
Urban Legend Quotes

There are 172 quotes

"The Dogman began with a disc jockey making a song about him."
"None are as terrifying or as famous as Charman."
"Batman at this point is a symbol of fear based on urban legends within Gotham."
"Slender Man stalks prey, triggering 'Slender sickness' and inducing paranoia."
"In Fire Red and Leaf Green, the infamous truck can still be found at the SS Anne dock, referencing the Mew under the truck rumor."
"The tale of the Bulgarian curse phone number 888888888 has gained attention as somewhat of a modern urban legend, representative of chain of mysterious events."
"The Goatman is a cryptid and urban legend that has gained notoriety in various parts of the United States, particularly in Maryland and Texas."
"The Mothman is a cryptid and urban legend associated with Point Pleasant, West Virginia, in the United States."
"Next up, we have the creepy legend of Ben's Playhouse."
"Riverside beast in Uzbekistan, a frightening creature previously dismissed as a rumor, captured on video."
"A creature that is fast, a creature that is strong, and a creature that stays well hidden is something to scare the hell out of anybody traversing through these subway networks at night."
"The legend of Resurrection Mary persists, punctuated by reported sightings and eerie encounters."
"The origins of Slenderman can be traced back to 2009."
"Entre ran may have become the cropsy of Staten Island through his actions but he was absolutely not the inspiration for the tale. The tale just mutated when it hit that island to involve a local scary asylum and an even scarier man."
"There has been an ongoing mystery... a house which despite many claiming to have seen it does not actually exist."
"The black flash never returned to Provincetown."
"According to the urban legend, the YouTube user who uploaded the video, named Mister Peeper, claimed that this was found footage."
"It’s all about a creepy alternate dimension of endless office hallways that people are 'noclipping' into and getting trapped in."
"A San Diego homeowner recorded a Hollywood movie-like creature on his rooftop."
"Finally coming into number one we have one of the most famous NYC urban legends: behold the legend of the sewer alligators."
"Nonetheless, while the details of the Cropsey legend may have been exaggerated and distorted over the years, the tale does have a strong basis in reality."
"The slender man became ubiquitous across the internet to the point of legend."
"All of these popular musicians died at the age of 27, leading to the emergence of the 27 Club urban legend."
"You're going to be convinced yourself that New Orleans is the most haunted city on earth."
"It's the Essex Snoop Dog. They thought it was a lion, didn't they? So Teddy Bear was a ginger cat mistaken for a lion, giving rise to the Essex lion scare."
"That's what you get, I guess, you hear an urban legend you go looking for it, and if you find it, I mean, you can't really be surprised now, can you?"
"Never have I seen the Jersey Devil... gives you the heebie-jeebies for a second."
"The real boogeyman the town truly fears and hates."
"What if I told you that cow tipping doesn't actually happen and is physically impossible?"
"Quick little back story on the road above the tunnel, a little girl got hit by a drunk driver, and that's what's believed to be haunting this tunnel."
"For over forty years, authorities have pursued thousands of leads, and it’s even rumored that Betsy Aardsma’s ghost haunts Pattee Library."
"Walt's lamp above the fire station at Disneyland is not Walt's lamp."
"The Legend of the slit-mouthed woman dates back to the 1600s."
"The legend goes that the Candyman can be summoned if you say his name five times while looking into a mirror at midnight."
"Was it the same creature that apparently terrorized Point Pleasant just a few years later?"
"Polybius rumor had it that Polybius was insanely addictive. One of the kids were finally forced off it by the next in line they reported feeling nauseous and stressed. Some even had seizures."
"There's a dude who lived in Harlem with a tiger in his apartment. That's the most insane thing of all time."
"Slenderman is one of the scariest Urban Legends to have come out of the internet."
"The Lumiose City Ghost Girl is not a real ghost but rather a hoax set up by the owner of a Pokemon horror website."
"Have you heard the rumor of the devil broadcasting to the American public on August 29th, 1968? It's a seriously creepy urban legend that may or may not be true."
"I live in Southeast Pennsylvania in the US and local law tells of a road a road thought to be more or less haunted or better said inhabited."
"Hitogata, also known as White Humanoids or White People, is an urban legend originating from a 2004 thread on the Japanese Message Board 2channel."
"The story of Mothman centers around Point Pleasant, West Virginia, a sleepy little town of about 4,500 people."
"The tale of Resurrection Mary is a creepy urban legend that could mostly be real."
"...I like to me there was nothing Indian here he says oh oh no father uh this house is built um this whole suburb was in a giant lawsuit that made the news all over the country because they were building on an Indian burial ground..."
"The buildings on Moore Lane is a Creepypasta that was uploaded to the wiki in 2019,"
"In 1963 there was 13 cases of children in New Jersey finding razor blades and apples they received while trick-or-treating now in 75% of these cases the children were uninjured which still means that some were which is awful."
"But after looking more into these cases in 1972 it was determined that nearly all claims were false and the children had put the razors in the apples themselves to propagate the urban legend of dangerous things being in Halloween candy."
"More and more Slender Man stories were being posted. People then started to say that they dreamt of Slender Man. He was starting to escape the world in which he was being created."
"To this day, some residents claim to hear the ghostly screams of Jenny coming from the tracks."
"Locals have reported seeing freshly skinned rabbit carcasses hanging from the overpass of what is now known as Bunnyman Bridge. A sure sign that this axe-wielding fiend is nearby, waiting to bust you on the head."
"Kids growing up in Staten Island during the 80s had probably been told the story of Cropsy over and over again."
"Locals and travelers claim to have seen the Gray Man in various locations across the province, particularly in isolated rural areas and near abandoned homesteads."
"The 'Momo Challenge' was a hoax, an internet urban legend that emerged in 2018."
"We can immobilize witches in the city of London, we can seize their means of transportation."
"he's like this Granton Strangler walks up and down the streets every night salting the sidewalks"
"There's something in the forests of Iowa. It kills people and it only comes out when it rains."
"Cropsy is the creature that lurks at the end of your block. It's a shadowy figure that prowls the edge of the playground. Cropsy is Staten Island's personal boogeyman and he was always out there, waiting to get the children."
"The Jersey Devil is said to roam the New Jersey Pinelands that surround the road."
"Who knows, maybe there is a dog man out there hiding in the woods."
"...don't go smoking at night in graveyards especially during Halloween or the Day of the Dead..."
"The hairy man of Vergas Trail has been described as being 8 feet tall, having long and straggly hair, a musty smell, and always barefoot."
"Many of the sightings involved the creature attacking or fighting with stray dogs, killing them, and possibly drinking their blood before flying or bounding away from witnesses into the night."
"We've all invoked the five-second rule. That's the popular bit of wisdom that says if you drop food on the floor, it's okay to eat it if you pick it up within five seconds."
"Myth busted: food picks up bacteria the moment it hits the floor."
"It's a placebo effect. It's a myth. It's an urban legend."
"Cass Elliot did not choke on a ham sandwich."
"You were right, Clem. The building lives. It loves life, all the things you and I love. It wanted me, Clem."
"Clem, I told you the building wanted me. It heard us planning to get married. It was jealous and took me away."
"One famous legend tells of a dreadful curse. As the story goes, the wife of a well-respected city judge was supposed to be the first to cross the bridge when it was brand new. She died days before the bridge opened and was carried across instead in her coffin."
"...the most famous ghostly sighting at Waverly Hills is that of a nurse who is said to have taken her own life in one of the hospital's rooms."
"Small town of Fairfax Virginia with a population of 24,000 people and one bunny man."
"Locals warn that crossing the bridge at night without headlights just as The Klansman did will summon the Goatman."
"Bloody Mary is one of the most widely recognized urban legends of all time."
"Did you hear about this videotape that kills you when you watch it?"
It's a wild story, for the longest time this was along the lines of you know, "oh my uncle at Nintendo told me X whatever," so like, I mean the myth that they buried millions is probably debunked, this is crazy to find out something such a big urban legend over 20 years later.
"The most famous story surrounding I-90 tells that in 1969 five teenagers were killed when their 68 Impala collided with a 69 Road Runner at more than 100 miles per hour."
"US Route 50 has long been surrounded in tales of paranormal activity with those traveling it reporting extreme cold spots, strange noises through radio transmissions, and accounts of phantom hitchhikers who when picked up always end up disappearing mid-drive."
"Disney now claims that there are no human remains left at this ride."
"Sometimes Slenderman will come for you."
"Walt Disney had his body cryogenically frozen after his death and right now apparently it's being stored in a bunker underneath the theme park."
"The town is often referred to as one of the gateways to Hell due to the fire that spread in an underground coal mine underneath the town in 1962."
"It seems that one way or another though this urban legend was bound to manifest somewhere."
"Humans can lick too. Is that scary?"
"I had always heard the rumors of the Michigan dog man but I always thought it was just old wives tale like the boogeyman that my dad told me to scare me straight as a kid."
"If you eat breakfast, you have like more energy to deal with [ __ ] during the day. I didn't know that was real thought was an urban legend."
"I was told by the police officers that around 30 years ago the entire Brewer family that had previously lived in my house had gone missing"
"One of the most widely published stories of Crowley is the time he and this man McGregor went into a hotel room in Paris to pentagram and invoke the devil."
"Two students have gone missing, supposedly there were two friends who thought it would be funny to sneak into the demolition site at night."
"Nobody ever discovered nineteen bodies buried in the backyard of a fourteen-story apartment building."
"It's a local native version of Bigfoot, except moderately more terrifying."
"It's surprising, Gabe is going to talk here another hour and he's found a surprising amount of habitat evidence of Bigfoot in the Metro areas."
"Many people in the town still think that Heather was killed by the woman's ghost itself."
"The bunny man may have been an urban legend, but the man kidnapped children and he was very real."
"The cat she is said to be as big as a large dog and often seen with an arched back and sharp bristle-like fur."
"LA's so rich with twisted murder stories. It's almost like it's just in the air sometimes."
"You know the Pirates of the Caribbean ride? No one called George ever died there."
"The scary video became known as the screaming ghost at Wingate Hotel."
"Is it a thing everywhere where if you're in a dorm and your roommate dies you get free tuition?"
"Urban legend, I heard it mentioned. Dog is right at home in the dirt and trenches. My birth and chess, first sent the life. I roll for the worst, often sense the slaughter."
"...a large, unnatural beast that roams the stretch with some describing it as a Sasquatch, others as a mutated cow, and others still as something demonic, something not of this world."
"Since the concept of the creature feels like that of a classic urban legend... leaving remnants of all the variations that it's taken on through time."
"Almost every story of the creature that you encounter in the press at that point all noted an overpowering and horrendous smell that wafted through the area every time the monster was seen or thought to be nearby."
"And yeah, I feel like that's a lot of people's biggest fears, because that's crazy, imagine someone for years of your life just living in your house and you have no idea."
"Ozzy Osbourne biting heads off bats was a regular part of his concerts but the urban legend was an exaggeration"
"Gravity Hill is terrifying... it's the ghost children that died on this bus crash."
"I have a quick question, is it true that Starbucks will help you get girls? Can you confirm that?"
"She was decapitated. Now the decapitated woman was pregnant, and the story goes that she's still wandering this area looking for her baby."
"Chuck-E-Cheese FNAF is real, guys. The animatronics are coming alive at night and obviously eating the children. It's a sign."
"That's scary. Well, guys, that's why you should never go to Chuck-E-Cheese, especially at 3:00 a.m."
"The night of the baby-eating witches."
"South Roads may be the closest we ever come to a real-life backrooms."
"I only drink Mountain Dew and Dr Pepper and Pepsi. I don't drink Mountain Dew because I heard it makes your penis... hmm."
"With such a fascinating history of tragedy and death no wonder Liverpool Street station is said to be haunted."
"In the '90s, you know, like the Son of Sam panic in New York City, it was real."
"Highway humanoid: a figure running on all fours across the highway, exhibiting characteristics of both human and animal."
"The time portal within Portland State University."
"The Mantis Man, reported in Hackettstown, New Jersey, near the Musconetcong River, is a mysterious creature resembling a praying mantis."
"The old man and the phantom car has been seen by multiple people with stories dating back to the 1990s."
"is indian hills truly the gateway to hell"
"...Atari to quite famously bury a large amount of unsold cartridges and gaming equipment in a landfill in New Mexico."
"There have been supposed numerous reports of people being spotted walking along a pathway into an area where there is nothing, only to disappear for good."
"If you are ever out at night and come upon a tall and thin man with pasty pale skin and a freakishly large grin, don't look him in the eyes and run away as fast as possible."
"There have also been a number of missing person reports related to Room 401."
"If you are listening to this story, don't play the elevator game for nothing."
"Legend has it that Springfield served as the inspiration for the iconic American town featured in The Simpsons."
"The legend of the Mothman began on November 12th, 1966, five men were digging a grave at a cemetery in clenin when they claimed they saw a man-like figure fly out of the trees and over their heads."
"Sit back and relax, and join me as we explore the urban legend in Mui: The Legend of a Portrait."
"Fake tales of San Francisco echo through the room."
"By 1838, rumors of ghosts and devils reported in villages beyond the bustling city have now breached London, and the alleys teem with whispers of Spring Heeled Jack."
"Alligators in the sewer is definitely a true story."
"Whatever his origins, should you ever find yourself walking through the streets of Glasgow in the early hours, be mindful of your surroundings because no one can be sure when or where the gurning man may end up making his next appearance."
"Blood Alley is a fascinating case of the urban imaginary because it is known in the minds of all Vancouverites but it doesn't actually exist on any official map."
"If you drive around Chuck E. Cheese at 3 AM between 3:00 AM and 4:00 AM, something creepy can happen."
"Underneath this bridge is a skull with a dagger through it, and if you look at that skull while walking backwards underneath this bridge, your wishes are supposed to come true."
"The GTA series by Rockstar Games has added the legend of Bigfoot to its detailed open-world environments."
"Whether Mothman is fact or fiction, horror or hoax, that creature towers over the daily life of Point Pleasant."
"The Loveland Frog is an urban legend that originated in Loveland, Ohio in the 1950s."
"The old donkey lady haunts a bridge over Elm Creek in San Antonio, Texas."
"The Legend of the ghost train of Stoney Trail continues to intrigue and captivate those who travel along the highway late at night."
"This would be the seed of a new urban legend, a legend of a cruel man, a man simply known as Mr. Cruel."
"Every small town street has one, and every kid knows the legend."
"The monkey man of New Delhi is an urban legend from India that emerged in mid-2001."
"The 'Paul is dead' conspiracy theory is an urban legend suggesting that Paul McCartney of The Beatles died in 1966 and was replaced by a look-alike."
"The Vanishing Lady is a classic urban legend with several variations around the world."
"The legend of Polybius is perhaps one of the most infamous gaming urban legends in the world."
"If someone dies in an exam, you get full marks."
"The most fascinating thing about this urban legend is that it's a modern myth born exclusively from the internet."
"So no, I don't think the game ever existed, but the rest of the story is completely true, and that's why, as far as urban legends go, the story of Polybius is just about perfect."
"The Bunnyman, the urban legend of the Bunnyman originated in Fairfax County, Virginia."
"Sit back and relax, and join me as we explore the mythical urban legend of Candyman."
"The Hatman has become a feature of modern urban legends worldwide."
"The story of Hazel Irene Drew turned into more of an urban legend, a ghost story told around the campfire."
"As far as we know, Huntington's Fifth Street hitchhiker has not been seen for many years."
"The most prolific legend around smile dog is that it was actually spread through a chain letter with the subject line 'Smile, God loves you.'"
"Is it just a game to scare kids, or is there some aspect of truth to this urban legend?"
"You see how you possessed a girl? They're saying if you say Candyman five times in the mirror, that's what happens to you."
"The Haunted Bridge was so scary to the point where citizens from my city would not cross that bridge anymore."
"It's about mysterious disappearances, an urban legend rumored to be responsible, and one group of friends determined to save their city at any cost."