
Survival Story Quotes

There are 110 quotes

"Nikki's story is a story of survival; it's a story of a woman who fought for years for her child."
"At 3:30 p.m. Kristle Merzlock was clinically dead."
"I survived the sinking of the Titanic not because I was quick to act, but because a dead woman tried to warn me. Francesca Boucher saved my life, and I'll never know how, nor will I be able to thank her."
"I'm alive today because these brave men and women searching for me found me."
"I was dead meat... but for Jesus Christ and divine intervention giving Donald Trump the courage."
"What we now know confirmed by the governor of Chiang Rai, four of the boys who went into the cave two weeks ago... are now out."
"For such a tragic, horrific story... at least there's Michelle like she's still here on this planet to spread this message."
"It is a story of survival, of perseverance, of the true nature of heroism."
"I was absolutely convinced that I would die that day." - Doris Smith
"Doctors never predicted that Rebecca would live past the age of two."
"My father survived the Holocaust thanks to the compassion and selfless acts of others."
"I come from a plane that fell into the mountains. I'm Uruguayan, we have been walking for ten days."
"Abandoned ship orders were given because of the beating the ship was receiving, and the rescue was no walk in the park, but all 31 sailors made it out alive."
"Against all odds, the crew of Apollo 13 returned safely."
"A living testament to the power of dedication, compassion, and the unbreakable bond between a mother and her cub."
"He would go on to miraculously survive the ordeal."
"Two men were found clinging to a cooler miles from Florida after a day of fishing. When a ride, it's not every day you see someone floating on a cooler in the middle of the ocean."
"To this day, I have no earthly idea how she survived."
"My childhood was so tough, there was a point I stood at the edge and I was ready to jump."
"The man survived 40 years of the CIA trying to kill him to die of old age at 90 years old."
"This gorgeous little dog who's had such a harrowing existence so far has made it."
"But despite being dangerously underdeveloped, they beat the odds and all survived."
"Luckily, Travis Walton made it back to tell his story."
"This is the story of a survivor. He was neglected, and yet with the help of other people, he managed to get back up and continue with his life."
"An incredible Story of Survival: a man with an amputated hand buried with a knife as his prosthetic."
"All in all, what an incredible story, what a great survival story, what an amazing expedition!"
"You can touch his material things but you can't touch his soul. I'm a miracle I'm not supposed to be here today."
"He's an incredible Miracle, a testament to the will to live."
"Rudy was found alive." - A miraculous turn of events that defied all expectations, sparking hope in the darkest of circumstances.
"The real-life Tarzan of Vietnam: surviving in the jungle for 40 years after American bombings."
"From the moment the invaders arrived, breathed our air, ate and drank, they were doomed."
"Saved by a sea lion: a man who survived to fall from the Golden Gate Bridge was saved by a sea lion."
"A 13 year old dog named Abby is finally home with her family after spending months alone at the bottom of a 12-foot pit..."
"This is the story of Louis Zamperini, and what would come to be known as the Miracle on the Pacific."
"Tim Lancaster's survival was little short of miraculous."
"Thanks to this awesome sea lion, Kevin is one of the few people to have survived the fall from the Golden Gate Bridge!"
"Professional surfer survived unharmed after being struck from behind by a shark."
"This Holocaust Survivor escaped to the beginning of World War II."
"Manual was identified by Mary McLaughlin, who bravely talked her way out of the situation."
"Within the ranks and he's not the biggest, he's actually looks like the shortest and the smallest but yet, these guys have no idea that this guy right here is about to save all their lives for as long as he can."
"I've had the lowest valleys, the highest highs. I've had extreme happiness, if I've had addictions. I'm like a living example of what people can go through and survive. I'm not like anyone, I'm me."
"Lionel Johnson grew up in the woods fending for himself against these monsters."
"Michael Rockefeller, choked up and tired but still alive... the dude was a Chad."
"The story of their survival is an unparalleled account of perseverance, courage, and self-sacrifice."
"Khan survived the night and was expected to make a full recovery."
"Doctors said they didn't know how the frick I was still alive. Now 16 and haven't had any hospital worthy complications since. And god dang it, my mom is the most amazing and loving person on this green earth. Your mom probably never slept again."
"My mother today is the only one who has survived with one other lady last we heard."
"In the case of Jalen, his two puppies, Bootsy and Dipstick, helped keep him warm throughout the night."
"Glad that the wildebeest has escaped death because lions don't always win."
"She was literally fighting for her life for 48 hours."
"Only in America can someone like me who survived a mass shooting... find yourself in that kind of a situation."
"A woman who vanished while walking her dog at a campsite has remarkably been found alive."
"The doctors told me that if it wasn't for this thumb that I would have died. This thumb saved my life."
"A woman survived a shark scare during a solo swim, thanks to the quick action of her escort team."
"Their Escape was nothing short of extraordinary."
"Harrison o'keen, a man who survived an extraordinary ordeal."
"When I was born, they left me on the hillside..."
"The amazing story of a pilot who was sucked out of a plane at 23,000 feet and survived, this story is wild!"
"This unbelievable accident-turned-miracle serves as a reminder."
"In 2000 Kevin Hines jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge due to his Mental Illness but he survived the drop because a sea lion kept bumping his body up to the surface."
"A young boy at the center of the story would eventually be reunited with his mother... It's really just one of those thousands of stories of people in desperate situations trying to make better lives for their families."
"It's really quite remarkable that he survived two nights."
"The extravagant story is completely real. Outdoorsman Aaron Ralston got himself trapped in Utah's Blue John Canyon and spent five days starving, dehydrating, and slowly losing both his mind and body."
"I was conceived despite my mother taking the morning after pill see I can make it through everything."
"Isabel Choco, a tale of survival and triumph on the chessboard. Her legacy, carved both through her survival and her contributions to chess, will continue to inspire future generations."
"Jones says people have told her that she must be the unluckiest person alive. You have a hawk and a snake attack at the same time. She says it's the opposite: 'I feel like the luckiest person alive to have survived this.'"
"Diver survives after being swallowed by humpback whale."
"Jordan Carberry found himself in a fight for his life."
"The reality is that she was an abandoned shot a little girl surviving out there in the marsh on her own."
"This is a story that has been considered the worst shark attack in history."
"The story of why I ended up here, the story of how I narrowly escaped death itself."
"The survivors confessed to a Catholic priest what they had been forced to do in the mountains..."
"Alabama man's Bible survives devastating house fire, brings firefighter to tears."
"Rebecca 'Newt' Jordan is discovered as the lone survivor of the xenomorph infestation."
"I consider myself a survivor. I don't know what it was about me that made Ronnie let go of my throat that evening, what was different about the events that led him to spare my life."
"This guy was lucky to live to tell his tale after a harrowing shark attack!"
"She had survived the Second World War, the Nazi Genocide, the death of her parents in Auschwitz, Communist dictatorship, the Hungarian revolution in 1956, emigration to Canada with two adolescent boys."
"It's about one of the most incredible survival stories I've ever come across."
"This is the most insane individual story of survival, military story I've heard."
"Thank the Lord that bet paid off and I'm alive to tell you this story."
"I honestly know that I wouldn't be here today to tell you the horror story that was my first relationship."
"Sweetie crawled out of her trunk, wrapped her feet in newspaper, and walked 40 miles in the snow to the nearest town."
"Tanya head told a woeful tale of survival and guilt, claiming to have been on the 78th floor of the south tower on the morning of September 11th."
"Arturo's Survival Story is a harrowing reminder of the unpredictable nature of Outdoor Adventures and the importance of preparedness."
"That tiger stopped us that night, and the North Vietnamese soldiers were more afraid of the tiger than they were us."
"In the end, we survived, but the scars were etched not just on our bodies but on our souls."
"Imagine being stranded alone on a desolate island with nothing but your wits to keep you alive."
"This story resembles a survival movie with a happy ending."
"A 102-year-old woman from New York who survived the 1918 Spanish flu has now beat coronavirus twice."
"Forced to survive in the desert for 10 days, Mauro Prosperi drank his own urine, consumed bats, and burned his possessions in hopes someone will find him."
"It's estimated he traveled somewhere between 5500 and 6500 miles during the ordeal and survived an unbelievable 438 days adrift on the open ocean."
"Frankenstein made it all the way here; it's still alive, it's still alive."
"I can't believe we walked out of the whole thing, we should be dead, and we're not, in fact, we're unscathed, we're completely fine."
"One of the greatest survival stories in the history of Himalayan mountaineering."
"A huge wave nearly swept me away," said the seventh man, almost whispering it.
"That’s the unbelievable true story of Ken Jones, a British hiker who was hiking in the Transylvanian Alps and had to deal with one of nature’s fastest, deadliest disasters – twice!"
"It offers an interesting perspective into how Eric Kirby survives on the island."
"Amanda claimed that during those 17 days, she survived by eating berries and drinking from running streams and rivers."