
Docker Quotes

There are 315 quotes

"Docker is really revolutionising a lot of both development and ops."
"Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications."
"Volumes are the preferred mechanism for persisting data."
"Now we can easily switch this out, we also immediately see the changes and can test this."
"This is how we can easily add more services to the Docker Compose with just a few lines of code."
"Developing only in Docker, we believe this represents the state-of-the-art open source licensing for language and Tool projects."
"Deploying to production and scaling is another place where docker really shines."
"The way we describe steps in Container Builder is actually with Docker images themselves."
"Docker compose is a tool that helps you define and share multiple container applications."
"Now it's much easier with Docker compose to run this application."
"That right there is a simple rundown of how you can create images in a container through Docker."
"We're going to set up a database using Postgres within a Docker container."
"We do not have to install Postgres locally."
"Using Docker for more than just application deployments has improved my workflow substantially."
"What are some of the unusual ways that you use Docker yourself? Let me know in the comments down below."
"This shows the power of using Docker as a local environment when it comes to writing code."
"Docker solves the problems of consistent, portable, and efficient application deployment."
"Using this multi-stage Docker build concept, you can avoid this problem because in the final stage, what you'll only do is you'll say from OpenJDK, just copy the binary from the base image here."
"The Practical example that I am going to show you is intentionally on Go language because I want to show you the advantage of destroyless images plus multi-stage Docker build."
"So, we're going to learn about how to use Docker swarm, which is the clustering technology I've chosen to use for this, for its Simplicity mostly."
"At this point, you're ready to get started on your Docker journey."
"Docker intelligently handles cache invalidation, rebuilding only the necessary parts when changes occur. This prevents unnecessary repetition and speeds up the build process."
"Using nothing more than Linux git Docker and a few other open-source tools, you can achieve very similar results."
"Understanding Docker networking is crucial for effective container management."
"Using the Docker file you can manage the dependencies, you can Define which container has to be built first, which has to be built next."
"Even if your application is running on Kubernetes, to test it locally you can use Docker compose."
"For the pull request CI/CD you can set up a virtual machine and within the virtual machine you can install Docker and in your CI/CD pipeline you can just run Docker compose up run a couple of tests."
"Docker digitalized images are very lightweight minimalistic Docker images."
"So we were able to successfully build the Docker image. Perfect!"
"Once the development of the code is done, I would be using Docker for dockerizing my application."
"With respect to my security, I'll be using Trivy for my Docker image scanning."
"Knowing containers and how to work with containers is an absolute must-have skill."
"This will build our Docker image. Step one, step two, and step three. So, this will run from top to bottom and then execute all the commands in our Docker file."
"The most basic thing you can do is docker run. So this is gonna run a container. So now I have to tell it what container I would like to run, and I would like to run hello world."
"Docker is a containerization platform."
"It would be helpful if we had created a Docker file."
"We'll cover all the default Docker network drivers, including bridge, host, overlay, and others, and discuss when to use each specific one."
"Even if we want to connect individual containers to overlay network, we still need to initialize the Docker Swarm."
"Docker uses a client-server architecture that runs over a REST API. The client communicates with something called a daemon, which is simply a persistent background process that manages all of your containers and other information related to Docker."
"If you actually want to run something on your machine using Docker, then you need a container, and that container requires an image to be built from."
"When you use a docker container, you no longer need to rely on the setup of the host machine. Any dependencies that your container needs will be installed automatically in an isolated environment for you."
"Dockerfile simplifies image creation and reduces manual steps."
"We will use the Docker schema version of 3.7, which is default. Don't worry about that."
"It confirms that we're using the Docker executor with the Python image."
"Docker containers are run in network namespaces, isolating their networking functionality."
"I like building things by hand. It could be just me. You can of course use Docker compose to build everything in one single script and just spin it up. But what is the fun in that? There is no fun, there is no joy. Right back to the video."
"Docker-based Jenkins pipelines dynamically create containers for execution."
"Auto scaling is a very important feature that Docker or any container platform by itself is missing."
"In a multi-stage Docker build, you only include the necessary dependencies for building your application, reducing the final image size."
"The first step is to install Docker on Windows 10 and luckily it's extremely easy."
"Docker and Docker Compose installation can be automated within container templates."
"One of the nice things about Docker swarm as a container orchestrator is that it's extremely easy to set up and much simpler than some of the other options."
"Ensure proper tagging of Docker image for dynamic replacement in Kubernetes manifest file."
"So, what happens is this Docker machine actually has an Ethernet interface marked as eth0, and whenever a packet would come on this, it should fall on the bridge and from the bridge, it will go to the container."
"Docker daemon is having the responsibility to listen to the API request."
"These two containers can talk but communication across networks is not there because when you want to communicate from bridge to the other bridge, you need a gateway bridge type of thing which is not there with default Docker installation."
"With Docker we've always had the ability to set up environments within our image and then our containers will run with those versions and those dependencies, and it's repeatable."
"What is Docker? In simple words, Docker is a tool that lets you put your application into a container."
"We have to download what is a relatively large Docker image, this node image."
"Once the build command is finished, we can type docker-compose up, and this should start our service so we should be able to access our service once this starts and test out our Django placeholder page."
"The service is started; let's open up our browser and let's just head over to Hit enter, and you should see this Django 3.2 placeholder landing page. So this means that we've configured our Docker files successfully."
"Now we're gonna run Docker Compose up in the remote server."
"As a developer, getting a full copy of SQL Server on your development machine can be tricky. But in this video, I'm going to show you how to get SQL up and running on your development machine in about 5 minutes using Docker."
"Docker is a really powerful tool that is taking over the software development industry."
"docker really powerful tool for not only sequel developers not only desktop developers but really for a large portion of the IT community"
"This is pretty much a very simple docker file that will produce an image."
"Now that we have a docker file, let's go ahead and learn how we're going to build an image from this docker file."
"Now that we have an image, let's go ahead and run a container from it."
"You can see that we have a container running, and it's running our own image."
"Docker nowadays is the standard for software deployment."
"Now if I do a Docker image ls, you can see that I have now Amigos Code Website and this is the latest."
"So this is how you tag your own images using Docker."
"To ship images to any Docker registry is very simple. All you have to do is use a command called push."
"Let's go ahead and push our images to Docker Hub."
"Now that we have a repository with Docker Hub, let's go ahead and take an image from our host and push it to our repo."
"I really want to add value, so by the end of this course, you should have a complete understanding of what Docker is."
"Alpine Linux would be great for Dockers and stuff like that."
"Those problems had to be fixed first, so user namespaces just landed in docker experimental."
"If you would like to follow this tutorial, you are going to need Docker desktop installed."
"So now you can proceed with installing docker and the steps are pretty much the same that we have used when we installed the docker on proxmox itself."
"Now, for this, I like to use a utility called kind, which allows me to create a Kubernetes cluster in a lightweight Docker container that I can use for testing."
"If you have Docker Desktop installed on your computer, you can also install Kind and you can use Kubernetes locally without incurring any charges. So, this is a great tool."
"One of the cool things that I feel like uptime Kuma can really do that many other applications it seems like you have to jump through hoops to get this type of monitoring is uptime Kuma allows you to easily monitor Docker containers with just a bit of configuration."
"What is the difference between Docker and Kubernetes? Docker is a container platform, while Kubernetes is a container orchestration platform."
"What is the difference between a Docker container and a Kubernetes pod? A pod is a runtime specification for a container, allowing multiple containers to run together with shared resources and network."
"Cube CTL is nothing but like for Docker whenever you are trying to run any commands you have the docker CLI right, in kubernetes you have something called as Cube CTL, so Cube CTL is command line for kubernetes."
"Assume you are an interview you are in an interview and see if you can answer the difference between Docker and Kubernetes."
"A Dockerfile is like instructions for Docker to build an image."
"Docker was designed for portability so you can actually build solutions in a docker container environment and have the guarantee that the solution will work as you have built it no matter where it's hosted."
"The actual memory that you have on a docker environment can be shared across multiple containers which is really useful."
"Docker takes security very seriously so you'll see it as one of the key tenets for the actual architecture of the system that you're implementing."
"Docker compose is really designed for running multiple containers as a single service and it does this by running each container in isolation but allowing the containers to interact with each other."
"Docker Swarm is a service that allows you to be able to control multiple docker environments within a single platform."
"So hit enter. What's going to happen now is it is going to build our container. So first, it needs to download the dependencies from Docker Hub."
"The core of this tutorial is the docker compose file because that really is the glue that's going to stick everything together."
"So let's not forget this docker file is a text document."
"So we're going to dockerize our application, make it into an image."
"Now we can use Docker commands from our Linux command line even though Docker itself is actually running in Windows."
"We're just using Docker for a local development purpose."
"Docker Compose up and it's working for them."
"The Dockerfile is a very simple file, usually just gonna contain just a few lines but it's very very powerful."
"Docker allows you to run many different containers in one file instead of having to run every single image one by one."
"Wrapping up the application into a nice Docker image."
"That's what we have to do now, to dockerize the application and then see if we can deploy it on a server."
"Once the image is run or executed, it becomes what is known as a Docker container."
"In this lesson, you will get a quick introduction to Docker and you will learn how to use it to stand up infrastructure services needed by your REST API like SQL Server."
"Docker is a platform that provides the ability to package and run an application in a loosely isolated environment called a container."
"So how do we solve that? This is where a container platform like Docker comes to the rescue."
"It's kind of an easy way for anyone to really install apps that they want from Docker containers."
"It's highly recommended to have at least one cache pool to improve the performance of both your Docker containers and VMs."
"The Docker documentation is fantastic, so it's fairly easy to set up Docker on any operating system."
"Volumes in Docker containers allow you to have persistent data."
"Bind mounts... allow you to take a folder on your host machine and sync it to a folder in your Docker container."
"The power of docker compose is that it can spin up your entire environment and bring it all down with just one simple command."
"Every time your code is changed, a new Docker container image will be created with the updated tag."
"Modules are pretty diverse... they're based on Docker images so you can kind of do whatever you want to with it."
"With Docker, every application has its own framework and suitable version."
"Docker has very high productivity when compared to virtual machines."
"Docker allows IT organizations to really easily create, deploy, and run applications as what are called Docker containers."
"Docker takes security very seriously."
"A Docker image itself is a template which contains instructions for the Docker container."
"Docker is highly efficient and very easy to scale, particularly when you start working with Kubernetes."
"Dockerfile is used for creating Docker images using the build command."
"It's software like Docker that takes it and packages it into a really nice user experience."
"I've been using Docker since 2014 and I plan to continue on using them indefinitely."
"I'm part of the Docker Captains program. I really like using them."
"We're compiling to a static binary and leveraging a multi-stage Docker file to really take advantage of a much smaller image in the end."
"Leverage multi-stage builds where it makes sense... we were able to cut our image from 500 megabytes to just 16."
"Docker compose is much more intuitive and easier to work with."
"With this as the high level framework, let's go ahead and start writing some Docker files for our example application."
"That means docker-compose up minus D."
"We'll explore why containers exist, the problems they solve, and the underlying Linux kernel features that make Docker and containers possible."
"Docker came along and now setting up your development environment is as easy as running a single command: Docker compose up."
"Docker Desktop is still the easiest and best way to use Docker and Kubernetes combined on your local machine."
"One thing that Docker does really well is help to make it such that our local environment is as close as possible to the production environment."
"Making all of the different combinations of Windows, Mac, and Linux development environments all compatible is one thing that Docker does really well."
"It's useful because sometimes we need to stringify settings this way, such as in Docker files; it doesn't like Python but it loves strings."
"We set up our Docker Compose file that contains all of the necessary information."
"I remember clearly I tried doing this without Docker before, and it took me about a whole week to get from something working on my local to deployment."
"That's how to create a Docker image out of your application so that you can deploy it to any hosting platform that supports Docker containers."
"With Docker, you can build a container for each component."
"Once you create your Docker build for your project, you can use it to rebuild your projects on any other computer without spending time configuring your server manually."
"A Docker compose file will allow us to put all of these services inside a single folder and run it with a single command."
"Now we have actually created a Docker image with three files."
"Congratulations, you are on your way in terms of learning Docker."
"A Docker container can be thought of as an environment isolated from your host system with its own isolated resources."
"Docker containers are not virtual machines; they're just regular processes running on the host system."
"C groups are used to limit the resources the container can use, and namespaces are used to limit what the container can see."
"Docker actually has really good documentation."
"A Dockerfile is an instruction set, a DSL of how to create an image in Docker."
"I don't actually have SQL Server installed on my machine; instead, I use SQL Server inside of a Docker container."
"Docker is a container technology that you can use to set up Qdrant locally on your machine."
"Docker allows us to package up our application into something called a container."
"The third advantage of Docker is that you can automatically build servers in the cloud."
"The Docker file is just a text file, and the contents are all recorded as code."
"To create and start a container, use the command Docker run."
"The second advantage of Docker is that it is easy to use and manage versions and distribute because the OS settings, middleware installs, and environment settings are coded in Docker."
"We're looking at a couple of different ways to run applications in Docker containers that are GUI based."
"This session is predominantly to touch on the various networking technologies that make up the Docker driver networking stack."
"Instead of installing an application, you can take a Docker image and create a container."
"For all your operational activity, instead of you installing and configuring your application, you can quickly take an image of Docker and create a container out of it."
"The Docker file is responsible for creating the image, and from the image, we can start a container."
"Dockerizing a project is a good idea because it solves the 'it only works on my machine' problem by providing a consistent and isolated environment."
"Multi-stage builds allow for the creation of smaller container images with better caching."
"Docker volumes persist the data generated and used by Docker containers."
"Docker is a course that will help you get a good understanding of the importance of containers and the role of Docker in the cloud native computing world."
"The efficiencies are therefore much higher with a Docker environment versus a virtual machine environment."
"It's no wonder Docker is the right choice."
"By creating your own custom Docker image, you won't install the same requirements again and again each time a new container gets started."
"You can build Docker images without even installing Docker."
"By providing this layer of consistency, Docker fixes the traditional 'but it works on my machine' problem."
"The beauty of Docker is that if you build your application into a container image and transfer the same container image to your colleague's computer, you can be sure that the application will function identically on both computers."
"A Docker container should not have any dependencies to the host it's running on apart from Docker itself."
"Every Docker image has at least one tag, and in fact, the same Docker image can have multiple tags pointing to it."
"Using multi-stage Docker files enables you to streamline your build process and create slim Docker images."
"The basic workflow with Docker is as follows: first, you will build a Docker image; second, you will push this Docker image into a Docker registry; third, you will run the image on a server that is accessible via the internet."
"You can think of a Docker file as a text file containing a recipe to tell Docker how to build an image."
"Using Docker makes it easy to ensure that your application runs consistently on different workstations and servers."
"Docker is a popular DevOps tool used to automate the deployment of applications in lightweight containers."
"Kubernetes and Docker working together manage the infrastructure of a containerized environment."
"Docker is the ultimate solution for hosting multiple applications on a single virtual machine without any impact on the virtual machine itself."
"The important part of a Docker container is that it has everything you need to be able to run the application."
"Containers are lightweight; they share a kernel across containers and therefore use less memory space."
"Containers are highly portable and can run anywhere across the docker ecosystem."
"You can use Docker for Desktop to actually run applications that get a window in a Windows environment."
"Docker Compose allows you to have two or more Docker containers running in the same environment, being able to communicate as if they were running in a production environment."
"Docker can run multiple containers on a system, connecting them using user-defined networks and shared volumes."
"Optimizing your Docker file to be more layer efficient is beneficial."
"The core aspect of Docker is to run software services or software programs, application environments inside of containers."
"Docker completely gets rid of that because you can simply run it in a container and it's going to be the same no matter what machine you run it on."
"With Docker, we have our server or host machine, we have one operating system, and you just have these tiny containers that run which are basically nothing but processes that run on your machine."
"Portainer gives you an incredible dashboard experience to manage, configure, and monitor your Docker environment."
"Let's make sure that Docker has been installed."
"So very briefly then, if you're not familiar with images and containers in the context of Docker, an image is a lightweight, standalone, and executable package that encapsulates everything that we need to run a piece of software."
"If you're planning to run Docker on Windows, then it's highly recommended that you use WSL2 for your Docker desktop backend."
"It was Docker in 2014-2015, coming on the stage and sort of exciting the developer's mind with the simplicity of some of these commands."
"Docker was created to simplify the process but even with Docker, there's still going to be plenty of challenges."
"You are about to master the core fundamentals of Docker."
"Docker actually has a nice feature that allows us to make it easy to talk between containers."
"Flexibility of being able to build an image as well as pulling the image from the repository."