
Marine Quotes

There are 190 quotes

"What I learned from this is that terrestrial and marine environments play by two entirely different sets of rules."
"The most famous marine ever... he knew how to balance that dichotomy."
"Meet Sofi, the soft robotic fish developed for exploring the uncharted depths of the ocean."
"Aokiji is basically the ideal Marine, who has a fair sense of justice and truly cares about the safety and happiness of the people."
"This is the richest marine ecosystem on Earth."
"The future of archaeology as marine archaeology, where a lot of discoveries are going to be made."
"And now that I’m thinking about it, I wonder what would have happened if instead of Luffy training with his dad, he actually followed his Grandpa’s wish to become a marine."
"Your training begins today to be a Marine."
"What if Luffy became a Marine in an alternate universe?"
"Luffy now has officially started his road to becoming a powerful Marine."
"The more a boat moves, the less growth you have on it."
"Hope you liked our video on marine mechanical instrumentation if you have any questions please feel free to send us an email or hop on to our online forum and stay tuned for other videos about everything come as marine"
"Aquariums have always belonged to us. You ever seen an octopus? That is an animal made of limp wrists."
"He then has a horizontal version of the engine that works for marine applications."
"Every day Marine police keep crime on the water from making it to the street."
"Taylor's work is very impressive and important for the future of marine life, but that doesn't make it less terrifying."
"Marine phytoplankton is generally the term used to describe the class of edible single-celled phytoplankton appropriate for human consumption."
"Our sea is filled with countless varieties of fish in numberless quantity. The whole empire could eat at our tables and consume not the fish of our sea."
"Somewhere just off St Simon's Island at the mouth of the Ultima River they saw a creature that was estimated to be 70t long and 8 ft in diameter."
"Thank you, stay salty and I'll see you in the next."
"This is why I wanted to come out and do a tide pool video for you guys, because the waters are so full of life, way more so than freshwater."
"He established the basic premises of experimental marine archaeology."
"Could it be that this fishing crew caught the mythological creature known as the siren on camera"
"Marine radios for me are really nice because I really like the weather synopsis."
"I mean, I grew up watching Jacques Cousteau and yeah, the second, I mean good old Jacques, I just was like, I want to be like Jacques Cousteau."
"It's like diving in an underwater forest."
"If it proves successful, then we will see the first marine microbial natural product to become a useful drug."
"This is one of my favorites, this is a Heteractis magnifica."
"They can crawl out of water, they're actually called walking sharks."
"It's a marine playground for lots of fish."
"If I could be a Marine, I could do anything."
"We're going to send out saltwater aquarium kits to any schools that want to set them up in the classroom for the kids."
"This is probably still one of my favorite corals."
"It's always easy to find Emerald Marine because they always have some interesting wooden boat out front."
"The frilled shark looks like a creature you would find in a national history museum, yet it's very much alive in the modern world."
"We just arrived at the Malindi Marine Park and one of those boats there should be ours."
"I was blown away by seeing those whale skeletons for the first time."
"The Perkins 4236 is probably one of the most bulletproof engines ever in the marine business."
"These boats absolutely are up to the task of chasing dolphin or wahoo or going to do some bottom fishing."
"If you're going to put any of your effort into anything and you're concerned about coral health and color, just get a really good consistent nutrient ratio in your system."
"I love seeing the underwater world, that's why I got into scuba diving."
"There are plenty of fish in the sea, and hopefully learning and mimicking them can give us better performing unmanned underwater vehicles."
"The alginates extracted from the kelp seemingly have an endless list of uses."
"Every single day out on the water is different, the current is different, the wind is different, the water color's different, the water temperature's different."
"Explore the wonders and beauty of the deep sea."
"As one of the largest bony fish species, this colossal Sunfish often referred to as the monster from the deep."
"This is just one of those fisheries that it's like another world."
"Decorated like a luxury marine resort, you can swim with the fish."
"There are things lurking beneath the sea that remain hidden from science and are still unexplained."
"This holds a special place in my heart, you know, this is what I'm issued, you know, so the whole Marine thing."
"What creature has eight arms? An octopus."
"This is definitely one of the coolest experiences here at Tubbataha."
"Being part of the coral triangle, Tawi-Tawi is one of the global centers of marine biodiversity."
"Adapt and overcome, I'm like a marine."
"This is one of the most beautiful marine sites I've ever been to."
"These intriguing ocean settlements have attracted a lot of media attention."
"It might look ecologically barren at first sight, but these seas hold one of the most species-rich marine ecosystems known to science."
"Marine protection only works if there is public support for it."
"The Greenland shark is the longest living vertebrate."
"Cephalopods have blue blood, three hearts, and use jet propulsion to navigate through the sea."
"Mesh and net stuff... they really give that sea fishnet, netting kind of vibe."
"Cute little cuttlefish, speaking of fish, wow this is a dramatic drawing."
"It is tentacular and oceanographic and extremely cool."
"The Black Demon Shark, known in Spanish as El Demonio Negro, is a mysterious and massive marine creature."
"They also solve the elevated CO2 levels and low pH levels most reef tanks have in a flexible approach to minor and trace elements."
"The ability to adjust this is one of the clear benefits of Tropic Marine's approach."
"Every good operation's got to have at least one Marine."
"The corals actually have an active transport method for catching the amino acids out of the water."
"All of a sudden, man, it just brought all of those corals to life."
"Sea turtles... some of them will get up to 500 pounds."
"The marine iguana is a lizard that has mastered the sea."
"What's the scariest sea creature? Well, the most deadly is actually a box jellyfish, and the second is the blue ring octopus."
"Of course you want to see an oarfish. It's the best thing ever."
"Join us as Wildfire Marine begins work on the 25-foot Mako project."
"By far the greatest marine store I've ever been in."
"The new Rocna Mark 2 does achieve that goal."
"It is rich in collagen and is known as 'the ginseng of the ocean'."
"Aside from the distance, this mission will be extra challenging because it's the first time I've ever tried something like this in ocean water."
"Saturday morning in Port Townsen in the shipwrights co-op area, Marine Thrift is an institution here for old boat stuff."
"At Bosons Marine, we share your passion."
"Marine conservation zones are designated for wildlife to recover and repopulate."
"I hope you enjoy your time under the sea."
"Seafaring behemoth larger than life, a terror of the ocean."
"By deep fast water, I'm talking about the tidal current that runs through places like ocean inlets around Bay bridges which provide excellent structure and fish habitat."
"It's a beautiful morning here at the Haulover Marine Center in Miami."
"I was a Marine for 22 years; I can instill that core value into my children, and I don't cut her any slack."
"It was the biggest shark ever to swim the oceans of the world, reaching lengths of 60 feet or more."
"From every corner of the world come the sharks, vicious scavengers of the deep."
"Sharks are undoubtedly characters disliked by all men and fish, but on the whole, they are only jackals and take the old, the weak, and the crippled from the water."
"Mackerel are considered one of the world's most important food fishes, found in every ocean and sea of the world."
"The coelacanth, which people thought was extinct for a long time, scientists consider this the missing link in the evolution of land animals from the age when the earth was populated only by fishes."
"It's a very common marine grade bronze; it'll handle the saltwater really well."
"We wanted to use good quality marine paint to get this boat looking good, freshened up, and back to its glory days."
"That is a full-grown black belly rose fish right there."
"We watched them for about 20 minutes on the radar and then they disappeared, which means they sunk back down into the depths."
"The canoe is always central because we're marine-based people; the rivers and the oceans were our highways."
"A former scout sniper and Marine, Punisher has tremendous expertise in handling firearms."
"The main story that's of interest to me, and possibly to you, is that in the earlier days of the metal, the sand and other rock types talk about a deep marine story."
"An underwater blob the size of an elephant mystified divers off the Mediterranean coast of Turkey."
"The Blob sparkled as if it was covered in glitter."
"It's an exceptional marine diesel engine that commands attention with its impressive size and remarkable power."
"Whale watching was a complete success."
"This place is amazing, it's a lot of jellyfish here, and it's just so pretty."
"It kind of resembled a sturgeon, is what they said, but had a very, very long neck and a tiny head that kind of looked prehistoric."
"It's something so out of the ordinary, so out of our world that you can't mistake it; there was no other fish or animal it could have been."
"I'll never forget it; it's something so out of the ordinary, so out of our world that you can't mistake it."
"It wasn't no snake, he said. It had a face that was like a giant sand worm, no eyes, just a huge gaping mouth that peeled open from its head."
"You ever seen an octopus as big as an entire shipwreck?"
"These areas are important because they actually serve as a refuge for these marine resources."
"Caves and castles of coral spread out to form secret worlds."
"Look at the growth of life; everywhere like every inch of this thing is covered in stuff. I love it."
"Now what a Reef Aquarium is, that is a saltwater aquarium that houses not only fish but also corals."
"Boats are all about offshore fishing, big fish, tuna, marlin, all that sort of stuff."
"We're never gonna get sick of exploring what the fishery has to offer."
"We support Indian marine archaeology."
"Marine Civil War, Kizaru has to pick a side."
"Marine limestone which is biogenic forms when microorganisms that have incorporated calcium carbonate into their shells die and fall to the bottom of the ocean."
"Little did they know what started as a simple study of migration would lead to one of the biggest enigmas in the marine world."
"I'm Marty, I'm 34, and I'm a Royal Marine."
"He was a stellar kind of example of a marine, a top performer, and he was tall, dark, and handsome."
"Sea kelp, dulce, all of these kind of seaweeds are rich in a lot of micronutrients because they're essentially green vegetables under the sea."
"This represents an old shipwreck that has partially been encrusted over many years with various growths."
"You could just go sit there for hours and just watch the big giant fish swim by and then the little fish swim by right next to them."
"I've worked with people like Sylvia Earl and Bob Ballard and Tom Detweiler."
"It's definitely the best thing that I've used from a radio perspective on the water."
"Can you imagine standing right here, literally this tall, as tall as this tank here over here, just sharks turning around here."
"Marine transgression simply means rising sea levels causing flooding of lowland areas by a coastline."
"It's amazing, those JJ engines definitely are designed for a tug."
"The mega mouth shark can be as big as a large van."
"An event that is really built to showcase all of the newest models from our leading performance marine manufacturers."
"Just the quality of the boats and the very high caliber of all of our marine trade partners."
"Sleeping with the sharks, where kids can actually spend the night at the aquarium in front of the tanks."
"I take a lot of pride in being Marine."
"Could the Megalodon still prowl along the darkest depths of our oceans?"
"The idea of an ancient sea monster, still roaming the ebb and flow of our world’s oceans, tickles our imagination in a wonderful way."
"By all accounts, it was a very good shark, having topped the oceanic food chain for 21 million years."
"Not only do I do what I love, I play music professionally, but I am also a freaking Marine. Semper Fi."
"So please join with me in welcoming Octavio for his presentation: Marine Protected Areas, a success story."
"These blue octopus right here have eight legs, three hearts, blue blood, can change colors to match their surroundings, and have one of the most toxic venoms on Earth."
"Our goal has always been to share the wonders of the underwater world with people."
"Garp is the most influential Marine we have."
"When you think hero of the Marines, the first thing you're thinking of is Garp."
"We found the gemstones, found the treasure, saw some underwater creatures; it was a perfect adventure."
"Sea turtles, jellyfish, water snakes, and fish were all also seen as the servants of Ryujin."
"They've specialized in marine chronometers and time systems."
"It just goes to show you the caliber of people that care so much about our marine environment."
"These are called firework clove polyps, they look like little palm trees."
"The last American combat Soldier was heading home; it was only fitting that the last infantry man was a Marine."
"It's going to revolutionize the world of aquascaping in the marine reef space."
"This tabletop model represents part of the ocean with depths varying from 50 feet to 60 feet."
"We need to set up more reserves in our oceans, places where marine species are protected."
"Welcome to the submarine, join us for some explorations above and below the sea."
"Under the sea... oh, I like this one a lot."
"The Zoological Station Park, established in 1872, is the oldest aquarium and marine research institute in Europe."