson on making good thumbnails was both thorough and easy to follow and it allowed me to improve my thumbnails."
"But you gotta get people to view your title thumbnail and want to watch the video, but you gotta do it in a way that's tasteful."
"Thumbnails are very, very, very important. It can make or break your videos. You need a great thumbnail if you want to get your video out. If that thumbnail don't look like nothing, they're not clicking on it."
"People click because of thumbnails, maybe a thumbnail combined with some nutty title."
"Your thumbnails and then your titles are the gateway to YouTube videos."
"But back to what works on thumbnails, they added an outer glow here, which I like because it really does make them pop from the background."
"I think what you've done is you've done such a good job of accentuating a big hog or a group of hogs in your thumbnail. I think that puts you in a different level."
"The thumbnail is crucially important so make sure to come up with a few interesting visual concepts before your shoot."
"Make your thumbnail design have bold colors and an eye-catching visual so it truly stands out."
"That's a thumbnail right there, real life."
"Thumbnails need to draw the viewer in."
"If the thumbnail shows a happy person people see that and they go if I click on this video there's a happy person inside this video. I can watch a happy person."
"Your thumbnail needs to be colorful enough, it needs to use the right fonts, you need to be making the right facial expression."
"It's tempting to, because it's easy, but I would highly urge you to not just take a screenshot of your video and use that as the thumbnail."
"Thumbnail images are just as important as the video itself. If no one clicks on your thumbnail, no one will see your video."
"Look how cute, that's a thumbnail right there."
"You can easily generate a thumbnail for your videos and customize it with text and other elements."
"Thumbnails are the first impression that a viewer has of your video and it is super important."
"But I actually think that's the opposite of what you should do. So why, even though thumbnails take time, why should you bother to do that? Because it saves you time."
"So, everyone should at least try to do thumbnails for every final piece they're making."
"I really liked what you were doing with the initial thumbnails."
"He's got good thumbnails, he's got good engagement."
"Using high-quality images, choosing images that are visually striking and attention-grabbing."
"Thumbnail is like 80% strategy, 20% design."
"Thumbnails are super important; it's the reason why someone clicks."
"Good thumbnails so people will be interested to click on your video."
"Faces are super important for thumbnails."
"Provoke an emotion in their thumbnail such as fear, surprise, or curiosity."
"When you're making your own thumbnails, definitely make sure that they are bright, pretty saturated, not oversaturated, and make sure that you catch the viewer's attention."
"Focus on your thumbnails; the thumbnail is the first thing that people see."
"Having an interesting facial expression in your thumbnail is a great way to capture people's interest."