
Online Privacy Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"A VPN is a great tool for protecting your online privacy and security by masking your IP address and encrypting your internet traffic."
"All kinds of scary things are out there on the internet: surveillance, web limitation, data mining. Lawn boxes happens all the time without you even knowing."
"Protecting the public and especially children from online privacy invasions and dark patterns is a top priority for the commission and those enforcement actions make clear to businesses that the FTC is cracking down on these unlawful practices."
"Epic used privacy-invasive default settings and deceptive interfaces that tricked Fortnite users, including teenagers and children," FTC chairwoman Lisa M. Khan said in a statement released Monday.
"You should really just avoid online services that try to track you in the first place. Google, Facebook, Twitter, they're all designed to track you."
"In four months, we will treat data from anyone watching kids content on YouTube as coming from a child."
"It's sort of like having someone in your corner like a privacy coach who's out there to help you maintain a healthier online, more private life."
"It's like you whisper something in a back room and then all the internet ads start to sell you something that you've been thinking about." - A relatable and slightly humorous description of online targeted ads.
"When it comes to privatizing yourself on the internet, you should do a better job of it."
"You should presume whatever you're putting on the internet it's already in the public hands."
"It is not illegal to find out someone's identity online."
"Something that we all should care about, though, is our online privacy..."
"Privacy is a service that lets you do your shopping online using virtual cards instead of having to use your real ones."
"ExpressVPN encrypts 100% of your data so anytime you're online, no one can see what you're doing, which keeps your personal info secure."
"For all the stuff that we've talked about so far like blocking someone from your suggested videos locking them from your viewers recommendations and blocking them from your related channels I think those should go both ways."
"Private internet access hides your online activity from your internet service provider, network administrator, and government sensors."
"If like me you believe that your online activity is nobody else's business get the VPN I trust at expressvpn.com use my exclusive link expr ESS vpn.com get an extra three months for free expressvpn.com Ben."
"Everyone absolutely needs a VPN to protect them. If you're using the internet without one, you're being needlessly reckless."
"This exemption could give the government alarming control over online interactions with little transparency."
"Getting SurfShark is a step towards more private browsing experience, opening up a world of new media you never had before, and..."
"Protect your personal data, surf shark makes online privacy simple."
"It's fast, it's reliable, it's widely well regarded, it's a great way to up your security and anonymity online."
"SurfsharkVPN turns you into an anonymous and hard-to-track user, giving you more freedom on the internet."
"If the internet knows more about your kid's medical history than your damn doctor, you are not doing this right as a parent."
"Do you ever feel like you're being watched online? You are."
"Make sure you leave the domain privacy protection on."
"Safari's intelligent tracking prevention is basically blocking a lot of the trackers and a lot of the different technologies that want to track you around the web."
"VPNs alone are not enough. IP address is not the only way that people track you anymore." - Nathan
"Fortunately, that's why I use ExpressVPN, which not only hides my IP address but also lets me watch all the videos that YouTube has blocked because by god it's my right to watch whatever I want."
"Do yourself a favor and start protecting yourself online with NordVPN."
"Fortunately for us today NordVPN provides users with the kind of data protection that puts the Enigma machine to shame."
"Crypto Nick advises viewers to use VPN to access Big Connect in Texas."
"Privacy is important and everybody should get that when they go online."
"I'm really big on online privacy but I just got called a cheater who was trying to cover her tracks, no one believed me at all."
"ExpressVPN's whole thing is putting a stop to that by rerouting 100% of your network traffic through their secure encrypted servers, protecting you from Big Man Charlie the sausage boss."
"Web 3 sees online privacy and owning your information as key."
"We really appreciate your support to just keep, you know, giving you all kinds of free tutorials that can walk you through how to improve your privacy."
"Protect your browsing behavior from prying eyes with today’s sponsor, Surfshark VPN!"
"Evan had always disliked that on the internet everything felt permanent."
"Remember, you don't need to share everything about your personal life online."
"This video might leave you worrying about your privacy online."
"Personalized ads will stop running on content made for kids."
"NordVPN is like a cloaking device that protects me wherever I go."
"Secure your online data today by visiting expressvpn.com/fearless. You'll get an extra three months free if you add now. That's ExpressVPN dot com slash fearless. You need to do it."
"Luckily, ExpressVPN blocks your ISP from seeing what you're doing online."
"Being attacked by monsters and being trapped in an alternate reality is pretty scary, but not as scary as having your online activity tracked."
"A recent survey found that 80 percent of Americans are worried about their online privacy and would be willing to pay for social media in return for better protections."
"This video is sponsored by safing - take back control of your internet connection!"
"The more you post your child online, the more risk of harm or danger."
"Maybe we need to pump the brakes a little bit and more clearly define what's okay to say online about our children."
"When you use ExpressVPN, your identity is anonymized by a secure VPN server so ISPs cannot see your online activity."
"Can you imagine the sheer terror of... talking [critically] on Twitter and then all of a sudden your grocery delivery order account gets cancelled?"
"I would highly suggest that you guys get a VPN and the one that I have been absolutely obsessed with and the one that I find to be the most user-friendly is Noord VPN."
"Everything you do online is tracked, measured, and monetized, sometimes even used against you legally."
"Before we unlock the gates of heaven, you better lock up the gates to your online privacy."
"NordVPN software allows me to safely browse the internet without being traced."
"VPN's or virtual private networks are an essential part of protecting your privacy online."
"If you're browsing the internet without a VPN, even if you're just chilling at home, your privacy is still at risk."
"When most people think of personal protection, they think of their vehicle or home safety, not too many think about how vulnerable their personal details are to online attacks."
"Your actions online are being tracked constantly."
"Most of you watching this are probably familiar with VPNs, but if not, a virtual private network will help you keep what you do online safe and private, preventing someone with bad intentions from intercepting your private information."
"In it, she detailed the terrifying ordeal she'd been subjected to after posting intimate pictures of herself on a social media page known as OnlyFans."
"Imagine surfing the internet without a VPN."
"If you value your online privacy, this is an amazing tool to have."
"If you're like me and believe your online activity is your business secure Yourself by visiting expressvpn.com Merle today use my exclusive link e x p r e s s vpn.com Merle and you can get an extra three months free."
"What's really scary is going about your life online without protecting your privacy and security."
"Sharing personal stories online can have real consequences. Respect people's privacy and the impact it can have on their lives."
"Surfshark not only encrypts all of your data and protects your identity online, it also helps you unlock geo-blocked content."
"She felt a little embarrassed about this all being out there online, even if nobody knew who we are."
"Security and privacy is super important and a VPN really helps out with that."
"As a YouTube person I am very concerned about my internet privacy and I love that I can just put on this mask and be whoever I want behind it, be who I truly am behind the NordVPN mask."
"You're going to get alerts for any potential data breaches or leaks of your personal information online."
"CyberGhostVPN keeps you safe because it hides your IP and hides your data so you remain totally anonymous and no one will know what you're doing online."
"ExpressVPN encrypts your data while you're browsing online."
"Online security and privacy is a must."
"Basically, you're hiring your own internet bouncer who's going to protect your online privacy when hackers and the government come knocking."
"Surf shark is a VPN service also known as a virtual private Network why do you need surfsharkvpn well surfshark has over 3 200 servers in 100 countries."
"But on top of all of this you can stay secure online by using a VPN you'll be safe on public Wi-Fi."
"NordVPN is going to protect our personal information from being taken and sold for profit to these companies."
"You too can prevent others from tracking you online, vaporizing those pesky files."
"In the end, I never figured out who it was that was messaging me, if it was the same person, why they were doing this, and worst of all, if they really had been watching me."
"It's possible to move towards online privacy and anonymity."
"If you value your online privacy... sign up for a delete me account today."
"This is exactly what VPN’s help protect you from and nobody beats NordVPN when it comes to speed, quality, ease of use, and additional features"
"With NordVPN, not only can no one else spy on your webtraffic, but neither does NordVPN, they don’t track or share what you do online, your traffic is encrypted and has a kill switch to instantly shut off the connection if there’s a problem."
"If you haven't heard of them before NordVPN is an award-winning virtual private network."
"'NordVPN's awesome, you guys should check it out if you haven't.'"
"Download Surfshark today. It not only protects you from the gaze of Sauron but can also open up your world of entertainment with this virtual personal network or VPN. You are untraceable and protected."
"If there's one thing you definitely shouldn't be careless about, it's your online privacy."
"It keeps you safe and private by covering up everything you do online."
"If you guys want to be browsing really privately, download the Tor browser."
"Anonymity online is one of the most important things about the internet."
"It's really important to use a VPN service."
"If you're using Tor, your communication is encrypted between you and the website."
"Browser fingerprinting is a dangerous tool against internet privacy."
"You have a right to privacy, and you don't have to forfeit that because you're online."
"When you have a VPN, you're insuring everything you do online is completely secure."
"When people go online, we shouldn't have to forfeit the basic privacy we're entitled to as Americans."
"For extra privacy, Wasabi runs over Tor so that spying nodes cannot easily pick up your real IP address."
"Having a VPN is a very safe way to protect your browsing from the government and prying eyes."
"Giving you an online identity that's truly anonymous."
"When I was growing up, the number one thing was never share any real information about yourself online."
"As we spend increasing time online, there are websites capable of taking our information without us even knowing it."