
Heartbeat Quotes

There are 173 quotes

"Let them hear that baby's heartbeat, let them see an image of that baby in their womb."
"Can the Gemini get to a point of listening to its own heartbeat?"
"You're the only girl that makes my heartbeat faster and slower at the same time."
"The heartbeat is where music comes from."
"That heartbeat channels everything else... it's your true north."
"The drumming is like the heartbeat of the weirwoods."
"The only sound, a thousand hearts beating as one."
"You feel alive, your heart is beating with the beat of that drum and reminding you that you made it back that you're here that you're alive and you have a purpose."
"My heartbeat is my only motivation."
"That's right, it's got a heartbeat."
"It's almost like your heartbeat, you know when you get excited about something."
"My heart was beating out of control."
"You make my heart race so damn much I didn't even know it could beat this fast."
"I just remember hearing it right away and they're like, 'Oh, well, you got a strong heartbeat right there, oh good!'"
"I could feel his heart racing a mile a minute."
"Everyone has Rhythm by the way. Really. If your heart didn't beat, you wouldn't be here. Your heartbeat is the first Rhythm."
"He's the heartbeat, he's the leader of this team."
"You feel your heartbeat slow to a relaxed pace, with it, your breathing deepens."
"My heart hasn't stopped racing since the second you told me that."
"I feel like my heart skips a beat every time."
"Wow, that drum beat in the background. It's almost like a heartbeat."
"All they would have felt was their hearts beating in their chest."
"As she's sitting there, all she can hear is her own breathing and the pounding of her heart in her chest."
"Your heartbeats sound like a damn Oklahoma Prairie right now."
"Your heart's beating all the time, whether you know it or not."
"There's even work suggesting that the heartbeats are really the best indication of longevity."
"this is the heartbeat of this community"
"She can amplify her heartbeat to devastating levels."
"Music helps us then to keep in touch with what we really are. Music is a manifestation of heartbeat."
"Appointment went great we got to hear baby's heartbeat with the Doppler which is always so special."
"All I could hear was my deafening heartbeat and the man's evil laughter."
"my heart throbbed heavily in my chest and its beats echoed loudly in my ears"
"Every step, rustle, and bird song seemed to match my heartbeat as I ventured deeper into the Adirondacks."
"You'll never need to," with her head on his chest, she listened to the strong rhythmic beat of his heart beating in time to her own.
"The complex electrical system in the heart controls the heartbeat."
"The cardiac cycle: the sequence of events that takes place between one heartbeat and the next."
"Thor's hammer represents the heart or heartbeat, or source of power in humans and all other aspects of life."
"If you got a beating heart, this thing is going to quicken your pulse."
"The heartbeat of the organization is pounding as loud as I've ever heard it."
"Your heartbeat, that's a periodic oscillation."
"That's the heartbeat of the locomotive."
"You know it has a heart, is beating."
"Your heartbeat connects you to the heartbeat of life, to the heartbeat of the world."
"As soon as I sat down and they started working on me, they put a monitor on my stomach and I could hear her heartbeat."
"To try and make your heart beat faster is the epicenter of any great car."
"Our heartbeat is literally sustained second by second by the good God that we serve."
"Your heartbeat follows a fractal pattern."
"There are many things I love about the simplicity of one heartbeat; that's all you need to move, to dance."
"Most of the time your heartbeat should be even and steady."
"Nature is like us, its essence is like our heart, listen closely and you can hear its heart beating."
"The heart is beating, you know you're alive."
"I'm so excited and I'm going to get the heartbeat too, I can't wait."
"Thrill of battle, the pounding of my heart, the taste of my own blood. I love it."
"The drum is a symbol of the heartbeat of Mother Earth; it's a symbol of the heartbeat of each and every one of us."
"Observe your heartbeat, observe your breath."
"Feel the breath start to slow, feel the heartbeat start to soften."
"I'm so giddy, like we actually heard the heartbeat."
"Every heartbeat, every human heartbeat is sacred."
"You always know how to make my heart skip a beat."
"The bee hummingbird's heart beats up to 500 times per minute."
"Michael J. Fox being in the lead role here is absolutely the heartbeat of the movie."
"My heart is beating; I won't let go."
"This engine's like a heartbeat, just thumbs along."
"This is where your heart starts beating and starts to beat a little faster."
"I got to hear the heartbeat... it was the biggest relief of my life."
"This is the best part, like, can hear it, just connect, that's not a train, that's a heartbeat."
"Jamaica is here as a heartbeat of the world."
"That's where we see the heartbeat, and that's like one of the funnest ultrasounds and appointments that I have with my patients."
"While listening to music, your heartbeat will sync with the rhythm of the song."
"When I look at you, I can hear my heartbeat."
"It's like it finishes in a complete, you know, da-dum, da-dum, da-dum, which is like a heartbeat, or like a rhythm."
"She was positive, though, that she could hear the discordant pounding of her own heart."
"The normal heartbeat range falls between 60 to 100 beats per minute."
"Can you hear my heart beating for you?"
"One day I was born and my heart started beating."
"In every heartbeat, there's a story waiting to be told."
"We are one heart beating in the universe, throbbing with pulsating bursts of love."
"The hearts of seven million men and women beat inside the city."
"And in the dark, I can hear your heartbeat; I tried to find the sound."
"The balance wheel in a watch is kind of like the pendulum on a clock, the heartbeat of the watch if you will."
"You don't think about making your heartbeat; it's done for you by that same part of your mind."
"It's what you do to make my heart beat, and how."
"Suddenly she was aware of her heart beating rapidly within the cage of her ribs."
"There's been one constant upon the whole, the heartbeat of the nation."
"When every heartbeat hammers out the proof that life itself is miracle enough."
"Feel the beat of your heart, feel the energy pulsing around your body."
"Your heart beats in honor of life."
"The SA node is the natural pacemaker."
"It's all a part of one heart, one heartbeat."
"We hear four heartbeats, so at least they're alive."
"When I'm sitting here, I feel my heart beating with everybody."
"That heartbeat gives it the human touch."
"I can hear your heartbeat from here."
"The sound of your heart beat, the 'thump thump,' is actually the sound of your valves closing."
"You've passed me so many times, my heart was beating."
"Overall, right now, all I'm thinking about is that there's a baby and there's a heartbeat, and that's all I care about."
"The heartbeat was 167 beats per minute."
"Her heart started beating loudly when she saw the second Prince for the first time."
"I might be dreaming, you're stirring things up. My heart's speeding, my heart is beating."
"I am nothing, heart is beating cause of you."
"The fiery girl, looking at him, felt that his body was beating much faster than before."
"Everything starts at the SA node, and a healthy heart from the minute a baby is born until the patient dies is supposed to give an impulse."
"Love ya, that's my heart beating for you."
"I'm always humbled when I realize that the heart beats something like a hundred thousand times every day just to keep me in my body."
"The heartbeat of a car is in its engine, and the pulse is felt in every rev."
"Muscles create movement at joints, stabilize and support the body, maintain your posture, and keep our heart beating."
"From when we were a fetus, we were listening intuitively to the rhythm of our mother's heartbeat."
"My heart beats for you and only you."
"Lance's Armstrong's heartbeat is slower than a regular human's."
"That was the first time in my life that my heart beating so fast."
"That's your heart, that's your pulse."
"A beat is every time your heart beats, it's every time you hear a heartbeat, that is one beat."
"I was so grateful to find these; my heart was going about a million beats per minute."
"Feel your breath, feel your body, feel your heart pulsing against the floor, reminding you that you're here, that you're part of the present moment."
"The human heart beats more than 2.5 billion times in the average lifetime."
"Feel it in the heartbeat of the world."
"I put a hand on Tamlin's heart, and a steady beat echoed into my bones."
"Each heartbeat, each breath you draw is a demonstration of my divine purpose unfolding within you, a purpose rooted in healing and restoration."
"Feeling the pulse of the heart beneath your thumbs, the breath passing over your fingertips."
"It was sort of like the inner workings on some sort of underlying technological heartbeat for the superheroes."
"Well, that's it, guys. Turbo S picked up to Doug's. I'm excited, man, like my heart's beating fast."
"Feel the rhythm of your heart, a steady beat, a constant reminder of life's precious gift."
"Sophia's pretty face instantly turned red, her heart raced, pounding wildly."
"My heart is still beating a bit from this nice experience."
"We won't be silent; I hear the pulsating rhythm of your heart."
"What up? Is the question that gets my heart beating so quick."
"Hear the sound of your heart beating, reminding you of the present moment."
"For a brief moment, Reena was hugging me from behind. That made me feel like my heart was beating out of my chest."
"The thumping inside my chest pounded in a rapid cadence, not skipping a beat."
"The heartbeat is controlled... it sends excitation waves from the right atrium to the left atrium and those waves then spread down to the ventricles."
"I wish I had like a heartbeat tracker so you guys could actually see how my heart just changes."
"I was interested in having the installation embody a person's heartbeat."
"The lights would then in real time pulse with their heartbeat and translate it into pulses of light."
"Scientists even compared it to a heartbeat."
"She said it was a really lovely strong heartbeat, which was really nice."
"It just became real, you know, we heard the heartbeat."
"When he thinks of Erica, he finds that his heart beats so fast."
"Can you hear the beat of my heart?"
"Best moment this week: hearing her heartbeat to sort of kick off my Valentine's Day was just really, really special."
"It was such a magical moment, like my heart skipped a beat, like my pulse was racing, and like the adrenaline was just flowing through me."
"He was alive and his little heart was beating."
"I actually felt my heart pounding in my chest."
"He was really aware of his heart beating, which caused general anxiety for him."
"I love y'all. Know my heart beat is B for y'all."
"A vibration wave created by a rapid ejection of blood from the left ventricle is called a pulse."
"We saw the little flicker of the heartbeat."
"Each throb is a beat made by your heart as it pumps blood around your body."
"Be beyond the mind, the heart beats."
"In every heartbeat and breath, my love for you is woven, a steadfast promise that remains unbroken through the ages."
"When I kissed you, I felt my heart beat faster because I liked you."
"Her sparkling eyes made my heart skip a beat."
"Some Yogis had been tested and it showed they could control their heartbeat."
"That's when my heartbeat saying that he is your first and last love."
"I can't tell you how my heart is pounding just imagining what might happen."
"Dude, you can feel the heartbeat, that is crazy."
"That was really pretty, that's one, what is it called? Heartbeat."
"Can you hear it? Can you hear your heart begin to beat?"
"Let every beat resonate with the promises of God."
"That was exhilarating, watching that clock check, I just gotta say my heart hadn't beat that fast in a while."
"Waking up to my heartbeat accompanied by the rain."
"Every time when you're looking at me, it feels like my heart is keeping the beat."
"Every time we touch, makes my heart beat faster."