
Natural Habitat Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"SeaWorld is full of domesticated wild creatures that are better off born and raised in the wilderness, obviously."
"These octopus rock pools are an ideal habitat for octopus."
"It's the environment that lets these grow year and year out here."
"Some animals just aren't meant to live in captivity. If you want to see a gorilla, visit one in the wild."
"It had served its purpose well. But it was the start of a new age now for this ant colony, where they no longer needed to live in the glass and cotton home of their provenance, but in the very element that nature had designed them to live - wood."
"This Turtle got stuck in tree roots on its way to the sea but luckily a kind family decided to rescue it and release it back into the ocean where it belongs."
"If you're like in the middle of the Fakahatchee Strand or the Big Cypress Swamp, or any of the other places like where that kid went, you know, they're like rattlesnakes, water moccasins, gators, again."
"Vancouver Island is a prime location for a Sasquatch to want to live."
"The abundance of wildlife living in these mountains, woods, and bayous means there is a lot of prey available and confirms this is a likely home for the Swamp Stalker."
"So it really does feel kind of special that we get a chance to take a peek at this thing in its natural habitat."
"If there's a viable habitat for a Sasquatch, this is certainly it."
"King Salmon also called Chinook salmon is one of the five species of wild Pacific salmon swimming through the Alaskan Waters."
"Marmots have long been beloved mountain inhabitants."
"I'd be down for an entire movie of just Kong living his life in Hollow Earth."
"So we have over 100 different species of birds throughout the year because of the creek again I don't know if you can see it I'm sure you have eagles."
"I want them to have a natural environment like they would in the wild."
"The fish actually prefer a larger water change. In nature, they come from rivers or streams where it's going through thousands of percent water change every second."
"He was delighted to see it land in the forest to make a nest as its home not too far from the village."
"I'm a big fan of keeping reptiles in naturalistic setups and that is what I aim for when it comes to my own animals."
"...you can generally see more fish on site imaging on these natural lakes because of that..."
"Did you know Hoyas are epiphytic? This basically means that in their natural habitats they grow on other trees and plants in the wild and don't actually require much soil to live."
"These fish are actually from areas where there is lots of black water, and that's the reason for their vibrance."
"Look at the enclosure that this fella is in, it is so natural."
"The zoo is basically a living jungle."
"It's not just my garden... it was a garden to wildlife before I was here."
"It's a 43-acre wildlife preserve with 30 species and indigenous African trees and shrubs."
"Look how cute it is. I love that they just live here."
"Let them be free in their giant, giant ecosystem that is crystal clear and beautiful."
"He should have been living his best life in the jungle as a wild animal instead."
"Seeing gorillas in their natural habitat is just so extraordinary, and you feel very privileged."
"It's so exciting to watch an animal like that feel at home."
"The Red Deer is the UK's largest land mammal and is threatened by little apart from the Scottish weather."
"This place supports a huge number of different species of insects, plants, mammals like bats and beavers, also loads of different wild flowers."
"A forest is a place where there are lots of trees growing naturally."
"This is the perfect way for me to show you nature in their natural habitat."
"The waterfowl absolutely love it; they're made for it."
"Wild animals are entitled to be left alone in their natural habitats."
"Honeybees like to live in hollow trees or some other cavity."
"More than half of the island is made up of wildlife refuges."
"The eagles fly, and the otters play, in the land of the Seminole."
"She can enjoy the rest of her life in a natural enclosure."
"Ethologists are more concerned with animals in their natural setting."
"Cacti are not house plants; they've evolved everything they need to deal with the intense light of the habitats that they've spent millions of years in natural selection."
"I got a chance of a lifetime to see a creature in its habitat, in its environment, doing what it's been doing for hundreds of years."
"The straw forest was the dodo's world; it's where it fought, fed, and bred."
"This is how lion cubs should be viewed, not wrapped up in the arms of a human being but with their moms in the wild where they belong."
"They do belong in the wild; they are part of our wildlife."
"It's marvelous stuff, the pride is walking directly towards the dam."
"This is what it's all about, having the animals comfortable, feeling like they're in their own natural environment, perfection."
"This whole entire greater Kruger National Park, the animals are free, they move around, there's no intervention."
"With the animals here, they should be in the wild; they shouldn't be in a sanctuary."
"Elephants will live probably around 55 years, sometimes as much as 60 in this area."
"It's always nice just the excitement for it, you know, it's so nice taking a look at these wild in their natural habitat and what they do."
"The New Forest, with its ancient trees and open land covered with heather."
"We never take them to any zoos, these animals live completely 100% wild."
"It's a really nice Definitely if you like animals and stuff, a lot of native Florida animals and stuff are there."
"I want people to look at animals where they are in as much as possible their natural environment, where they can fall in love with them like I have."
"As soon as it starts to cool down just a little bit, animals start to move towards the pans."
"Rabbits spend their time running and jumping and hiding in burrows."
"Wild animals should stay in the wild, not become pets."
"Its aim is to give them a safe and happy life in as natural an environment as possible."
"Kilimanjaro Safari, the number one place that you can see probably the most animals in their as natural as it can be habitats."
"We see the owl in its own environment, half printed, its claws firmly grasped upon the husk of a log."
"Spider monkeys aren't happy as pets; they need to live with other spider monkeys, free in the forest."
"Chickens are naturally a woodland animal, so why not put their coop in the woods?"
"It's important all of the primates at the park are given the opportunity to live a life as close as possible to that which they might experience in their natural habitat."