
Education Advocacy Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"I advocate education and bettering yourself and your knowledge at every opportunity."
"Catherine insisted that her younger subjects, be they girls or boys, should receive an education."
"As an advocate of education, I believe in the right to education because it's a basic human right that each and every child deserves."
"Learning will improve your brain health, bro. True!"
"Inspiration for why everyone needs to stay in school!"
"Education is the most powerful weapon which we can use to change the world." - Miss Mauritius
"Maybe stay away from drugs in general, stay in school."
"Education is the closest thing to Magic and we have to continue to promote an educated Society."
"We need to stop denigrating the humanities and seriously build them into our education."
"Stay in school, don't you? But seriously, how great is this?"
"Education is important. We can't ban books. We can't keep ignoring our history."
"Fight for your communities to push towards free education and at the same time please fight for your dumbass friend communities to give away wins in friendlies."
"I want to expand the capacities for people to be involved in securing for their children the benefits of a decent education."
"Education pioneer: Willard's fight for women's higher learning."
"We just need to encourage people to read more, to learn more, to have a love of learning."
"Just do honest inquiry, read, and I think if everybody did that a bit more we'd be better off."
"Everybody owes it to themselves and in particular their children to advocate for them to be more scientifically literate than they are now."
"Abortion: Let's make it legal, safe, rare, and in the meantime, focus on the sex education that actually makes abortions unnecessary."
"Support the educational institutions that matter to you because when they have to rely on the whim of politicians, Scholars and scholarship and the access to them is never as safe and as secure as we can make it together."
"I genuinely believe that education is the most important thing in the world."
"The desperate effort to destroy Social Security and public education can't be because they're not working; they both work extremely well."
"What I can do though is I can learn more and I can spread that education around."
"Jobs and education, not more jails and incarceration."
"The biggest enemy to ignorance is education..."
"Queens are self-sufficient. Don't ever let anyone talk you out of finishing school or quitting your job."
"We affirm you're perfect as you are, but why not normalize learning coping mechanisms and problem-solving early on?"
"Education is the only way out of adversity in poverty."
"He was a staunch believer in education for youth outside of football."
"Education should be free for everyone, for life."
"The use of drugs has been made synonymous with the abuse of drugs. For the most part, they are natural substances and have been around long before man. Prohibition never worked; education is the answer."
"Stand in school, get good grades, don't be a part of no gangs."
"If we have more people such as yourself, believe me, the world will be more educated and a better place."
"Stay in school and go to college, read books, and just do positive things."
"In the struggle against religious harm, are we better off just promoting better education, economic policies which allow for the production of wealth, and strong social safety nets?"
"We will take away their guns and give them books, we will take away their despair and give them hope."
"Education was incredibly important to Mom. She not only encouraged education for me and made it a priority for me, she encouraged everyone who was in her orbit."
"Charlemagne eagerly promoted learning throughout his empire."
"The solution is educating those people so they can't be scammed anymore."
"I'm a massive advocate for lifelong learning, however you do that."
"I'm really passionate about economic equality, international affairs, and education."
"The most popular artists of that era were the most positive, most educated, promoting being smart, being an educated black man."
"I'm just Pro education. It's your life, it's your choice, but if you're going to do something, educate yourself."
"That is why I'm a big advocate for education."
"Education, education, education, no more weapons please."
"Education is a right, and therefore we believe that any action we can take to ensure all kids in the developing world can have an education is essential."
"Why I fight for access to education. Why I advocate for more conscious global relations, and why I have tried so hard to fill the world with love."
"That is a real topic, that the high school physics book would be more instrumental in the development of the black community than your current Bible."
"I'm a firm believer in a strong STEM."
"Maybe education will always have my heart, and I will always want to raise awareness about issues going on in education."