
Color Contrast Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"Adding color contrast with lighting to your frame does a great job of creating depth, dimension, and visual interest."
"It just pops... there's such different colors especially with the orange stripes."
"You got the bio mech elements just right. The contrast you got from the monochromatic background, and then those red elements in the foreground, really gives it a punch. Overall good work."
"Color modification increases the contrast of colors on a screen, making the interface easier to see for people with low vision."
"You know, what's gonna look cool, is the fact you've got all like these dark colors up here, when you do the red, that's going to stick out like neon."
"I think it looks fantastic in this ultra white exterior with the black accents."
"One thing that you should take notice of from that last shot to this shot is in this shot there's a lot more contrast and there's a lot more vivid colors going on."
"That's just is just crazy, never fails to amaze me, you know? How it can be so black and so brilliant."
"The high-density colorants and additives make a dramatic high contrast effect that really comes out beautiful."
"The fact that they gave us such darker tones, dude, makes the white and red stand out so [__] much, holy."
"I think it's dynamic on her, I love the black and white, I think it's really, really brilliant."
"This cover is just really fucking awesome in fact it's black white grey but the bold red text and stuff I just thought this look really cool."
"I love this checker print and dark brown I absolutely love the contrast with bright red lining every time I look at this handbag I go like I love the color combination."
"By using color temperature, then you start to pull back and re-establish that beautiful contrast of the sense of light."
"I really like the way this color stands out against the multi-color."
"I love the contrast with the French gray against the silver."
"...but I just really like the contrast of the blue with the cream and then also the tan accessories."
"That turned out so pretty. I really love that olive color against the white."
"Color contrast is important for folks with color blindness or low vision."
"I love all the black accents on it and then with the yellow calipers it just pops against that blue it looks so good in the sunlight."
"I love how clean the white and the blue are against each other."
"The red though pops against this flocked Christmas tree."
"She looks fantastic, oh my God, I just love the blue color of her hair in contrast with her red eyes, she looks great, I love the dress, the wings look fantastic."
"Just the oranges, I really love the orange on their fins. It complements the pink, everything, just a perfect looking fish, aren't they?"
"The matrix is full of garnets, so basically you have a red matrix with a blue aquamarine."
"The traditional red, green, and blue tend to be poorly contrasted and particularly terrible for viewers who are colorblind."
"I love this dusty green, and I really love the contrast colors in the world."
"That metallic blue is just popping with the white standing out on top of it."
"It's a lovely looking car, especially with this deep red exterior and the contrasting cream interior."
"I just love the pop of color of the red with the pink, the contrast."
"It just feels calming and different from all the neon color from a more modern reef tank."
"A white and red is a perfect contrast."
"I love the contrast of the pink and the green."
"It's really hard to imagine us as being a band called Brass Knuckles when we're all wearing these colors."
"It looks cool and that yellow looks really cool especially up against the blue."
"One way to elevate your space is to try to add in some contrasting colors."
"That high contrasting color to the red stripe also works with the blue."
"How lovely does that look now? It's a nice contrast, obviously all those reds, all the colors go."
"In order for something to be accessible or really usable for everyone, there needs to be sufficient contrast between the color of the foreground text and the page background."
"The wheels are all blacked out which contrasts very nicely on this particular car."
"The pink and the black is sick as hell."
"Despite everything being so low saturated, it subtly contrasts with the yellow and orange hues."
"I think the color contrast looks nice."
"Place the opposite color next to your eyes, and it will really make them pop."
"Blue plates, red plates on a white tablecloth really helps them to identify the food well."
"What a drawing, several blues and then you got that poppy red against it black."
"The contrast between the blue and the red and the white is gorgeous."
"I like the contrast of the deep blue and gold."
"It's tempting to be worried about having too much difference between your colors, but I really think that is what makes paintings pop."
"I'm using pink today because it contrasts nicely with this blue."
"What makes bright colors really shine is the contrast of it being next to a neutral color."
"It's much lighter, almost like a white compared to the other green, and we're just gonna add the scales just in the center."
"I think this color is very striking compared to some of the other Sansevierias I grow in my home."
"The color scheme is wicked; even the pieces of plastic like the blue and the red, they just pop."
"Raphael as the Red Ranger looking very striking, especially with the contrast of the gold to the red."
"I really liked the amber color of the solid wood against the walnut."
"The RAB electron pro has the different micro baffles and two-tone kind of color layer here which is also really nice."
"I think the blue just plays off of the warmth and the orange tones of my shelf really, really well."
"The H. pulchripes' metallic blue legs against the fiery gold body coloration make it a truly gorgeous tarantula."
"I love working with Barn Reds too, so see how those contrast, how they're a little bit darker, and especially when they're separated with a background color, it really makes a huge difference."
"That red is reserved for Red Sonja, everything else is cool greens and blues, makes this girl pop."
"It's very important to have both saturation contrast and color contrast in a drawing."
"We have a white transmission and what's really cool about the white transmission that's completely done here is that the engine is going to be blue."
"With Distress Oxides, if you dry in between the layers, you are going to notice that they sit on top of each other, and so the second color really stands out."
"Choose a contrasting color that stands out from all the rest while still tying in to the overall scheme."
"It really was beautiful to see the world from here, colors were bright against the black backdrop of the Colossal universe."
"Turquoise and orange look so cool together."
"With the contrast of black and pastel colors, you can create some really cool artwork."
"The modern CHNR root beer is a steal, even though it's two-tone."
"Keep an eye out for those black backgrounds; those really bold roses seem to do very, very well."
"I love the mint green with the pink; it's very, very contrasting."
"I love this; this is great. Green on red will be able to tell them the difference."
"Yellow contrasts well with the blue."
"The Skagen Iron Naturals comes with a superb blue dial with white numerals, markers, and hands providing amazing contrast."
"Black and white is always very, very sexy."
"I love the contrasting colors and textures."
"I love the contrast of the pink and the white."
"I love the contrast of the green and the blue and the yellow."
"I especially like the way this light blue violet looks against this yellow ochre."
"This plant is gorgeous and like being right next to the Marble Queen, can you see the color difference? It's so beautiful."
"I love the contrast of yellow and blue on people."
"I love the bodysuit, I love everything about it, I love the contrast and color, that hair is fantastic."
"I love the colors on this one, especially her bright orange leggings in contrast with the blue hair."
"A little bit of color like these red-billed hornbills can go a long way to making an image that red pops off the green."
"I think the black contrasts a lot of the blue and the silver and the gold nicely."
"The color contrast between the seats and the rest of the cabin is really nice and helps give it that modern feel."
"This one's really nice because you have the metallic red in the front and the metallic green in the back."
"What a striking contrast between the yellow, or in that one's case, orange, and the black."
"I love the white and red contrast; I think it looks great."
"I am in love with the red and black and white contrast."
"I think they just pop more against my fair skin tone."
"This thing is blue and pink, nice really contrasting bands in there."
"I love this green color with golden hardware, the contrast is beautiful."
"The cape is gorgeous, really well done, black on the outside, red on the inside."
"The contrast between the warm and cool colors... that's what really pulls this image together."
"It's kind of nice contrast between the green, very dark, it's got like a metallic green."
"I love the black and the yellow together; they really pop."
"This new line is a color contrast line and gives you an idea what contrast works best for accessibility reasons."
"The toucan is so adorable, and I love that the blue that it's sitting on is just so sharp because of the cut crease."
"I love the way the cream and the black work together."
"Look how cute that is, and then with the orange, isn't that fun?"
"You want the lid part to be the lightest and then the outer part of your eye to be the darkest."
"I love an all-black outfit with the pops of silver."
"I love orange up against the purple colors of the grapes."
"The green and purple really set each other off nicely."