
Website Management Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"A huge percentage of websites on the internet that are run by WordPress, and it's still very popular."
"Make sure you only use the chat if you're actually going to reply quickly. It can be extremely powerful and a great way to engage the people on your website."
"I haven't even updated it in quite a long time... but it's continued to make me pass income to today."
"Set your home page to display your latest posts."
"On this dashboard, you will find most of the metrics we discussed so it makes it easy for you to track what's happening on your site."
"You might as well at least own your own website and your own domain name and be able to control the look, the branding, the feel, and of course the access to your audience."
"Having quality content is extremely important."
"It's extremely important to establish authority on our website."
"Squarespace website just maintains itself—no updating needed, no fussing with plugins."
"Your website is like a boat and if you wanna go fast, you need to make sure that there's absolutely zero holes in your sail."
"Your Yoast settings are at full optimal settings so at this point all you need to do is just work on your content."
"All in One WP Migration is probably the easiest backup and migration plugin."
"You want to be on my website pay me you know simple as that."
"You don't want to dig yourself into a financial hole having to pay every single month for a website host when you're not even making money yet."
"It's always good to get new visitors, but you do have to put an effort to have the old visitors coming back to your site again and again."
"Even if you make a website and it becomes popular, then it goes down, you have to know exactly how to optimize it."
"Last but not least, you wanna add a meta title and meta description."
"This is a game changer for me, for my purposes, for how I use my website."
"It's that easy to create a Google Tag Manager account."
"Once you add Google Tag Manager to your website, you can manage all of your tags directly in Tag Manager."
"You can see they give you a little bit of information about the traffic to your website."
"Google Search Console is a great free tool that everyone should use."
"Google tag manager is like having a personal assistant for your website, taking care of all the tracking tags so you can focus on what really matters."
"It's free, it's from Google, and it helps you simplify that process of adding and managing multiple tracking tags."
"With GTM, you can manage all your tags in one place and easily add or remove them without having to touch the code on your website."
"No one knows how to run it, no one manages it, all the site owner does is log in occasionally to respond to comments, and the site gets hacked because no one does updates."
"CMS is a better option if you're creating large websites with multiple pages or if you plan to make a lot of additional changes to your website down the line."
"Often free trials are only for a limited time, but hopspot is unique. Their website management tools are completely free forever."
"Google search console is the best way for you to monitor your ranking and performance on Google."
"In order to change your website and add a website description all we have to do is go into the back end of our website and then go to settings and general."
"Every time you make a change to your website and you click update, that's basically like saving your work and it's updating the live version of your website with any changes you might have made."
"If you are a large website with many authors, you should leave it on; if you are not, then you should leave it off."
"...settings for your WordPress websites. You guys can also change things like the site language, the time zone, the date format..."
"You can change all the topography from right here on your current Wordpress website."
"Yeah, I think for me personally, the sites that were hit the hardest were the ones that I reversed a previous penalty with like a 301."
"The only thing that you can control 100 percent is the words on your website."
"What do I use to run my website? Well, I use Shopify."
"This is how huge e-commerce sites handle their websites even during peak sale time."
"Changing your permalink settings can seriously impact your search engine visibility."
"It's so easy to add posts or pages."
"Can your client update your Webflow website without your help? Yes, they can."
"I would definitely say do not overlook security plugins because you don't want to get caught out, especially if it's your website."
"Never underestimate how important having backups in place is when you have a website."
"It might be a good time to clean up your website."
"With IP whitelisting, you'll be able to log in on your WordPress website only from specific IP addresses."
"If you are getting DDoS attacked, we can now enable all this and this will all apply to your website."
"All you have to do is click website domain, you click the social media that you want, and bada bing bada boom, it's right on there."
"Google search console is a must-have tool for your website; it shows the health of your website but also shows what keywords people are actually searching for when they click on your website."
"By building a robust site management and recovery setup, it will give you peace of mind."
"Adding the tracking code site-wide is as easy as maybe adding a Google Analytics plugin to WordPress."
"You can use it to install all the tracking codes on your website."
"Make sure that you do have a privacy policy page because I think they're kind of mandatory nowadays."
"This zap tells us when there is a critical issue or some downtime on our website."
"How you make use of categories and tags makes a huge difference to how navigatable, user-friendly, and SEO-friendly your website ends up being."
"I think it looks fantastic, and I know how these sections work, I know how to update everything."
"A Quarto blog is a Quarto website with specific opinions already made and it includes a listing created from a directory."
"These plugins are essential to running a fast and secure website."
"When you are on an independent website, you're able to work with different variables and bring them into one place."
"Auto backup before updating is key and vital if you run a busy site."
"Managing your site's navigation visual and so much easier."
"That's how easy it is to go through the whole process of backing up and restoring your website should something go wrong."
"If you are a stats-driven person looking to make the most optimal way of improving your website and monitoring and maintaining it, this data should be invaluable to you."
"Under membership, you can decide whether anyone should be able to register for an account on your site."
"Administrators have full control and can manage all aspects of your WordPress site."
"This Redirection Debugger will save you a ton of time, so if you have a lot of existing redirections on your site, it makes perfect sense to turn this redirection debugger on."
"Using these global fields makes it really easy and fast to keep your website up to date."
"It makes it way simpler for your readers to get what they want and this puts you back in control of your WordPress website."
"Sitemaps are still important for Google search."
"Having the site not go down is more important."
"The people who run the site care more about making sure that real users see their content."
"If you want people to continue to visit your site, you actually have to provide them with content."
"You absolutely want a sitemap for your website."
"Having the cookie notice is the first step in your remaining GDPR compliant and it can protect you legally."