
Murder Case Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"It's clearly a fair play murder of Ellie in some form, and ultimately there's no other conclusion."
"And so we went into court and she stood up and she said, 'I murdered Pam Pitts.'"
"At the end of the day, this is about two teenage girls who were murdered. So let's try to have some respect and composure."
"The defendant murdered Olivia Pratt Corbell, a young child in her own home."
"There was way more to the story and that there was actually a conspiracy behind Jane's murder."
"Joseph gents... was the man who killed Jane bashara."
"Scott confessed to the murder of Terry Brooks."
"I had the opportunity to speak to some of my sources and I've been told that there were differences in the way that the victims were killed."
"We've seen nothing that justifies Mike Hickman being murdered."
"The prosecution's crux of the case was that Scott Peterson did not want to be a father. He wanted the freedom to date other people; he did not want to be tied down with a wife and child. So instead of divorce, he chose murder."
"She ultimately pleaded guilty to the murder and was sentenced to 21 years in a state prison."
"That was probably the most significant breakthrough... we could start focusing on Kirby as the suspect."
"Stephen Port did indeed know all four of his victims and all of this combined with the fact that these dead bodies were found less than half of a mile away from Stephen Port's, there was no denying it, he was guilty."
"Finally, Rachel's family got justice for her murder."
"He confessed to killing her classmate and disguising her murder as a suicide. That crime was not solved for years."
"He identified himself as the killer of Rebecca Payne."
"Natavia was found guilty for the second-degree murder of Linda Stein and sentenced to 27 years in prison."
"She confessed to the murder of Linda Stein without a lawyer present in her confession she says that Linda was yelling at her."
"Len Davis was sentenced to death for his role in Kim Grove's murder."
"California and this is very alarming for a lot of people because they are the prime murder suspects for one of the most brutal murders in California to that date."
"They officially named a suspect in kylan and Crystal's murders and that suspect was a 45 year old man named Adam Pinkessowitz."
"An inflammatory murder from Georgia's past has come back to life."
"The evidence shows beyond any reasonable doubt. The defendant killed Michelle Martinko."
"This is no longer a missing person's investigation. It's a murder."
"We're relieved tonight to announce that we've made an arrest for her murder."
"The maintenance man was quickly cleared as a suspect and police traced his number one suspect, the victim's husband, to his Panama City Beach home."
"According to her friends, neighbors, and assistant, the ex-model was afraid that her husband would act on his threats to kill her."
"I instinctively knew I had a second murder on my hands."
"You put it all together, and it was very obvious to me that this was a murder case."
"At that moment, everyone was sure that this case was the work of a brutal serial killer."
"The finality of this brutal murder evoked a barrage of emotions."
"She killed her because she wanted to feign an assault to avoid going to jail."
"This case is not a whodunit. This is not about what happened. Nate Holden is the one who is responsible for the deaths of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor."
"Until that question could be answered, authorities would have a hard time proving murder."
"This officially cleared Colin Stagg of the murder. He was innocent. It wasn't him all along."
"The Icebox Murders: Fred and Edwina Rogers lived in monstrous Houston with their son Charles..."
"The jury in the British Columbia Supreme Court finds Robert Frisbee guilty of first-degree murder in the bludgeoning death of 80-year-old San Francisco socialite, Muriel Collins Barnett."
"Armed with phone records, journal entries, a henchman's confession, and the cut chain link, they were able to tell their story of murder for hire."
"Helen's body being found in the septic tank was irrefutable evidence of Ian Stewart's involvement in her murder."
"A jury convicted 56-year-old Stow of first-degree murder, which carries an automatic sentence of life without parole in the State of Florida."
"I do believe he was the one who killed the kids."
"It's an unsolved murder that requires us to set any of these biases aside."
"She is entirely capable of being involved in the murders."
"If we don't solve this case and we can't solve this case, it's another get away with murder case."
"Andrew Bagby is dead. He was shot five times, once in the face, once in the back of the head."
"Ben Lacombe was found guilty of the murder of Sarah Wellgreen."
"Investigators believed Leticia actually murdered Gannon on that Monday and that he was never missing at all."
"Bob Eagle was to become Young's first victim at Hadlands."
"In speaking to Laase, he believes that Wendy Aden may be indirectly responsible for the murder of her ex-husband Daniel Markel."
"He had committed a calculating and devious crime by violently snatching Lee Matthews from the prime of her life."
"The evidence pointed towards the murders being committed by somebody very close to Arushi."
"The White House Farm murders read like something out of a crime novel."
"He was sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole for the murder of Katie Collman."
"My gut was telling me this man killed and dismembered Mavano."
"Ian Sims was found guilty of the murder of 22-year-old Helen McCourt."
"The scientific evidence proves that Megan Vass was on the yacht the night of Bob Chapel's murder in 2009."
"28-year-old Jake Wagner will die in prison for the crime of killing eight members of the Roden family."
"We could have done things differently. And if we'd spotted that stalking earlier, could have kept Alice alive."
"He took the life of Alice Ruggles because she had the audacity to say no to him, making Trimaan Harry Dhillon one of the world's most evil killers."
"Investigators now believe this was a 'no-body' murder inquiry, and the problem was that lots of people in the world are tall."
"Their verdict was murder by a person or persons unknown."
"Now just like Molly's story, there are many different ways we can interpret what we're told, not just because we're seeing it from an outsider's perspective, but also because Barbara was murdered and the case isn't exactly cut and dry."
"I heard you're knee-deep in the Olivia Lee murder case," Cat said, fixing her cat-green eyes on Millie.
"However, for Patsy or Burke to be the culprit, not only would the note have to be staged, but so with the strangulation. And that doesn't add up when you consider the evidence suggests that JonBenet was still alive as she was being strangled."
"It takes time. We had a murder case here... police were doing their job quietly, methodically and behind the scenes, and I believe they got the right killer."
"The state does not need to prove the cause of death in a murder case, merely that it was caused by criminal means."
"It's the biggest case on our docket here at court TV, the murders of four University of Idaho students. It was a crime that shook the community and shook the nation."
"Charges are filed in his murder, his parents now speaking out saying the charges are long overdue. 'It's about time.'"
"It would be the first time in U.S. legal history that a psychic would take the stand and describe how her visions helped to solve a murder."
"David admitted that his original confession to the police was true and that he should have pleaded guilty to murder."
"... a striking resemblance between Janet's murder and the 1946 killing of 20-year-old Mary Lou Jenkins ... Mary Lou was also asphyxiated with an extension cord."
"David Boyd has been sentenced today to life in prison with a minimum term of 29 years for young Nikki Allen's murder in 1992."
"We're defending Grant Amato for three counts of first-degree premeditated murder."
"...more than 30 hours after that scream, Gulfport investigators had already reached several conclusions about the murder of Karen Gregory."
"Dealing with an application of this sort inevitably requires an analytical approach to the evidence and arguments. However, none should forget the consequences of these murders and attempted murders."
"There can be only one conclusion to this report: Sarah Ashley Norton was murdered by her husband. The case is closed."
"It's one of the great murder mysteries of all time."
"Over the years, numerous theories and speculations have emerged, trying to make sense of the motivations behind the murders and the unusual behavior of Lizzie Borden."
"I don't know what happened that horrible night in Islington when Maggie and Paul Murdoch were murdered."
"The state believes that when you hear that evidence... you're going to be able to recognize that Miss Sydney Pal is responsible for the murder of her mother."
"The astronomical odds that two Mary Morrises were killed three days apart, very similar in looks, to me, is that's what it is: astronomical."
"The reward for any information that could lead to solving the murder had been increased to a staggering 1 million dollars."
"As a homicide investigator, I always tried to keep an open mind and follow up on any information that could help solve a murder case."
"To this day, the murder and the mystery surrounding Teresita's case is arguably one of the most bizarre murder cases in Chicago's history."
"Finally, DNA can answer the question: Did Kenny Waters murder Katarina Brown?"
"The case involving Cousins and his murder of Everard led to a significant drop in public confidence in the Metropolitan Police."
"She's charged with murder which she didn't commit."
"The issue is not whether there's a case on the computer, the issue is not whether she got a Mercedes-Benz... The issue is did this woman pick up a murder weapon of some unidentified type never found and killed a man."
"The case of Maggie Lewin's murder had taken a complex turn, with every new lead, the truth hanging precariously in the balance."
"JonBenét Ramsey's shocking murder marked the beginning of a decades-long mystery."
"Because Mr. Buchanan did not murder Edward Ford."