
Scenario Quotes

There are 198 quotes

"It happens all the time that a self-defender uses a gun against a bad guy."
"Immigration stays and you were in the tower all of a sudden is oh oh well sorry."
"The best case scenario is abortion essentially remains legal and a battle."
"It'd be weird if your doc came for a house call in a hot air balloon."
"All digital games will cease to work in a C-bomb scenario."
"The French are holding Paris way better than they did IRL 91 percent 92 and there we go Paris fallin and so has France."
"Sometimes I wonder if she just lets herself get kidnapped for fun."
"Literally could not have asked for a better scenario."
"We're on a beach with two unrelated dead bodies. That is statistically impossible."
"The melting of the ice sheets is on track to meet the worst-case scenario."
"This scenario would be in line with the concept of Ragnarok."
"It's like, if Godzilla showed up today, what would happen?"
"Imagine this: You've just been brain-swapped into the dying body of your arch-enemy."
"Would you rather be lost at sea on a small boat or lost in the woods with a tent? I would take the tent for sure."
"He's still underwater, you still—yeah, yeah, that's, you know, you only have five minutes."
"Paul wakes up in an aircraft with his mother gagged and tied beside him."
"A war between the two power would almost certainly be a bolt out of the blue attack, an unexpected First Strike using hundreds of ballistic missiles."
"Fragments of the story came together forming a believable scenario."
"So, even in the worst case scenario, it's still better than the streets."
"What if they just toast her there though?"
"The challenge... Survive the zombie apocalypse."
"What do you think would happen if Mick Jagger pulled up in front of the goddamn stadium in a [ __ ] Uber and the people saw him?"
"It works like this, say for instance I want to buy Thomas' sweet pair of crepes."
"Let's say you're out on a date with your boyfriend. You do have a boyfriend, right? Do you have a nephew? Okay, Steve is he a good guy? Very good. So let's say you and Steve go out to dinner, both of you have a great meal, here comes the check."
"Every cloud provider suits a particular scenario and a particular need."
"Now imagine what happens if you're filling up your car at the filling station and there's no clicker that stops fuel from going into your tank."
"You're role-playing as a baby and you're very upset."
"It's almost like a win-win scenario."
"What would you do if you woke up in the middle of the woods?"
"What happens if the potatoes suddenly go away?"
"Let's act like you're on your choice of white."
"And instead of the purple rubber fruit, hungry kid Luffy eats the second one."
"Whatever scenario resonates with you, you're coming out on top."
"We're going to practice this in like a John Wick scenario where there's multiple bad guys."
"Thank goodness she's gone. Of course, no cottage courthouse is complete without a little stain."
"Meanwhile in Harlem, the White Rabbit is pinned down by Mariah's forces in the warehouse."
"Happy Hour Pizza Man in The Panini store, yeah, wouldn't that be funny."
"What would you have done if your neighbor suddenly decided to have chickens?"
"So the characteristics will change, but we're going to look at just a simple scenario for how one of these would be set out."
"What the [ __ ] no it's a loser chili dog Karina but then what do we do with the body you put it in the river."
"In the scenario where you have thousands of runs, you will find yourself adding these columns and then clicking show more, show more, show more."
"Earth travels around the Sun at just the right distance for life to exist. But what if our planet were suddenly thrown from its orbit..."
"Polarization is really starting to set in and the country is headed toward a no turning back scenario."
"What's the darkest thing that could happen now? And how would it play out? Alright, I know what that's going to look like."
"Just imagine if a hot guy walked past right now, they'd think, 'Ooh, is that a threesome?'"
"Picture the scene, you're driving along with all the windows and sunroof open."
"It was a win-win scenario for us all."
"Cross Guild could slot in very neatly into this scenario."
"He said he had been gone all day. Kathy had planned to stay home to take care of Sarah."
"I haven't found a scenario or a situation where I've been like I can't see here."
"Just when you thought the apocalyptic scenario couldn't get any more intense, well, it did."
"The scenario depicted is about the travel expense report management process, which is common among many organizations globally."
"Let's begin by describing the current state process scenario."
"But watch this: next thing you know you start cooperating, they all get knocked off, you get a bunch of time off your sentence, still got a few million in gold, yeah, exactly, like that guy could have cooperated and kept the money."
"What happens if China takes over the moon? Let's talk about it."
"Send the dog in with a chick armed with a shotgun."
"What if his big bro fell on a poison barrel?"
"In a world where zombies have taken over."
"Superman postulates a theory where he's just like, 'Let me pitch you a scenario...'"
"If Hawkins had hockey, would Blackbeard be damaged in that scenario?"
"The function... this is the best because, imagine myself in this position, and we've practiced it. Imagine our crew, would you run? What would you do in this situation?"
"That to me is the scariest scenario I could ever think of."
"So now Dwayne is in the vents with the other two, and the killer sees them and right as he's about to shoot them with the arrow, Dwayne throws up on the Killer."
"The entire York New scenario changed things for each of our protagonists, especially Karapika."
"Would you rather fight 10 baby size gorillas or fight one gorilla-sized baby?"
"I literally skateboarded over, bought it from the original owner, kind of like dream scenario."
"If your grossly under-equipped combat outpost suddenly came under attack from a horde of genetically modified lizard people, what would you do?"
"Our faith walk is determined by if we're walking with Jesus in the scenario we're in."
"The immersion of Bond is about feeling connected to the character and the scenario."
"The b scenario is actually I think my Leon B scenario is my favorite scenario."
"Marriage statistics from our current culture inserted into a post-apocalyptic world."
"Damn, this whole scenario that you've got going, you've took it to a bigger, to a bigger outcome you feel me and I've actually tried."
"So yeah like that's that's that's kind of that so at this point I think I have covered everything that I wanted to cover in this scenario."
"If it destroys Twitter, I think that would probably be the very best scenario."
"let's say you're driving down the road when a copper pulls you over and barks 'I'm going to need you to let me search your vehicle'"
"Imagine if you woke up one day and all the feelings that you normally have are just gone."
"What could we all have been if you have that...I mean, you're gonna have a perfectly optimal scenario."
"...taking all the proper precautionary measures to handle this kind of unfortunate scenario..."
"If I was in that situation what would I do how would I outfit myself what Firearms would I carry."
"I just realized if you had emu to the holy nights that's 10 people so maybe the straws will fight them and fight the Admirals afterwards"
"Imagine you're shopping on one of your favorite stores when you're at the checkout."
"If so then this video might be perfect for you because that's the scenario that one of my students ran into."
"They did not sell it it no sale because they wanted more than what the bidder was offering so it was the perfect scenario."
"I want to see those three characters dealing with the zombie apocalypse."
"This is the best case scenario, right?"
"That's one heck of a storm. Maybe the only place you'd be safe in this scenario is near the North or South Poles."
"It's like you're taking over after a horrible ruler prior it is very very difficult and it throws you curveballs at every single avenue it's a very good scenario easily the best of the extra scenarios"
"What if you crashed on an alien planet?"
"Imagine this is a typical Village maybe maybe boss even come one time maybe the boss will even come one time in a day."
"It's a story of thousands, in a scenario of risk and probability."
"We couldn't ask to have a better championship scenario."
"Sun is shining, picture the scenario, you see the sun is shining, she's walking down the road, sundress, she's doing a little hip walk."
"What if the person who is shooting brings a rifle in and all you have is your pistol?"
"The idea of Lashley being locked in and breaking the chains and climbing out, sounds like a cool spot on paper, didn't work though."
"I almost am rooting for that scenario"
"I'm pretty protective of who watches my baby. It depends on the scenario. For a bathroom break, I'd trust all my friends. For an hour, maybe half. Overnight, maybe 10%."
"What if Walter took Saul with him to New Hampshire?"
"I hope that's not a thing, I hope they're not like at a pastor conference at dinner and somebody goes John pick it up and preach you have to do it."
"What if Shinzon did kill Picard in Star Trek Nemesis?"
"My prediction is in the Wrestlemania tag title match Sammy hits Jay with the Hoover kick and Jay falls into his arms. Sammy then drops him and tags in KO who hits a frog splash to win the titles."
"When you use these concentric vents, it's worst-case scenario only."
"How would David, a small businessman in the UK, fake a disappearance in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean?"
"In this scenario, Batman almost clears the outer boroughs and we still have about a thousand casualties, but deaths have been reduced by 75%."
"What if we gave Izuku with his weird personality and crybaby attitude a quirk that is just someone like him and see how he would fare in the world without One for All."
"George Washington, Luka Modric, Tom Selleck, and Abraham Lincoln walk into a park."
"What would be the worst place to find a used condom? At the bottom of a cup of coffee you just finished drinking."
"...that is incredibly rude and in my opinion that's like the straw that breaks the camel's back in this scenario..."
"What if it's true that this crazy F was stomping through thick brush?"
"Yeah. Now for sure. Or even they just went in there and said, 'You have 10 minutes to kill yourself right now or we're gonna do it.' And then he's like, 'Well, I know how this ends, right?' Well, exactly."
"But in theory what they're saying is this lighthouse could turn into an island because the water should come round both sides of him."
"Pass a chef and a stripper taking down terrorists on a boat, it's like all right pass."
"So you can then ask inferences based on that world model as to when the friend meets John's wife, what should they do, and what concerns will they have."
"Do you wonder too in a setting where people are naked if somebody doesn't say something like you want to know what they're thinking? Like they wait wait why would you not say something in that scenario? That's actually crazy."
"Just objective is just basic linking with the scenario, basic argument, and move on."
"Picture this: It's the start of Dragon Ball Z but everything is absolutely fine, nothing is really amiss."
"I think it was one of the best-case scenarios we could have had, right bro?"
"The first thing that you want to do is read the scenario and the rules and make a determination of how to set up the game."
"You don't really know what you would do until you're in that scenario and have to make the decision."
"How would you manage a difficult situation?"
"I need to know this exact like scenario we'll have to all right next."
"There is no possible scenario for bass fishing that's more fun than what we are doing right now."
"You'd make a hollering noise too if you was fixing to lay an egg like that."
"Imagine this: Diddy's all set to Jet off for spring break with his girls and suddenly he's stuck pacing outside the the plane trying to make sense of the madness going down."
"Think about real-life scenarios and how things go together."
"Just imagine going on the streets and everyone already knows the color of your underwear. Sounds impossible, right?"
"The deliberately flattened spare tire was intended to serve later as evidence of the truth of certain statements."
"What if he had been of legal age? It would have been a different ball game."
"Imagine a soccer player in a world without soccer."
"If there was no click like if there's a universe where a wrestler comes in and however things work things work..."
"Momo Hinamori, extremely traumatized individual, fighting against the weatherman for channel six, I'd be okay with that."
"What would happen in this case is that when the fuel has nowhere to go, it's for surely gonna end up going."
"...it's like somebody was just sat watching telly one day and then the world ended."
"That's a scary scenario right there."
"Imagine what that looks like, Miss Weld."
"The scenario is this: bunker, green, flags miles away. You don't need a lofty club."
"Imagine you are in a dark alley and then, oh yeah, oh yeah."
"Imagine if you will a family on the Titanic at 11:40 at night."
"Imagine this on Amazon: it's like I'll put it over here in the black, it's just freestanding by itself."
"What would you do if the world ended tonight?"
"The only way this would happen is if you, like, if... oh, like, if someone purposely did it to you or if you purposely did it to yourself because, uh, you could just land on a pine cone and it goes up your ass. Are you wearing pants?"
"It's not an impossible scenario to imagine one person with a knife of these sorts of characteristics coming up against the person with a knife of these sorts of characteristics."
"This is how horror movies start, exactly like this."
"So imagine, imagine I'm in bed asleep and next minute there's someone sleeping next to me. How crazy is that?"
"It's a classic 'if you're reading this, I'm already dead' scenario."
"What would you do if you had transported to another dimension in a whole new body?"
"This movie presents a scenario where if these two were actually able to make a clean break out of this town, they could have had a happy existence."
"The main thing to bear in mind, even in sort of a slightly better than even odds prediction scenario, is that even if Somerville takes out a couple of carriers plus some escorts and maybe even a couple of Congo's, Nagumo still has other carriers in the area."
"Everything is proceeding according to our scenario."
"If you want a success scenario, that's the one that I think is the most likely."
"The mevo plus works best in this particular scenario because it is much more portable."
"Without any further ado, let's dive in to this scenario that I'm working on with someone currently that is a YouTube subscriber."
"It was just the worst case scenario."
"If tomorrow all the stores were closed and there was no way to buy no food, what would you do?"
"I couldn't have written that scenario any more perfectly."
"What would happen to Chicago or Milwaukee or Philadelphia or Washington or New York or Phoenix or Los Angeles or even San Francisco if a heat wave like the one that hit Europe in 2003 just happened to hit here?"
"It's a wonderful best of both world scenario."
"What does a day in the life look like? Actually giving someone's kind of a scenario is definitely a better way of teaching."
"This could have been cooler, but you know what though, this would be the best case scenario just forever this movie."
"It was a perfect scenario, it was a great location if you're going to get stuck in an apocalypse kind of thing."
"I'm going to give you a scenario, and you got to give me what song you would play."
The only scenario for everyone to be right is a "Scott is innocent" scenario.
"This is all purely a hypothetical scenario derived from the thinking of the 1940s."
"That was kind of like the dream scenario that almost seemed too good to be true."
"You just got to ask yourself one question: what is the worst case scenario?"
"It was a perfect scenario for what happened, and the rest is history."
"I want to give you a hypothetical scenario: suppose you're at the basketball court, and it's you, a buddy of yours, and a third person."
"Being an investor with this type of scenario could be a good option as well."
"You must admit the entire scenario is very atypical."
"It kind of holds a mirror up to the audience and asks what would you do in that situation."
"If you are holding on to something just in case, think what is the worst case scenario if you didn't have this item."
"Feet of the universe on the line, or the Martians have the death beam pointed at Earth, you better hit it."
"Kubernetes is really designed for this kind of scenario."
"It's very hard to make a scenario where this actually escalates into something larger."
"The general consensus is that the best standalone scenario is Murder at the Excelsior Hotel."
"We could not have asked for a better case scenario than what we are seeing right on screen now."
"Here we go, yo, so what's the scenario?"
"That was literally the best case scenario right there."
"I couldn't have asked for a better scenario."
"So what I was thinking, and I think this is going to work really well, I haven't tried this, is that we could have two eyewitness reports of an imaginary car crash that happened in London."
"Maybe you were on that show with John Quinones, 'What Would You Do?'"
"I couldn't have asked for a more perfect scenario."
"You shouldn't be making up the scenario as you go along."
"This is not law school where you are like, 'Oh let me give you a hypothetical scenario so I can get what I want.' No, absolutely not, sir."
"Let's first dissect the scenario a bit and look at how much time Ahsoka actually has to speak with Anakin before everything does go down."
"So what did you guys think about this scenario?"
"It's called a hypothetical situation."
"When you're identifying the problems, make sure you analyze the scenario."
"I have never seen a more perfect scenario for a gigachad and a rip bozo."
"This scenario would not have been the same without you."
"This wouldn't single-handedly solve climate change, but it would limit it to a bad scenario and avoid the unspeakable scenario."
"A dream scenario really in some respects for the Allegra."
"It's just that you can imagine yourself in a similar scenario and you just can't get out of it."
"Understand your scenario, then understand your data."
"I'm the new guy in this whole scenario."