
Channeling Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"We will now begin the channeling. Mystic Maya and honored guest, please proceed into the channeling chamber."
"Channeling gives us the ability to find our own truth, our own personal relationship with creation."
"Wands simply allow a magical person to channel their innate magical ability."
"You guys were constantly channels for messages from the divine, from multi-dimensional light beings, ancestors, ascended masters."
"Is it possible to develop our own direct channeling that is personal to us?"
"Drawing down, channeling a higher reality, a higher truth."
"I can Channel Yeshua if I want to, you know. I can Channel Archangel Michael. I am that God I used to be afraid of."
"You cannot possess this love, you can only be a channel through which it may flow."
"No one person channels in the same exact way; each person uses their own spiritual sovereignty and uniqueness."
"Channeling is first to listen and then to clear away the gunk of the old to make space for the new."
"Everybody can tap into spirit, everybody can channel, everybody can be a medium on some level."
"May you suspend your time with the creator so habitually that this becomes a resource that you may become a channel for the love and the light of the infinite one."
"Greetings dear ones, I'm Kryon of magnetic service for those who have just tuned in and there are many."
"Is your channeling helping your life? If so, proceed happily."
"You are a divine channel for whatever your gift is."
"You're not tempering your energy or your passions, you're actually channeling it."
"We don't need to demonize our anger and our rage; we just need to put it towards the right things."
"I think one of the great gifts of channeling for me was it made me realize everything's a rabbit hole."
"You are going to be working spiritually on two fronts the first front is you are going to be channeling."
"You're transmitting and channeling messages and people are really, um, like, they're, they're very carefully listening to you. So, that's really interesting."
"The greatest thing I can do right now is to channel love, is to channel compassion."
"The ego is going to come in at the beginning, the ego is going to tell you that you're not important enough to channel those Ascended Masters so we want you to see us as equal."
"Thank you, Spirit, for allowing me to channel these messages."
"A prophet comes by putting himself aside and trying to make himself into a conduit."
"Don’t correct somebody when it comes to their channeling, we’re telling the story too."
"You're connecting the energy from source, the energy from the divine, that beautiful healing heart energy that connection and wisdom to your akashic records and spirit, and you're channeling it to give and help heal other people."
"You're channeling without even realizing it, cosmic intelligence."
"All ancestors closest to the Sun, please help me channel this message."
"You start to get intuitive because this is our intuitive channel."
"The astrological energies parallel a lot of what's coming through with channelers and other spiritual and psychic Messengers that are showing us that this is what we're capable of, this is our potential."
"Jimmy Stewart took all of his rage and heart and channeled it into some of the most heart-wrenching scenes."
"The little devil coming out of this egg reminds me a bit of mercurious from the Grim's fairy tale which is this incredibly powerful force that must be channeled correctly."
"Don't fight how you feel, channel it into something positive."
"It is a source and a divine force that is beyond you channeling through you."
"The kind of information that you were able to channel...was so specific."
"You just give me chills every time, like you channel him."
"It was like, if I may be so bold as they felt like an alter ego in a weird way, sort of like I could kind of channel this guy and I loved it."
"Anger is a tool... I could channel it into exercise, art, or better communication."
"Hearts is what this is meant to channel, not the barking dog."
"Please protect me as I Channel through this energy, please and thank you."
"It's just completely channeled, that's my experience of you, it's just how divinely you're such a beautiful channel for that."
"So in the extended version of this reading, I will be channeling messages from this divine feminine's higher self directly in regards to this twin flame connection in relationship to the divine masculine."
"Harnessing that part of themselves and channeling it in a positive way is extremely important."
"I am a Channel of healing light connected to the universe."
"But I started to like Channel this energy and I I would feel something actually come over my body."
"It's much better to go, 'Hang on, what does that guy there want from this guitar solo? What is that audience member want from this guitar solo? If I can channel that and deliver to them, it's not about me anymore, it's about channeling this thing and giving to them."
"You're bringing something new to the earth that wasn't there before, and so yeah, you bring your body, you bring your energy field, you bring your psyche, but you also allow something else to come through."
"I channel the magic into my spine."
"I'm channeling all of the Ariana Grande vibes today."
"I was so angry that I channeled that anger."
"Apologies if I cry guys but I'm taking on the emotion and I'm holding space for it so if I cry and I stop and I cry don't worry about me I'm okay this is how I channel."
"You've been a channeler in past lives you've done so much in past lives in regards to your emotions and spirit you are an alchemist."
"I might just be channeling the aruan council."
"Bravery is quite often a flipside of fear or just fear, well channeled."
"It's none of us giving it - it's that presence within. You're just a channel or tool or instrument. Definitely."
"Everything we do is always channeled towards family."
"Channel that negative into a positive in some way."
"Artists are modest they know they're not doing the work they're just taking dictation."
"To channel is to really know who you are. It's to find the frequency within you that resonates with your soul."
"When you first channel you may feel this sense of you're not really sure what to do or how it's going to come out. You may feel like this uncertainty is actually blocking your ability to channel and this is exactly what you need to transcend."
"it's a way of channeling aggression"
"For me, it was just about really just channeling something that I kind of had before and just staying in the zone."
"We're channeling when we speak our heart, when we speak our truth, that's flowing through us and we can feel when that's happening because you kind of sit passenger for a second and you come back to you're like what did I just say that felt so true."
"Despite appearing gentle, they can have intense outbursts when angered, needing to channel energy positively."
"What we did demonstrate scientifically by wiring my head to a brainwave machine during a channeling is that it is actually truly a literal altered state in the brain that has some very profound..."
"Magic is nothing more than knowing and understanding the thing that wants to happen next and then aligning yourself with the thing that wants to happen next and becoming a channel through which the thing that wants to happen next can happen."
"I am here as a Divine Channeler to channel the messages that need to be heard."
"I have doubt about me as a person but when I go into the channel there is no doubt."
"If you're not channeling it into something positive, it's going to be negative."
"United minds are bigger channels through which God’s power flows in a mightier way to individual souls."
"It is accessed with an open heart and allowed to flow based on our intent and under the guidance of the higher self. It is a form of channeling in which you're allowing the spirit to speak to and through you."
"It's really being a conduit, if we think about like a water Channel."
"It's coming through me, not from me."
"It's not because I am who I am, it's because He is who He is, and I'm just a channel. I'm just a vessel for Him to flow through."
"You are so for the channel message reading it doesn't matter what your zodiac sign is or what your gender is, absolutely anyone may resonate with this message."
"With my gift, I only channel souls that walk in God's white light."
"I think he channeled it. He was worked as a conductor almost for the electricity, you know, he was just a step and then he channeled it into something."
"The individual then loses all self-consciousness and feels simply that he is the channel for infinite intelligence to express itself through."
"The most powerful channeler we've seen in a thousand years."
"The dragon is said to be the most powerful channeler to ever live."
"Homa channels the fire inside you in a positive way."
"You become a conduit and a channel and allow for divine energy and frequency to move through you."
"Voyage of the heart, love is going to flow through you because you are the channel of love."
"Spiritual gifts... you are really channeling gifts and talents."
"It's almost like we want to channel that aggressive energy into something that's actually productive."
"There's multiple layers of non-material consciousness that we can actually channel more into our being existence."
"Channeling has a positive impact on the channeler. They feel an increased sense of well being quality of life increased."
"Channeling is basically accessing information and energy from beyond our conventional notions of time and space."
"I like to allow the Divine to channel through me in any way that Spirit feels is necessary."
"I allow myself to be a conduit for the pure love of God to flow through me."
"I'm channeling this work, it's coming through me."
"It's all pure light and love; it's all channeled."
"You are a channel for Divine Healing power."
"Think of me like a channel, something that's coming through."
"I've channeled that kind of energy into writing."
"The energies of love always blend well with those who attempt to channel in service to others."
"There is a dignity and a feeling of sacredness which surrounds the channeling experience."
"Protect myself, Spirit, as I channel these messages."
"It feels like it has its own spirit and it feels like it was almost channeled in its beauty and its wisdom."
"The greatest spiritual people I've met... it's not about them, it's about a truth that they have the privilege and the honor to channel."
"Protect me as I channel the message for the collective High good."
"I'd rather use that aggression and that violence that exists within me to channel it into something positive and into promoting something that I believe in."
"The idea is to be a channel to whatever's going on; that's what you should be doing."
"They needed something else to channel energy, emotion, love, ingenuity."
"I channeled a message earlier today, and it was a very powerful one."
"My father and my God, as I approach the throne of grace and mercy, seeking to be a better channel through which the blessings and the knowledge of my Lord and my savior may now be manifested in the earth."
"You become an open channel, and God's power is flowing through you."
"A focus is a quasi-sentient magical instrument through which a magical witch or wizard channels her or his magical powers."
"Spirits strong today, I can feel it channeling through my bones."
"Greetings, dear ones, I am Cryon of magnetic service."
"I'm a happy component of people developing their own channeling abilities in whatever way works for them."
"Holy Spirit, Holy Angels, thank you for allowing me to channel messages from the Divine... for the highest good of the collective."
"For this one, it's similar to water where it has fall off but it does more damage and I've added channeling."
"The greatest conduit of miracles is when you become a channel of divine love."
"Everything that you're feeling, you can channel that into creating something versus destroying something or yourself."
"Your high vibration, your love, literally puts me in a great place to channel for you."
"You are the oracle, you're literally an open channel here."
"You need to channel it through something, and that is what this is for."
"You are pure Divinity and you're an open channel for that Divinity to flow through you."
"We become channels of the spirit of life."
"Let me be a channel of something higher, something greater, something divine."
"For those of you who are new to my channel, I am a psychic medium."
"If this is the first time that you're coming across my channel, I promise you, nine times out of ten, spirit is likely to have a message here for you."
"You are aiding the non-physical; these ancients can work through you in a beautiful way."
"You are a channel for the original energy of creation."
"Channeler with the heightened Consciousness, having power to channel Divine messages, you have the ability to open people's eyes to the unforeseen."
"The idea that you're going to take advice from some spirit guide who's channeling... it's just bizarre to me."
"When I channel, I channel for the collective energies."
"If you're feeling restless, channel that restless energy into something."
"A lot of really powerful messages from spirit are going to be channeled in today's reading."
"Once you clear that out, you become a channel; you're able to bring the divine in and create things with it."
"I'm the vessel; I can feel the energy."