
Web Applications Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"MySQL is a leading database for web applications, used from small business websites to very large-scale enterprise applications."
"Node.js optimizes throughput and scalability in web applications."
"Sharp notions specializes in developing web applications for the fintech industry."
"Electron made it possible to make good multiplatform experiences as a web developer."
"Now, if you have worked with any applications, specifically web applications in the past, you may already know that putting sensitive data like this in a file that's going to be in your GitHub repository is not safe at all."
"Burp Suite is essentially an integrated platform for performing security testing of web applications."
"The biggest risk in web applications is broken access."
"HTML is good, HTML in fact is better most of the time for web applications."
"Probably one of my very favorite things about working with... web-based applications."
"Software as a service is a cloud computing model where software applications are hosted on a cloud provider's servers and accessed through the internet using a web browser."
"XSS attacks can have an impact on both the client and server components of a web application's security."
"For those of you that have not heard of the OWASP Top 10 project, it's essentially the list of the top 10 most critical security risks facing web applications today."
"But increasingly in the modern age, there are more and more web applications and a lot of data might only live in some cloud provider."
"Blazor WebAssembly is a little slower because you have to download your entire application."
"There's an overlay and at the center, there is a nice circular progress bar which is indicating to the user that something is happening there inside your application."
"WAF protects our web application from common web exploits and helps us control which traffic to allow or block."
"This is going to lead to faster initial loads for applications and just increase performance."
"So if you have an existing application that you really want to run in the web, then this seems like a great solution."
"Flask is really a third party library that's just gonna make it easier to implement web applications using Python."
"But we have the beginnings now of a dynamic application."
"Single-page applications are becoming increasingly popular nowadays."
"You can build out a web app, maybe a traditional web app like a PHP web app or a Node.js web app."
"Superset plugins can actually be embedded into external web applications."
"By the end of this video course, you'll know what web applications are and how you can host them online."
"The advantage of web applications is that they are platform independent and can be run by anyone who has access to the internet."
"My goal is that you learn how to create pure web analytic or data analytic web apps in Python."
"It's really important to have a control such as the same origin policy because if it wasn't there, all the applications can pretty much attack each other and access each other's data."
"All web applications in the world at the end, regardless of what programming language they use, which regardless of what database they use, just produces the furnitures which is HTML, CSS, and JavaScript."
"React is known for creating amazing single page applications, commonly abbreviated as SPA."
"We're super excited that .NET 5 has now shipped with enhanced support for building full-stack web apps with ASP.NET Core and Blazor."
"Progressive web applications are about building a more engaging experience for our users."
"Service workers fundamentally shift a couple of paradigms on how you develop applications."
"The MBT architecture allows developers to easily update the database, logical code, presentation, and styling to create dynamic web applications."
"Most any web application today has a back end database inside of which is stored data from users."
"NoSQL is used for big data and real-time web applications."
"It allows you to build web applications very similarly to how you would build desktop applications."
"Vaadin is a platform for building modern web applications that connect to Java backends."
"When it comes to web applications, the HTTP request is the user input."
"The OWASP Top 10 is the 10 most critical web application security risks."
"And where I thought we'd conclude today is by talking a little bit about security, about making sure that our web applications are secure."
"We're working on Yeoman to make it easier to consume these smart tooling choices and help you build compelling web apps."
"These are some tools that we just saw that are very helpful for us as pen testers in order to analyze whether a client application, specifically web application, is secure or not."
"Web applications are finally being exposed to the actual full operating system and let you do some really exciting things."
"This has me very excited about adding this to all of my next.js applications."
"Blockchain applications are fundamentally different from traditional web applications."
"If you could do it in a web app, you can do it inside a spreadsheet."
"Google App Engine is a product that lets you run web applications on Google hardware."
"Think of it as a bridge between your web app and the protected resource, allowing users access."
"If your application doesn't have URL support, it is not a web app."
"Azure App Services is a service to deploy apps, specifically web-facing apps on Azure."
"Whether I am at home on blazing fast Wi-Fi or I'm in a subway somewhere with no connection at all, I should still be able to get access and benefit from web applications."
"An Angular application can typically run on all browsers and platforms like Windows, macOS, and Linux."
"Making sure that your tests are resilient with the way your web application behaves."
"We're here to talk about data science and production and building web applications."
"Web apps can easily support multiple mobile OSs and can be extended with device specific enhancements to make them behave more like native apps."
"Lucidchart was one of the first major graphical applications launched on the web, and it's all written in handwritten JavaScript."
"We want to make sure web applications, if the user installs them, act as first-class citizens on the web."