
Node.js Quotes

There are 180 quotes

"Node.js is at its essence a way to run JavaScript outside of the web browser."
"NodeMon makes development easier. It's a tool that helps develop Node.js based applications by automatically restarting the node application when file changes are detected."
"If you're already familiar with JavaScript then there's absolutely no need to learn a new server-side language... since node is going to be taking javascript and compiling it down."
"Node is very popular and it's got a massive massive community around it... so there's always help if you need it."
"Now you have node installed on your computer we can use it to run JavaScript directly on our computer... and we could even do that directly inside this terminal."
"That's how easy it is to run a javascript file on our computer using node... this is not being run inside a browser anywhere now it's being run directly on our computer."
"Node.js is essentially JavaScript running on the server."
"Node.js optimizes throughput and scalability in web applications."
"Node.js is a server-side technology used for various applications."
"Understanding Node.js core modules like path for working with file directories and paths."
"It's time for node to formalize its relationship with package managers."
"Node.js is very popular for building APIs, microservices, as well as full-stack applications."
"Using Node.js and the Molecular framework, you can create microservices and leverage built-in features like load balancing and service discovery."
"Thank you so much for giving this video a like if it helped you get started with node.js."
"Node.js is smart enough to figure out which one to use based on the project type."
"Using async/await in Node.js to avoid callback hell."
"Alright, let's go ahead and switch context and build an API using Node.js."
"So once you have Node.js installed, go ahead and navigate to expressjs.com."
"Node.js is incredible at doing those things by allowing you to execute code asynchronously."
"Node.js is going to push something into this event loop and then event loop is going to see, 'Okay, I have to read a file.'"
"The beauty of running our JavaScript inside of the Node environment is we get access to all this stuff that's super fast, that's written in C and C++."
"In other words, we can run Node.js locally. We really just want a MySQL database."
"Express.js allows us to build Node.js RESTful APIs very easily."
"Optimize your Node applications for better performance and responsiveness."
"Optimize your Node.js applications for better scalability and efficiency."
"The idea for the video is if you already know what node.js is because I'm not gonna explain what it is."
"Node is a lot simpler than a browser."
"...npm init to initialize a new node project."
"I'm super excited; this is a great Node.js framework I'm actually using at work and I'm loving it thus far."
"No framework will be utilized, and this will help us learn more foundational knowledge about Node.js."
"Node.js was a JavaScript engine originally built for the browser, now it can work without a browser as well."
"We have built our first Node web server and deployed it to Heroku. Congratulations!"
"Hope this crash course helps you out and gets you started using Node.js."
"This honestly blows my mind because this uses Node.js in the browser and it feels even faster than your local development."
"The incredible success of Node.js has been driven in large part by the success of NPM."
"We just built a full Harry Potter API using Node, Express, and DynamoDB in about 30 minutes."
"We first have to take some time and understand a JavaScript object that Node.js gives us, and that is the event emitter object."
"Some of the well-known Node packages out there also use event emitters."
"Maybe start with Python or Node.js is a great option as well, depending on what you're trying to accomplish."
"The package.json file will contain essential information about your project."
"This script instructs Node.js to execute the server.js file when you use the npm start command."
"Express is a minimal and flexible Node.js web framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications."
"Node.js is very fast and scalable due to its architecture and the V8 engine."
"NestJS is a framework built on top of Node.js."
"NestJS is an amazing framework. It's a progressive Node.js framework for building efficient, reliable, and scalable server-side applications."
"This is a really powerful pattern to scale out in Node.js and do a lot of work."
"Instead of blocking the Node event loop and slowing up request responses, we can process this transcode queue in the background asynchronously."
"We love Node, we love JavaScript."
"Thanks for tuning in, and hopefully this was helpful as we migrated this system from a baseline locally running node system."
"Node.js is a single-threaded runtime and most of the work is done asynchronously with that single thread."
"I'm surprised at how successful Node.js is."
"By using the asynchronous methods, node is able to automatically run things in parallel for you."
"Always try to have the latest Node so that you get to start exploring the new features that come to the language."
"Node is not a product from Chrome, Node is an open-source community managed project."
"Node has this concept of wrapping modules."
"Require gives you access to whatever this module.exports thing is returning."
"Node has some magic caching; it doesn't evaluate the file every time you require it."
"If you have Node 12, you can use import and export out of the box."
"Node will switch gears and just assume that you're going to use your ECMAScript modules all over the place."
"This module require business is Node's way to do module dependency."
"We use NPM to download them and place them under the node_modules folder."
"The minute you push something to GitHub, it's available for people to use it with their Node projects."
"We're going to explore the HTTP package."
"Node will only continue running if it has a reason to continue to run."
"Everything is handled with events."
"Node is really fun, well at least for me."
"For 10,000 concurrent connections from Node.js... it's pretty much doing pretty great."
"Playwright test is a Node.js testing framework meant for Playwright that gives you a lot of advantages that other testing frameworks don't have."
"A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient, reliable, and scalable server-side applications."
"Fastify is a fast and low overhead web framework for Node.js."
"That's pretty much it, that was a little bit of introduction into what concurrency is, what parallelism is, and how it works in context of Node.js."
"With clear understanding of the global variables in Node, now let's move on to our next topic which is going to be modules in Node."
"And that is exactly what the modules allow us to do."
"Every file in Node is a module, so those superpowers that we will cover in just a few seconds, we have them by default."
"The main idea is that every file by default is a module."
"Okay, that was fun. We created our first module and in the process covered the general module syntax and use cases as well."
"Node has a bunch of built-in modules that we can use freely in our apps."
"The main goal of the course is to show you how to build modern, fast, and scalable server-side web applications with Node."
"The event loop is what allows Node.js to perform non-blocking I/O operations despite the fact that JavaScript is single-threaded."
"We're going to create a server that's powered by Node.js."
"Node.js is a very popular JavaScript runtime that's used by professional developers all over."
"When you install Node.js, you will also be installing npm, which is Node Package Manager."
"To run it on a back-end, you need to install Node.js."
"In recent 2022 research, Node.js is number one."
"Make sure you have your node and npm installed in your system."
"Let me show you the easiest way to deploy your Node.js application."
"Once our build command has run, we can run our Node.js application."
"It also comes with npm, which is Node package manager."
"Bull is a Node.js library that implements a fast and robust queue system built on Redis."
"AdonisJS is a fully featured web framework for Node.js."
"Think about AdonisJS as similar to the frameworks like Rails, Laravel, or Django, but for Node.js."
"Node.js is a very powerful JavaScript framework built on Google Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine."
"We want to organize an API which is what we would more than likely create with Node and Express."
"This is a real-life use case: let's say you need to create a CSV file with a ton of data; you can't really do it the traditional way because your Node app is not going to be able to handle it."
"Netflix and PayPal use Node.js to scale their back-end architecture, enabling billions of requests at a much lower response time."
"Our node application is intelligent enough to handle a scenario where our database is not up and running."
"Having a strong base in Node and SQL databases, really knowing your SQL and really knowing Node and JavaScript and React, is probably a baseline place to start for any developers."
"It's super easy to deploy a Node.js app to a brand new server."
"One great way to install Node.js, in my opinion, is using NVM or Node Version Manager."
"My original goal with Node was to force developers to easily build optimal servers by forcing them to only use async I/O."
"We've also worked on performance optimizations specifically for Node."
"It's now easier than ever to debug any Node application with DevTools."
"Hello, this is Erin White, and I'm going to show you how to deploy a Node.js application to Elastic Beanstalk."
"Node.js is a free, open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment."
"Node.js is known for its speed and performance."
"Hello Hussein, web dev node.js is the best, and Hussein is also the best."
"We accomplish one of the goals when we decide to use Node.js, which is to share as much code as we can."
"Express is probably the most popular web application framework for Node.js."
"So Microsoft really started Visual Studio Code, for my opinion, with the expressive desire to create the best environment for Node.js style development."
"MPM, the Node package manager repository, is the biggest collection of Open Source software in the world that has ever existed."
"Koa is a very minimalistic server-side framework that runs on Node.js."
"I quit my work and I worked on Node for six months basically straight."
"This is a front end in React talking to a back end in Node via GraphQL."
"Technology stack you build on, the node makes it easy for both beginners and power users."
"For our RESTful API base, we're going to be using Node.js, TypeScript, and Express."
"This is one of the things that makes Node so unique and successful because so many developers use Node and create packages sharing them freely on this site."
"It's this event loop that allows your Node program to do multiple things all at once."
"Node is the glue that puts everything together; it was made for the modern web."
"Node maintains a cache of required modules which is basically a little database of these modules that node checks to see if a module like requests was previously loaded."
"We use node to create servers to build web and mobile applications that connect to databases, provide user data and things like videos, photos, and other content."
"If you are doing anything on the web, you should have Node.js installed."
"Basically, you want to put those two together to have the best Node experience for development, test, and production."
"We're going to talk a lot about proper Node shutdown so that you make sure that your containers can be replaced in a zero-downtime type of situation."
"Node.js is just a program that also contains a runtime environment with a V8 engine."
"If you're ready to write a Discord bot in Node.js, you're in exactly the right place."
"Node.js is essentially a runtime, a program with which you can execute JavaScript code server-side."
"If you know JavaScript, it's very easy to get started with Node.js."
"Node.js is single-threaded, which eliminates complexities such as synchronizing the data between threads, deadlocks, racing conditions, etc."
"We're going to use Happy JS, which is a popular Node.js framework."
"Express is an awesome framework that allows you to build your node.js applications."
"Interesting fun fact here is that I have used Node.js to develop the logic."
"Node is really fast, it's fast enough, and it's specifically easy for internet web applications."
"The goal of this series is to give you the viewer a real feel for how node works."
"Node is evented I/O for V8 JavaScript."
"You're ready to write your first node app."
"Node is not strictly for web development; you can think of node as a framework for server development of any kind."
"With node, you can build an IRC server, a chat server, or an HTTP server."
"Node comes with a handful of libraries to make the development of event-based servers easy."
"In node, it's nearly impossible to call any function that blocks for any reason."
"I hope this has been a fairly informative introduction to node for you."