
Food Technology Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"We've been really excited to explore a new technical approach to making food that does not require vast amounts of land or animal suffering."
"Of course if you can lab grow proteins, meat proteins, then you never needed the animal in the first place."
"Impossible Foods debuted their latest innovation in lab-grown meat: Impossible Pork."
"Cellular agriculture... clearly going to be a game changer for food security."
"We have now seen the first commercial sale of cultivated meat just a few weeks ago in Singapore."
"If we could make meat without the animal, why wouldn't we?"
"What we're really trying to do is that holy grail: it needs to satisfy meat eaters, it needs to taste the same or better."
"Clean meat is meat that's better for the environment."
"The US approves chicken made from cultivated cells, the nation's first lab grown meat."
"Cultivated meat will have a bigger and bigger role to play."
"Lab grown meat is the future. You cannot tell the difference."
"Fruit wax smooths the divide between fantasy and reality of food."
"Genetically modifying food... it's not that this is an evil thing."
"Lab milk closely resembles cow's milk in nutritional composition and taste, but it's made with zero involvement from any animal."
"Percy Spencer stumbled upon something extraordinary, a method to heat food using electromagnetic waves."
"Some companies are aiming to make hybrid products instead, for example, they'll just make the animal fats in bioreactors and use that to make plant-based products taste better."
"Very soon, like within a few years here. Lab-grown meat is already being used or developed in other countries, so there are lab-grown Meats right now and will become very mainstream within a number of years." - Sterling
"You can tailor it to have any kind of consistency or quality or nutritional value that you want."
"The non-melting Tropical bar was thought a minor miracle."
"Symbolizing modernity and efficiency in food processing with its unique Helix reel feature, this machine ensures food is mixed thoroughly creating the Perfect Blend."
"Bill Gates is investing in chickenless eggs."
"Sonic food might sound like something from the distant future, but the concept is actually pretty simple."
"If somebody made bacon that tasted as good as bacon that was grown in the lab, dude I would eat the **** out of that."
"Lab-grown meat is on the way and could literally save humanity."
"Just hit the subscribe Button to join My S club and Without Further Ado let's get Into the Video."
"Heinz is unveiling a Martian-grown ketchup, the company says it has made the first Mars edition ketchup made with tomatoes produced on Earth but in Mars-like conditions."
"Forget about coffee, soda, and snack vending machines; this is the new favorite: a burger vending machine."
"Is it good, is it bad, is it offering us salvation in the form of giving larger availability to food around the planet, or is it threatening? Likely the answer is going to lie somewhere in the middle."
"And my view is that we really are at that point when it comes to food technology, at this point in human existence."
"Singapore becomes the first country to approve lab-grown meat."
"This makes it the world's first government to allow the sale of cultured meat."
"As the founder CEO Josh Tetrick said, cell-based meats have a relatively low impact on the environment and are artificially created without slaughtering or harming animals."
"Lab-grown meat could solve problems."
"You want to eat your own feces or 3D printed steak?"
"Lab-grown meat was recently approved for sale in the U.S for the first time ever."
"Like futuristic food, like if we do move to Mars, it would all be this type of food."
"Cultivated meat is real meat that is grown from animal cells."
"Synthetic beef not exactly ready for the grocery store yet."
"If widely adopted, lab-grown meat, also called clean meat, could eliminate much of the cruel and unethical treatment of animals raised for food."
"Lab-grown meat is a great thing and I'm in pretty much direct support of it."
"Ironically, the development of lab-grown meat is going to be the thing that makes veganism go mainstream."
"We'll have the recipe dialed in and can focus on bulk cell growth and really growing an edible piece of meat."
"Food technologies like hydroponically grown vegetables and in vitro clone meats could ultimately be subject to the law of accelerating returns."
"It's genuinely utopian. It has the potential to be like a step forward in the production process that is incomparable."
"I can easily imagine printed food."
"Would you eat a cow that was cloned? Oh, clone meat? Uh, yeah. Yes. Points for zero hesitation."
"You guys can have this lab-grown chicken now."
"In about 100 years, there's no longer going to be vegans, carnivores, or omnivores; we're going to develop the products."
"The use of animals as a food technology is by a huge margin the most destructive technology on Earth."
"By 2035, we want to have essentially eliminated the use of animals as food technology by beating them in the marketplace."
"Clean meat will be produced in breweries and it's going to look like a Sam Adams brewery, not like a lab."