
Comprehensiveness Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"The comprehensiveness of the Quran, how it touches upon so many different aspects of life, the timelessness of its teachings."
"So we’re gonna tell you exactly how to use all of them."
"You can't truly talk about a year's given movies until you've seen the movies."
"The scriptures, it tells you everything, it sure does."
"Every aspect of this document is fascinating."
"My videos are always going to be comprehensive to give you tons and tons of value."
"Educating yourself around everything that goes into the sport is crucial."
"You must take a comprehensive approach... do it all."
"This is the most comprehensive pre-workout on the market that hits all angles."
"I think we've covered pretty much every Christmas song ever written."
"This dude's guidance was actually pretty comprehensive."
"Legitimate experts consider all the pieces of the puzzle, not just one factor."
"This loadout is the most comprehensive and has the most gear that can be transitioned into future loadouts."
"And always about the love because it encompasses the entirety of the law."
"This is going to be a full comprehensive guide, so hopefully you get as much information as possible."
"It is one of the most comprehensive programs of any of the curriculums you've seen today."
"It's a really comprehensive package and doing it well."
"...it just feels like it covers all the bases."
"There's literally nothing that you don't get."
"It's about casting a very wide net."
"That is how to do it. It's an ultimate guide. It covers pretty much everything you need to know."
"My Hero Academia has everything else."
"The documentation for Q tile is fantastic, covering almost everything you need to know."
"So it's really, I've said it before but it's amazing how the religion of Islam is so comprehensive, it's bringing so many rules out about that people may might not have realized that Islam speaks about this."
"There are so many aspects to it, so it's really cool that reckoning is going to try and tackle a lot of those different things and be able to provide something for everybody."
"Well, let me ask you a question. Right now, do you have a plan that's completely comprehensive?"
"Is the content high quality for the topic being covered? Is it useful and comprehensive?"
"And it's all inclusive, so it's all included."
"This just hits a lot of bases at once."
"To get a full picture, you can't look at one study, you can't look at two studies, you have to look at a lot of studies."
"This is really going to be the most comprehensive EDC guide ever."
"It's a comprehensive agreement that addresses a wide range of issues."
"Overall, this unit checks off a lot of boxes and has a lot more pros than cons."
"It's got to be comprehensive, so it needs to cover all the bases; it's going to be constructive."
"I try to bring principles that are comprehensive."
"A comprehensive theory of the world... explains everything from the success of the 1927 Yankees to the beauty of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony."
"Showcase ourselves as the most comprehensive bundle."
"The Bible is probably the most comprehensive historical book in the world."
"Diabetes affects everything whether we're talking about your brain and strokes, your heart in terms of myocardial infarction, heart failure, your nerves in terms of your sensation, your kidneys, your liver, everything."
"Ask Allah for all of the risk that is good for you, making your asking of it be way more comprehensive than just that."
"You would have a very comprehensive English program for your middle school years."
"I have been very careful to be as comprehensive as I could possibly be."
"Comprehensiveness is the quality of mind that enables a man to deal with a large number of related details to grasp them in their entirety."
"MESI stands for Mutually Exclusive and Collectively Exhaustive."
"It has all the features that you can possibly need for a real estate website."
"The Quran declares that it has come to explain all things."
"The gospel isn't a partial thing; it takes in the whole of man, the whole of life, the whole of history, the whole of the world."
"This kind of covers all your bases; this is pretty much what you want to see."
"If the first chapter deals with everything, what on earth is the rest of the Chronicle about? Everything else, of course."
"This is a short course but really well thought and covers each and every aspect of the software tester and developer into software development projects."
"That pretty much covers everything I could think of."
"Our intention was to write a supplementary intervention but our advisory board immediately told us this is very comprehensive."
"You can't just stay on just one horse; you know we have to teach the whole scripture, the whole counsel of God."
"This course offers every single thing that you have to know about JavaScript."
"That shows you the entire cumulative patient profile, all of the information you might be looking for."
"You almost have everything you need in one protocol."
"Every mathematical formula you can think of is in there, so that it covers everyone's bases."
"Consider this my complete, comprehensive, all-encompassing, omniscient, omnipresent, all-knowing, all-inclusive guide."
"This is a really simple example, but if you want to get super comprehensive with tons of information, you could do it really easily."
"With over 100,000 references connected directly or indirectly through the Thompson Study System, this Bible is the most unique and complete topical study system available."
"The Quran says this is a book that explains everything in detail."
"IntelliJ has everything you need."
"We have sent down the book on thee so that this book might explain all things."
"You are the knowledge and you don't have any shape or form whatsoever; you are impersonal, you are comprehensive."
"If we include all aspects of writing ability that we know about, there would be a long list of skills."
"Holistic care is a full person approach, effectively ensuring there are no gaps in care offered."
"Sometimes it's researching to understand the full picture, not just why we're doing the one thing."
"My hope is that this video serves as a complete guide to everything you might need to know about design options."
"The turquoise text of the King James Version is combined with comprehensive cross references, a full concordance, and dictionary."
"When you go through the Bible, it touches everything we need to know, everything that life needs, it's all right here."
"The collections of the Asian Division have grown to represent one of the most comprehensive collections of the Asian languages in the world."
"Our Deen even teaches us something so private and minuscule that even our Deen tells us what to do in that circumstance."
"It's quite comprehensive if you've ever done any kind of mobile audio installation."
"Everything has been mapped in Design Code UI, and it's really comprehensive."
"The Book of Psalms speaks to and deals with every aspect of our lives."
"Because people tend to pick libraries, and then if yours is very comprehensive, it looks good."
"Appropriate means that all the main points in the essay problem have been covered."
"We need to decide what are the most important areas that we can divide this topic into, that will allow us to look at the issue comprehensively."
"The DSL references is fairly comprehensive; it's got a lot of good examples."