
Child Quotes

There are 206 quotes

"I thought about my son... he is the most amazing kid you will ever meet in your entire life."
"In 1879, they welcomed their only child, Irving Noel."
"Kendall chick just 4 years old had an adoring smile and loved Minnie Mouse."
"Natasha was a special child, everybody saw it."
"This kid, my child, who survived open heart surgery..."
"Kaylee Anthony was a beautiful sweet innocent child who died far too soon."
"She is such an amazing, sweet, funny, intelligent, and strong little girl."
"You are such a sweet and amazing kid."
"We're parents to a beautiful baby boy nearly two years old."
"I want my huskies to play with my child."
"Through the eyes of a child, the world is a wonderland."
"That child you carry is the only thing on this Earth that matters to me now."
"Somebody's going to war for their son. A child could be involved in this emotional battle, maybe a baby boy or a little boy."
"You have to trust that God is going to do what he said he's going to do and if he knows the plans that he has for you he also knows the plans that he has for your child and he will be there to protect and watch over them."
"I can provide the life I want to provide for my child. It also gives me time with it and I [ __ ] love that."
"Pray for your child to have the experiences they need to return to Heavenly Father. Help my child have those experiences that will promote that."
"They should be celebrating this child for permanently making American cyber security better in the government."
"Stop there, mommy. Mommy, why do you always need mommy?!"
"ultimately from from my perspective I know that a child just needs to feel safe and loved and that's ultimately what you're doing for that child when you are providing that moral background"
"A little child singing is never a good sign."
"Rakell complimented him, saying that he was a promising child."
"The child's resulting anguish at feeling devalued and deprived is inconsequential to the parent."
"A little bit of love and listening goes a long way in cheering a child up."
"The creative adult is the child that survived."
"Your child will make their dreams a reality. They're very skilled and will bring abundance into your life."
"This child will be a soul mate, a part of your soul tribe. There will be great communication between you two."
"For a child, the person who is by their side becomes a world to them."
"But I love my child and I want the best for my child."
"You and your ex made a decision between the two of you that you both feel is best for your child and yourselves."
"...she plans on finding herself a new husband not because she necessarily wants a new person to love or companion but because she wants a child so very badly."
"Even if a child in the womb is a special need child, it is still a blessing from the Lord."
"I can't even tell you how incredible that child is."
"I let him choose. Gender is whatever a child says it is."
"Check it out, the winner is a child. An actual child."
"She's got so many toys. She has so many toys!"
"So your daughter is going to be doing great if she has beans and vegetables and fruits and whole grains every day she's gonna be fine."
"Mommy, I just wanted his chili flakes."
"Parental alienation can be emotionally damaging to the child"
"No amount of money was worth a child disappearing."
"This is an incredible story of how a 4-year-old child would solve her own Mother's murder mystery."
"He's a cool kid, he's still a small child at the end of the day."
"A child was able to give relief and even hope in the hearts of those sick men."
"We may be able to create a child that combines the best of both species, a living symbol of the unity and connection you have fought so hard to promote."
"There's so few times in which something so evil can happen to a child."
"I told her my child wants to pet your horse though she only likes black horses."
"I love my daughter. I don't care if me or her ever see each other again, that's still my child."
"It's my responsibility to take care of my child."
"It's morally wrong to take somebody's child from them."
"He is a child, do you understand me? A child."
"But this little dude has had the biggest temper lately."
"There's no greater gift than love from our child."
"Everyone's a child, yeah, a child of God."
"Let your love wrap around this child tonight."
"False, a heart rate of 140 is not normal for a six-year-old child."
"God said just be my child and watch what I do."
"I personally want to really and focus on and just focus on the child like and see what it's like."
"I literally feel like I'm being more delicate than I would with my own child."
"I'm sure like I know my child at this point like he will be very entertained pulling these out putting them back in so this was a good one and something that he didn't have."
"So this right here is one of the kids all-time favorite baby toys it's got like all these little rings and then you put them down they swirl they twirl."
"A child deserves someone who is confident enough to lead by example."
"A child born today is expected to live about 90 years. Children born by the mid-century are expected to live at least 100 years. It's pretty good news."
"It was meant to hold a 40-pound child, not an adult."
"I can't imagine there'd be anything more scary for them than to think that their child's out there and there could be a shark in the water."
"They've taken to call me an ungrateful child and an [ __ ]."
"It's not about us today, it's about our boy."
"...there is no price that you can put on their child."
"Your daughter's emotional well-being should come first, and it's not worth risking her happiness for a school trip."
"I'm sorry, but this is common sense in my opinion for a lot of adults. Like you should not be putting your child in an awkward position on the internet like that."
"The angel told Zechariah that his prayer for a child had been heard, despite him ceasing to pray for it."
"I say it as a plea: Do not sacrifice your child."
"Teach your child by teaching yourself first, and then your child will learn as from the example that you are portraying very clearly to them."
"When a child outsmarts you. He goes and brings us all his candy, every Kit Kat, his favorite. I was in shock, but he'd been saving up for a skateboard for a year, so must have decided to go all in to push his savings over the edge."
"What drives you to your knees in prayer? A wayward child."
"Your concern is this child, isn't it? Yes, ma'am."
"The caregiver regulates the child's emotions."
"The child always asks me to call his mom as he's stroking my leg."
"Finding this child is of high priority to you."
"That child deserves to be identified and properly laid to rest."
"Double hey, I saw dude, so this is Zion, eight years old, from Philadelphia, oh the first child to ever receive a hand transplant, oh I'm just amazed."
"For a mother, her child is the most important and valuable thing in life."
"Our hope is that the child is still alive so we have to make sure not to fire on the Raptor our best bet is stealth."
"Do you want to say good night to the baby? He's not a thing; he's our child."
"The child is an addition to, not a replacement of."
"She talks so much now; in a silly, goofy, funny, brave, and smart way."
"Carrie is a joyful, sociable little girl."
"She's a beautiful child, loving, kind, sensitive, very intelligent, very responsible."
"You are a very loved little girl."
"Every child deserves unconditional love, acceptance, and validation, no matter what we do."
"Can we make the kid do the magic hand thingy?"
"There's not a bad bone in that little boy's body, he's lovely."
"You'll do anything for your child."
"Keep the world safe, my child, with a smile of angels."
"I felt a small hand hold mine... just a small child's hand reaching out and holding on to mine."
"Meeting the needs of the child is the goal of education."
"Anything is possible for this little angel; he's going to go to big places, I can feel it."
"We're gonna get to focus on this little man right here."
"They made widely known the saying which was told them concerning this child."
"Daddy, there's a man in our room."
"It was for this child that I prayed."
"I do not love him because he is good, but because he is my little child."
"I was just looking at the child, the child was looking at me."
"The right thing to do here is to stop the bleeding on this poor little girl; she needs to be with her mother."
"She was just a super happy and playful kid."
"She was the sweetest, most kindest, most lovable little girl in the world."
"He will protect that child no matter what."
"Regardless, the child is innocent."
"'I want to see my child,' said Mr. Button."
"Asia was a really sensitive child, extremely smart, and a very studious fourth grader at the time of her disappearance."
"That little girl is special for sure."
"It's supposed to be a lasting tribute to the child with the infectious smile."
"SCP-191 is a female human child, approximately years old."
"You know she's a nice child, she said to me, 'Have a nice New Year'."
"Tragedy struck when their first child, a daughter, was stillborn."
"I felt a small hand tap my back three times and a child's voice came to my ear and said, 'Mommy'."
"He's somebody's child that needs to be protected."
"He pressed his eyes closed as he hugged the little boy."
"He pressed his lips to the child's temple as if it was the most natural thing in the world."
"You are very special. You are an amazing child."
"Look at this beautiful child. Beautiful eyes, beautiful smile, beautiful skin. Look how adorable she is."
"It's the two-year-old that this is all about, really."
"No one knows a child like their mother."
"This child has no idea how loved from all around the world it is already."
"It's one very, very lucky baby boy."
"It's the best portrayal of a child character I've ever seen."
"Here is a drama with an adorable kid that will surely melt your heart."
"Junko was everything a parent could want in a child."
"The little boy has a deep connection with the snake."
"I woke up to the sound of a child laughing."
"A starving child knows no politics."
"In Italy, what is a Bambino?" "A child."
"This is a beautiful little girl... just has the most innocent sweet smile."
"The ghost of a little boy has been seen in many parts running around the ship."
"The mother is the world for the child."
"Daddy, there's someone in my closet," she whispered to me.
"My little child is worth all the treasures in the whole world."
"I'm a mother, my child comes first."
"He seems completely happy and fine, bouncing around."
"You never know who that child may be in the future."
"Your child will be very special and might be in the public eye."
"The gods heard our prayer; this child must be our lucky star."
"Like sunshine, sunset, sunrise, it kind of depicts a little sun child."
"Why was a child out here in the middle of the woods alone and asleep at this hour? It defied all logic, all understanding."
"This was no ordinary child lost in the woods, this was something else, something inexplicable and terrifying."
"This child might be the prophesied Savior."
"She's learning words like a sponge."
"I saw a little girl... she walked from the kitchen into the living room and then walked out the back door without opening it."
"He sat really well for his haircut and he seemed super happy afterwards."
"Geralt just wants to know if his child surprise is safe, if she is healthy."
"Geralt says he is there to protect the child."
"Her child was fed, healthy, and under care, and she had nothing more to worry about."
"Bradford was an intelligent child who had a particular aptitude for languages."
"I don't care how he got there, who put him there, I just want him back."
"I'm worried about finding this little boy."
"I see a slow, simple youngster by a busy street, the begging bowl in his shaking hand, trying to smile but hurting infinitely. Nobody notices."
"I would hold and cherish this child as one of my own."
"Imagine how unsettling it would be if a paranormal entity visited your child at night."
"Our love for this child is unbreakable."
"The death of any child is a tragedy."
"That kid is freaking intelligent."
"I heard a small child's voice behind me say, 'Hi there'."
"One child could be the difference between peace and an unwinnable war."
"Smart child though, very intelligent."
"He's just a dream, he really, really is."
"I am putting the health of my child first and foremost."
"I just want to do what's best for my child."
"You are not the most important person in your life anymore, your kid is."
"You have a son? How old?" "He's four, and a handful and a half."
"It's still a child, it's still a blessing."
"The extent of child's power left a lasting impression on those witnessed it."
"Fortunately, this child is doing all right."
"We are the beholders of the eternal principle; we are the knowers of the little child."
"This is a child, this is a kid who needs help."
"The blood Lord recognized that this child was indeed extraordinary."
"Stop looking at a child and saying what's wrong with you, instead look at the child and say what happened to you."
"The child is on his shoulder, slept for two hours."
"Don't be so selfish. Think about the child."
"I want my child stable; I want my child okay."
"Every little story is a huge thing lost, a child, a lost child."
"You've truly bonded with this beautiful little girl."
"Inspire your child to put it on a high, global, respectable, sensational, transformative scale."
"He loves his water, guys, like this kid loves his water."
"I know my little Monkey baby is going to love wearing it."
"Did you know you're handsome? Did you know you're a handsome little boy?"
"He's very clever, my God, beautiful kid."
"You never know what that child is saving you from outside."
"Hello small child, you are a good small child."
"...Doro is a very special child..."
"You know you are a great dad, I can say just by looking at your child's eyes."
"I think it's a really cute little toy for a child."
"You're a funny kid, you know that? You are a funny kid."