
Command Line Quotes

There are 129 quotes

"Learn the command line, you'll be really glad you did."
"So if we wanted to change directory backwards, we just type in two dots here."
"Alright, now we're going to copy and paste this into our terminal."
"If I want to switch to that environment, I say 'conda activate pi 310' and now in parentheses I have pi 310 instead of base."
"Input and output redirection allows you to combine multiple commands together in one line, making it more efficient to use."
"Let's go ahead and take a look at some of the commands that we're going to be learning."
"The command prompt is a daunting environment to work in. There's no graphical interface, and it's difficult to memorize all of the different options that might be available for a particular command."
"Let's jump right into my laptop and talk about what's new at the command line."
"Let's just move to the CLI and let's see how do we configure interfaces using the CLI."
"I love the fuzzy finders from a CLI."
"Everybody uses the command line with Git still because it is fast."
"Before you know it, you'll be running commands in the command line and prefer it over using the console."
"You can always use the command line for certain things that are usually useful or easier when done from the command line."
"Change directory permissions using 'chmod', understanding the binary representation of read, write, and execute."
"Using 'df -h' shows disk space in human-readable format."
"Finding specific information in large files is made easy with the 'grep' command."
"Linux task manager equivalent: 'top' command."
"Easily locate files with the 'find' command."
"I am not going to be talking about web 3 or crypto or AI. I'm going to be talking about really boring command line stuff."
"Learn grep -IRL. Just learn it. You're going to love it. It's going to be something that you use all the time once you discover it."
"...you could run here you cannot run all the commands here after get in the diskpart."
"How do you create a file on a Linux machine? Use the `touch` command."
"Many people are missing out on really cool free software tools just because they are command line based instead of having a graphic user interface."
"Piping has everything to do with passing commands onto other commands."
"The two most common commands that you're going to enter in a terminal are the ls command and the CD command."
"Linux commands are often versatile in options and arguments that can modify their behavior, allowing for a wide range of functionality."
"I'm just sending the output of each command to the next command after the pipe. It is not space sensitive. It is not newline space sensitive."
"Change directory from one folder to another with chdir or CD."
"You can just type one command into your terminal and instantly get almost any software that you want."
"And remember the first thing we need to do when we open the command line is we need to change the folder, or directory."
"I changed my terminal to a bash shell."
"Don't fear the terminal, it's your friend."
"Every shell typically will have some built-in commands to it. In fish, though, to get the list of all the built-ins, you can type the command 'builtins --names', and that will list all the built-in functions for fish."
"Piping takes the result of one command and sends it into another command."
"These kinds of commands... they can save you several minutes of work, several hours, several days, several weeks of work."
"So at this point, I'm deciding that I want standard error to go to somewhere else, and specifically, I sent it to /dev/null."
"And with this command right here, you can see the value of having separate data streams."
"...adding command line parameters is so that you can have a default behavior that doesn't require any prompting and you can optionally change the behavior of the program."
"...this ability moves us even closer to kind of a true command line where in just one single command we can load and execute a program with parameters."
"The ps command allows you to do just that."
"SAM Delete can delete all your resources directly from the command line."
"Once you learn the system tools, the command line interface tools, once you learn bash, you can do anything."
"The command line is always the same. So you never have to worry about waking up one day and relearning everything that you used to know."
"With JDK 11, you can call a Java class directly from the command line, eliminating the need to compile using javac."
"So this `cd` command is one of the most useful commands because it's going to be essentially how you navigate through the entire file system."
"Ranger: It's a command line file manager that uses the vim keyboard shortcuts to navigate and interact with files."
"Learn the command line well because that again will set you apart as a developer."
"So, now that we have initialized the back end, the next command that we can run is TF plan. It will show you how many resources will be created or deleted or modified when you run Terraform apply. So, this is just a dry run of Terraform apply."
"Now how would you alter the cut command to take into account only one specific line well I could show you a way of doing that but it wouldn't make sense because that's just not a good use case for the cut command."
"Most often you're probably going to use the cut command chained with other commands you are least likely to use it by itself."
"Listing files in Linux with 'ls' command provides detailed information, and you can customize it with flags like '-l', '-t', or '-s'."
"In this video, we'll talk about input-output redirection. Well, in Linux, it refers to the ability of our Linux operating system that allows us to change the standard output and standard input when we execute a command in our terminal."
"The chmod command stands for change mode."
"You need to run this command on each node after installing the prerequisites that I showed you at the beginning."
"That's just some of the ways that I would create my own little custom stopwatches and timers at the command line."
"... anytime I want to learn more about a command or look up a particular option then the Man pages are a fantastic way to do that."
"UNIX-style command line available to you at all times."
"Viral utils is a command line wrapper around viral that lets you very easily work with your network simulations in a net DevOps framework."
"...you can get the same information from the command line."
"The command line doesn't have to be a scary place when used right, it can boost your productivity by at least 10x."
"The reason why I use command line to set up these projects is because it's less clicks to set up the project and it's much faster."
"For Windows users, cmd or PowerShell should work fine, but you might want to explore the new Windows Terminal."
"With one command, I'm installing Apache and all the dependencies. That's pretty cool."
"The easiest and most accurate way is to use helm show command with a specific version."
"Learning how to use the terminal, or command line is not scary at all."
"You will find the beauty of doing simple things with the terminal command line."
"This command line interface is still alive and well today."
"Print Working Directory just prints out the directory or the folder that you're currently in."
"There's a lot of power at the command line, and as you become more familiar with this environment, you'll find that it's much faster to do a number of tasks at the command line rather than doing this in the graphical user interface."
"Once you have that set up, you'll have a command line that you can use on the device."
"In our bash shell, we actually have some more advanced knowledge that's relative to input and output redirection."
"We are going to go through a list of command-line tools and make sure that you understand what they do."
"The proper way to do that would be when you issue your Docker compose command... you would pass them each as environment variables on the command line."
"Windows Terminal is the new command line experience on Windows."
"The Unix command line is important because it gives us a shell, a computer program that exposes the operating system to a human."
"The command line is something which is redesigned, terminal was something which was never redesigned."
"I'm going to use the command 'create-react-app' to essentially create a React project with all the necessary configuration for me."
"The great thing about the list command is that you can use it in combination with other commands."
"The chmod command allows you to change the file mode bits and change the permissions of a file or directory."
"You will gain a good working knowledge of Linux from both a graphical and command line perspective."
"I have a basic understanding of Linux and the command line operations, but I'm eager to learn more."
"The command line's power lies in combining tools."
"It's very common to use find and grep together. The first finds files that match a pattern; the second looks for lines inside those files."
"The GCC command invokes all four stages of the compilation process."
"The file command gives us some pretty useful information about the binary."
"To install the DBT command line tool, I need to run the command 'pip install dbt-core'."
"We will use BusyBox, which implements many command line utilities in one executable."
"If you want to know more about any of the commands in Argo CD, you can always use the help command."
"This is one of the benefits with those command-line tools; you could rapidly prototype something."
"Now, if you have never seen the shell command, you are absolutely going to love this."
"Taking code that you've got working and converting it into a script that can be run at the command line."
"That's why you have to understand the Unix environment itself and be able to work on the terminal, work with command lines."
"The command to initialize a Git repository using command line is 'git init'."
"The command to specify your remote server is 'git remote add origin' and then the URL of your remote repository."
"GNU Nano... it gets the job done."
"All the information that you would get from the command line using 'kubectl', you get the same information but from a nice UI."
"If a command is within the path, you can run it from anywhere in the system."
"Everything is running, the command line interface is just a very compact piece of code."
"The shell is the command line interface that lets you interact with the kernel."
"This is network mapping software you can run from the Linux command line."
"It's good to know the command line stuff, but having some good tools with a GUI is also really important these days."
"We have these policy mappings, and that actually brings us to the command line."
"Let's go ahead and create a project and we're going to let the CDS command line do most of the work for us."
"Once you get used to that environment, you can say, 'Oh okay, I feel comfortable on Linux now, let me get into the command line.'"
"Remember in the Linux world, especially at the command-line, if you know a command, it's gonna work for you, and if you don't know a command, it's simply not going to work for you."
"If you're dealing with distributions... you can sit down whether using Kali or whether you're using Ubuntu, when you type in instructions at the command line, more or less everything should work."
"The HTTPD -V command shows you the version, the build date, and the server version."
"You can do process to process piping so you can start with one command, have some output, and then pipe that into another command and do something with it."
"So you just need to execute this command npm install xlsx."
"Let there be light, and the next morning we had this orgy of oneliners."
"If you make a file, you can address it and use it in the second command. Nice and very useful."
"The pipe is unique because it allows you to take the output of a command and use it as the input for the second command."
"The true power of the find command comes from the parameters you can provide it."
"You can use the command-line interface... and it's going to ask you a series of questions and when it's done with that it's gonna start running and you'll be good to go."
"We do want to have a great command-line experience for managing your VMs."
"We've introduced a command line tool called HVC which is the Hyper-V command line tool."
"It lets us exit with a non-zero exit code like a good command line citizen should."
"Using a command line, where you don't have your mouse generally, you only have your keyboard, is actually a lot more powerful than interface, once you get acclimated to the various commands."
"We're going to learn how to operate a computer from the command line."