
Social Media Interaction Quotes

There are 554 quotes

"This game I consider a horror game just because of this scene right here. There's a scary skeleton. This is enough. If anybody wants to argue with me, @ me on Twitter. We'll fight."
"As soon as people started watching and commenting, even if you don't have very many views right away, if people comment and talk to you, take the time to respond back. That's an actual person that took the time to watch your video, and you should feel very special and honored."
"You can literally slide into a girl's DM and say anything, absolutely anything, and if she's into you, she's going to reply."
"Write your testimony in the comments section the power is still flowing."
"Make sure to drop a like and a sub, and I'll see you guys next time!"
"Thank you very much for clicking and tapping that like button and dropping that emote down below. Hope you all have a great day, you're all fantastic."
"Tell us what you've bought, tell us if we're wrong down in the comments below."
"And go ahead and leave your hate in the comments. I'm ready for it."
"Everyone drop a like right now and comment liked if you haven't already liked."
"If you have any questions for me, drop me a comment below."
"Smash that like button, it helps us so much on these live streams."
"Destroy the like button, let's have YouTube engineers fix it because it's gonna be destroyed so much."
"Heart emojis all up in your faces, you awesome people."
"Who eats spaghetti off a plate? Let me know in the comments below."
"Special shout-out to the notification squad I feel in the comment section early."
"Smash that like button, crush it, obliterate it!"
"Oh, this is dope. Hey guys, take your finger, shove it right up into that subscribe button and bell icon."
"Thanks to all the new subscribers and all the likes if you subscribed throw a one in the comments if you're watching this later so I can know you're a new subscriber."
"Looks like I need to answer another one of J's stupid videos."
"If this video was helpful, please let me know by giving it a thumbs up, tweet it, share it."
"I think I get some negative engagement, Mr. Natalie, all berated her with the same message that she's wrong with the intent of bullying her into changing her mind."
"Smash the like button, it's free for you to do."
"Hey if we can get the thumbs up to um over well what are we at 5 30 right now let's make it another 100 Thumbs Up come in I will do 10 more and if not we'll just wrap it up we'll wrap it up."
"If you did laugh, comment an L, let me know which meme made you laugh."
"Deliver me diamond armor... oh baby, yeah, yeah! Nobody clipped that, do not send me Instagram messages with that in it."
"But what do you guys reckon about this whole situation? Drop your thoughts in the comments below."
"Thank you for all the likes, the comments, the love, support, thank you."
"Thank you so much guys if you hit the like button. Let me know in the chat and I'll give you a special shout out."
"Taking every single comment that you take, getting YouTube extremely positive."
"If you go and enjoy the video, smash that thumbs up button! It'd be awesome if you could hit 10,000 likes on this Q&A."
"I always say if you do watch one of my videos and you are a fan, just drop a like on a video."
"Thank you again for joining me I will see you soon."
"Thank you for rooting for me, Reddit. It's been great to read all the nice words and advice."
"Make sure you guys let me know in the comments which side you think will win."
"Hit the like button if you have not hit the like button already that cost you no money no money."
"Let me know how crazy you think it is in the comments."
"One great thing about running a business page is that you can interact with your audience even when you are not online."
"Thank you so much for watching. Please like this video if you enjoyed it."
"I hope that this helped some of you guys out there if it did let me know by hitting that thumbs up believe it or not it really does help the video and I appreciate you guys for that."
"Smash the like button like it's Joe Biden telling you to eat your broccoli."
"If I get left on scene, bro, I'm blocking you. If I'm blocking, I'm just not texting you ever again."
"Make sure to LIKE, comment, and subscribe down below."
"Make sure you smash like on everyone else's comments if you want to see more of this game. Make sure you smash like too and subscribe if you're new here."
"That's the final question... if you did enjoy it please do like, subscribe, share."
"I guess tag us, tag me. Absolutely, I'll do it. Absolutely I dare you, yeah, virtue signaling Holly, that's exactly what I was thinking too."
"Just like all the cult stuff, muddy which says why would I hit the like button before watching the video, very good point."
"If I find out you didn't DM you and me are gonna have words."
"If you enjoy these videos, you like what we do and you want to support what we do, best way you could do that hands down is to like, comment, subscribe, all that stuff gets our videos out to more and more people."
"Guys, yo, four likes away from six thousand likes on the stream, you guys. If we get it, 6k likes, we're gonna do some shots!"
"Like sacrificially waiting for that someone else on Twitter said champions hashtag Man City. This is truly exceptional."
"A lot of y'all do not follow me on Instagram, so the first thing we're gonna be looking at today is gonna be the conservatorship document."
"Let that like button like your mama told you right."
"By the way guys, if I actually make it all the way to the iPhone 12, I'm not keeping that iPhone 12. One of you guys are gonna keep it. Let's go, so stick around for a giveaway."
"If you have not already, please make sure you hit that like button cuz it really does help me out. Can we maybe hit 5,000 likes on this video? That'd be sick if we could hit 5,000 likes."
"Guys, comment down below what you think is going on because I'm honestly very, very confused."
"Hit that thumbs up right now, everybody hit that thumbs up button."
"Smashing that like button or leaving an awesome comment in the comments section below."
"Always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed today's video, consider dropping a like down below and if you really enjoyed it, well then make sure to get yourself subscribed and click that bell icon."
"Thank you all for coming and watching, and as always, hit that like button like your mama taught you, right?"
"Huge thanks for always lighting up the like button...you guys really make my day with your views, with your likes, and with your comments."
"I see the love in the chat. Please be sure to hit the like button."
"You're my favorite YouTuber, thanks for the super chat!"
"Also be sure to leave a like, share this video, and leave your own thoughts down in the comments."
"Thank you guys if you liked it give me a big thumbs up hit the subscribe button and I will see you guys next time."
"Let's go ahead and start here today! If you haven't already, make sure you click tab below and destroy that like button, show me your excitement, and go ahead and subscribe if you're new here as we rock it towards one million subs!"
"Thank you all so much for liking, sharing, and commenting on my videos, you truly are beautiful bastards." - Narrator
"Here we go, 30 seconds to go, let's get ready for this, subscribe, like, thank you so much Ghost Apple, everyone in the chat is going crazy!"
"Thank you guys so much for the support... see you soon."
"Let's get some #freefortnites in chat, and thank you everybody for the support."
"Spam if you love Lispy, spam one if you love Lispy, dude."
"Let's see if we can get to a thousand likes right now, tap that like button guys!"
"Smash the like button... let me know that you're enjoying this."
"Guess what? That's why you see burners comment like, 'Whoa [__]!' and stuff like that."
"Nicholas Cage in Dead by Daylight. I was actually, I tweeted at the devs."
"Everyone that goes on socials wants their views, feelings, and opinions to be heard."
"Before you comment, see if you can watch the whole thing and look at other comments to see if I respond to them."
"Chinese netizens flooded the comments section with sarcastic remarks."
"This girl just commented on Facebook, I won't say her name but she made it a public comment."
"Let's get 20,000 likes for more movies in the future."
"Let me know all of your thoughts and opinions because one of the best ways that I can learn is by learning from you guys."
"Take care everyone, you're all legends. Smash the like on video. Speak to you later."
"If you guys take inspiration from this look and end up recreating it please tag me on Instagram I would love to see it."
"Yo KSI, hit my DM bro and we are definitely going to do a collaboration."
"I'm happy to play in both worlds, I'm just not going to read the comments on a post I make on Twitter."
"Every single week you guys reach out to us on Facebook and on Discord and on email and all over the place."
"Thank you for watching to the end... put a sunshine in the comments if you got this far and thanks for being my friend today and always."
"Everybody, if you haven't already, would you kindly smash that like button?"
"Let's get up to 700 likes, folks. I should do one of those games where you guess the beam means."
"Hit that like button if you find a tip beneficial!"
"Why have you not clicked the like button yet?"
"Thank the phone! Rob's gonna go through the comments."
"Animal Crossing got the most responses from people on Twitter when we asked what games you were looking forward to."
"Appreciate every last one of you guys that drop the like down below."
"So if you've watched this far, please consider hitting the like button."
"Every single comment that somebody writes, you need to respond to."
"Give me a thumbs up on this video if you like it."
"If you think it's gonna be Amazon, comment below. If you think it's gonna be Walmart, comment below."
"So thank you so much from the bottom of my heart and I will talk to you guys in my next video."
"I would also love to hear what you think about this in the comments below."
"Smash that like button we love you guys so much thank you for everything thank you for being a part of the live chat."
"Do you think the bans were warranted or were they completely out of line? Let me know what you guys think in the comments below."
"Hit the like button on the way out, we're out, peace."
"Your comments are more than just a number to us."
"Oh, hey, in a quick note before I forget if you are finding this video interesting or useful or something like that simply whack that like button the bottom there it really helps out this video and the channel quite a bit."
"Smack that like button and comment down below what kind of phone you have."
"Hit that like button right now for Maddie being back in the house!"
"Smash the like button, no bro come on bro smash."
"Tacos. Just tacos down below. And if you see someone else that commented tacos on today's video, you know that that is someone from here right now."
"Feel free to smash the hell out of that like button."
"Make sure you guys hit the thumbs up button and I'll see you in the next one."
"Let me know what you think in the comments and I will talk to you later, bye."
"I'm legitimately trying to learn the sport, so hit me up on Twitter if you're willing to help."
"Leave a like, subscribe, and hit me up if you're a football/soccer fan."
"Thank you so much for the Super Chat curves craving is hot dog water always always always."
"Let me know in the comments what you want to see from Tech Rebirth house at university."
"Thank you guys for watching and I'll see you guys soon again. Ciao."
"It is pretty great you just keep clicking on you know friendly message and it'll go up instantaneously."
"Team Red, guys, if you think Red team can win it, hit the like button!"
"Leave a like or Thanos might snap you out of existence."
"You're my favorite YouTuber... honored to be your fave."
"I just didn't like being an elf you know what I would love to hear in the comments is if you have ever had a job like that."
"Hit the like button if you enjoyed today's video."
"Let me know in the comments below what other modifications are just upgrades to this truck we should do."
"Subscribe, ring the bell if you guys are in the notification squad."
"Thank you all for the birthday messages today. I woke up this morning to a hundred notifications on my phone, and that was just because that's the maximum it would display."
"I never would have expected the sense of obligation. You reach out to us with so much love."
"Check out my video which is now available on my streaming service Nebula."
"Just hitting the like button is such a blessing, it's such a blessing."
"In this world, there is only one thing, just one thing that is perfect, and that is the act of going and hitting that ravishing like button."
"Do you think that he was a great dad? Let me know in the comments down below."
"If you have your own little tips and tricks feel free to shoot them down in the comments we'll give them a little thumbs up if we like them."
"Hit the like button! It's the baddest brand in the land, champs. Act like you know and you got some good damn sense and hit the like button."
"Which one in the comment section drop your comments I always read them and love to reply to my audience."
"If you guys actually enjoyed this and would like a part two be sure to go spam up the likes in the comments."
"On Twitter, you are speaking to people personally. Ask people questions that you feel like you'd want to answer if you saw the tweet. Be vulnerable."
"Hit the like button 1000 likes on this video if you want more videos like this."
"Yo, that looks dope AF, can I get a 'dope' in the chat?"
"Whoever predicts United Liverpool correct with the goal scorers in the comments below I will send you 48 Mars bars."
"Best community and legends in the chat VK and Ahmed 100 have been insane today."
"Your odds of actually seeing the creators that you follow and the type of content that you wanna actually see, the chances of that happening are gonna be increased 10 fold the more you interact with that type of content."
"If you guys haven't liked the stream or video yet, make sure you slap that like button lemonheads!"
"Leave a like if you're sad sometimes, and it's okay to be sad at least once."
"Thank you to everyone who thumbs up, I will personally thank you so much. I will go up to your face and say thank you."
"People want it, yeah, people definitely want it. You gotta deliver. Justice for Henry, can we get Justice for Henry in the comments? Justice for Henry, let's go!"
"We might see where they're going with it but if we get too like negative on Twitter or you know we we kind of get too passionate about the rest that we like getting dispatched so quickly or whatever then it's sort of like oh god."
"The most exciting part of the day is about to happen now. It's called the simultaneous sip."
"Would you kindly smash that like button?" - Tim Pool
"Thank you so much for watching if you like this video don't forget to give it a big fat thumbs up."
"Make sure to drop a like. That's the best way to show your support."
"We appreciate it if you guys watch our next video, all you have to do is subscribe to our positions, comment down below, and we'll pick someone in our next video."
"Price and Rick play 'Played Up'... if you guys are liking this, let us know down in those comments."
"Comment down below any other video ideas you guys want to see. I'm always on Instagram going through DMs."
"But who else do you think fits the bill? Let me know in the comment section below."
"Hope you guys enjoyed the video give it a huge thumbs up smash the subscribe button see you guys next video."
"Thank you guys so much, it's absolutely nuts. I'm gonna start running out of ways to thank you."
"Shout out to everybody out there doing their thing, whoever you are. Shout out to everybody into this information. Shout out to all the callers tonight. Shout out to everybody in the chat room tonight."
"I think it might have been the fastest I ever responded to a DM."
"Thank you guys for watching this video. Please smash like button, comment, scroll, and turn that bell, and I will see you guys next time. Peace."
"What do you think of all this let me know in the comments below or at me on Twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe and smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Ryan Airy."
"If you guys enjoyed it please consider hitting the thumbs up button."
"If you press that like button, here's some free digital food for you. Yummy, it tastes delicious!"
"We've developed a conspiracy theory here that scythe has agents crawling through our comments and leaving requests to review their coolers."
"Don't forget to subscribe with notifications on, leave a like if you enjoyed this one, and I'll see you guys again."
"Every time you see something really cool, people are like, 'I got that at Facebook Marketplace.'"
"Smash that like button with all of your strength."
"Make sure you go down below, hit the like button."
"Let's do this! Thanks for tuning in as always, smash up the like, subscribe to the channel!"
"Let me know in the comment section below and uh have a good day or night or whatever the [__] you're at I'm out peace."
"If you guys enjoyed watching this, maybe you want to see this happen once a week or once in two weeks, something with different players. Let me know in the comments, drop a like, subscribe, and I'll catch you guys for the next one. Peace."
"If your subscription button's red, make it great right now."
"Just smash that like button with a hammer, okay, not too hard though."
"Smash the like button because we won't fog that in straight away."
"Knowing that you're spamming my feed, owning me, it's like... you explain your point, yeah, I am gay. Okay, there, we're good."
"Please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it. Leave a comment below, I'd love to hear from you."
"Thank you guys so much for liking this journey! If you guys do like these live streams please like it because yeah, it makes me want to keep doing all live streams cuz I love them."
"I’ve never done a comment of the day, but if there ever was time, it would be right now. How do you spell Mega Man?"
"Make sure you give it a thumbs up, leave me a comment, let me know what you think of the new beach house."
"The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. And I always have people on my Twitter feed when they find out that I'm Chloe or just knowing that I'm going, they really like her which I really appreciate."
"These guys subscribe, this is the ultimate test. You got bets? I got 10 on him."
"Thank you guys so much for watching. If you enjoyed, be sure to hit that thumbs up!"
"Follow me on Twitter if you want to get involved in these open lobbies."
"Make sure you smack that like button! Like spike!"
"I hope you guys enjoyed this video definitely on the longer side drop a like if you did be sure to tune in the stream tonight I'll see you guys next time peace."
"Make a comment down below because just like this video, I read your comments."
"Thank you so much for watching the video! As always, if you enjoyed the video, be sure to like it—it really does help us out a lot!"
"Let's enable each other in the comments but enable each other consciously."
"Yep, I like the clever ones. Slide into your DMs, slide into her DMs, let's do it."
"Comment below and hit the like button because that helps with the algorithms."
"Universe 7 can have all the fun I just want the food and don't forget to leave a comment on this video show some love for the best community on YouTube."
"If you have enjoyed the video, please make sure you leave a nice big thumbs up on there for me."
"Thank you for making my day and my sympathies dude for the absolute roasting you are getting and will continue to get in the comments section."
"Tesla stock falls one percent, he'll then double down and make a meme out of that and say hahaha you know so he just doesn't care."
"Now if you guys can show some appreciation, whether it be liking the video, whether it be commenting on the video, both would be amazing."
"21-game win streak, guys! Drop a like, sub up!"
"Let me know in the comments below which games made you subscribe."
"Blowing up the comments telling me to turn on the subs."
"Just mortgage the like button until it permanently becomes blue."
"Thanks so much for watching, comment down below if you're in a social media situation."
"Freshman season has almost come to an end. If you did, stop smashing that like button, hit me up in the comment section below."
"Let me know in the comments which one would you guys pick and why."