
Software Tools Quotes

There are 237 quotes

"VS Code is so powerful, it's ridiculous. I would really recommend it."
"We're going to be using a combination of SAS and Astro and scope styling."
"Azure Function is a great tool to have in the toolbox. As you've seen, it's really, really inexpensive. So, it can be used in production for pennies a month."
"The intellisense here is really smart and it really knows how to show us exactly what we're looking for."
"You have all sorts of IDEs that you can choose from. Visual Studio Code is entirely free."
"That's super convenient if you're just trying to get a bunch of clips into your timeline."
"Expo makes it incredibly fast and easy to build react native apps."
"Learning different ways of doing things in Maya is essential. There are about 20 ways to do everything, so find what works best for you."
"What separates Adobe XD in a big way from Photoshop and Illustrator is the prototyping."
"Visual Studio Code is, in my mind, the most popular and most powerful text editor there is, especially in the realm of web development."
"So probably the first thing that you would do in VS code is go ahead and open a folder."
"Using keys for SSH which you should be, some password managers like one password offer the ability to use what's known as an SSH agent so that your keys are available without needing to copy them to your PC when you try to connect."
"Format painter... it's just as easy as that."
"VS Code has the flexibility to work with the whole ecosystem of linters."
"That means your team can use it from Visual Studio, from VS Code, from the CMake GUI in a CI pipeline, or from the command line on Windows, Linux, and Mac, which makes it a great option for teams who like to support a diverse set of tools."
"That's an example of the graphical expression that you just can't really get when you're debugging with GDB from the command line, and it's all running locally on WSL."
"Timery is an app that hooks into the service Toggl... it works as a great front end for Toggl."
"I remember a lot of my fellow developers were just masters at global find."
"What if one day it goes missing all of a sudden? It's going to be difficult working without the scroll bars, right?"
"One of the advantages with rx Java is basically it gives you like a whole bunch of super cool operators."
"I mean even down to enthusiast programs like Core Temp."
"We want you to let us know what you think. Download the tools, poke around."
"Puzzle Whiz and Book Bolt are all-in-one app combos used to help people create and sell low content and puzzle books on Amazon KDP."
"Libraries are awesome... especially with After Effects."
"Undo and all you have to do is press command z if you're on a mac or control z if you're on a pc."
"You might want to go ahead and, on your own time, kind of experiment with the page builder, experiment with everything."
"It's like Photoshop but for 3D... it just works so, so well."
"10 vs code extensions that are going to make your life easier as a developer."
"We did it, we got the pathfinding visualizer working!"
"That undo button at the top is really handy."
"This course is made possible from a grant from Appsmith, an open-source low-code framework."
"Historically it's been hard to switch from one OS to another so we built a new tool to let you quickly and easily transfer contacts, photos, videos, music, texts, calendar appointments, and your iMessages."
"Clip Menu: it saves a lot of time, saves a lot of headache, and it comes in handy for sure."
"Alfred is basically a replacement for the spotlight search function on a Mac."
"ORMs are very good for simple applications such as our jokes app."
"Google Nick yes it's a very good tool and if you're not using it I don't know why you're not you should use it."
"This logging system is really helpful for understanding the different plays."
"Android Studio... comes with all those features by default and makes Android development much easier."
"Every light Motif that ties into the next... genuinely one of the best scores of all time."
"It's a really great way to go in and be able to just add and subtract from your selection."
"It's almost as good as refined edge and select a mask. Nowhere near perfect."
"The open telemetry collector is a way for developers to receive, process and export telemetry data to multiple backends."
"This is actually one of the most popular editors on the planet, and it's completely free. There is no paid version of Visual Studio code."
"The ripple trim tool is really powerful and all you have to hold do is hold down the modifier key when you're doing it."
"Now we know how Espresso works and we know how it's a great tool to do test-driven development."
"Here's their website. It's called sqlitebrowser.org. It is very simple to use."
"Postman is a tool for making API development easier."
"Shape Builder tool: replacing the Pathfinder tool for smoother, quicker results."
"You're an Evernote guy... Evernote's awesome isn't it? Yes, Evernote is awesome. But Evernote is not a great personal note-taking app."
"Modifiers in Blender... really saves you a lot of time and makes for a more consistent, even topology."
"How do we do that? Well, the first thing what you want to do if you don't have a see."
"ViewX: Bringing simplicity to state management."
"Redux, Vuex, these state managers really help."
"Highly recommend using the Vue.js dev tools if you're using Google Chrome."
"Control+Shift+C: Shortcut for sculpting sanity in Blender's tool chaos."
"That's a fully working notes app with Flutter and Django backend."
"You can enter a trade directly from the chart window by clicking the new order button in the top right corner of the screen."
"Did you know that every individual blend mode with the exception of just a couple of them has a specific hotkey?"
"Spline is pretty much the Figma of 3D tools."
"The cube shape is really what Magic Voxel's designed around."
"One of the most popular ones is going to be obj."
"Visual Studio Code is a kind of light development engine for coding generally."
"With just Visual Studio Code and Paint.net, you can create a whole slew of mods for Crusader Kings 2 or now, of course, Crusader Kings 3 as well."
"Material UI: The go-to library for UI design."
"With the advent of black and white software, I found I liked the pictures better."
"Third-party automation tools like Zapier offer integration solutions."
"Save time and boost productivity with scheduling tools."
"Game development is hardcore PowerPoint presentation part."
"Manipulate multiple objects at once with multi-select."
"Google Calendar integrations: more organized, more productive, less stress."
"The ability to load bevel presets so we can have this whole stepped option here and this allows you to really fine-tune exactly what your bevel profile shape looks like."
"I actually like this tool a lot and will most likely be using it instead of Pip and Virtualenv for most projects from here on out."
"Prisma is really cool... it's like mongoose if you guys have used mongodb with mongoose... makes it easier."
"Maximus is a very powerful tool... you'll feel both confident and comfortable with all of the controls and all of the various functions of this plugin."
"The beauty of Excel: if I change this bunch of numbers, the total is going to change automatically."
"A very commonly used function in Excel is known as the vertical lookup."
"Computer vision system toolbox is our key product for computer vision with MATLAB." - Bruce Tannenbaum
"Postman is a fantastic tool for testing APIs."
"Speaking of reroute nodes did you know the node Wrangler allows you to add reroute nodes to either all outputs with loose outputs or linked outputs just by pressing the forward slash."
"Pandas actually turns us into a really beautiful-looking table."
"The Intelligent Standby List Cleaner tool is a game-changer for reducing input latency and optimizing RAM usage."
"Task Manager: A debugging tool written by a developer that even end users ultimately found useful."
"Learn the tools in the actual operating system."
"Think of it as a tool that allows you to create these containers and run them locally."
"Expand your asset library with collections, adding instances or real objects with automatically generated thumbnails."
"Audacity is a tool every language teacher should know."
"I'm fully integrated into VS Code now. Let me know what you think below of this new setup. I really like it."
"Flutter and Firebase, for us, was a tremendous toolkit to deliver on those needs-- tough timeline, branded design, beautiful experience, complicated features, protected operations and logic in the backend."
"So, if I get a null let's bring this down here and attach an expresso tag onto this which will open up the expresso editor and let's call this light switch."
"Blender's 3D viewport: where you'll spend 90% of your time."
"These chrome extensions will make you more productive, more organized, and overall make your life a lot easier."
"I still believe that Laravel is the most productive way to build full-stack web applications in the world."
"Visual Studio code as your editor of choice - there's really no reason to use anything else."
"Streamlabs is literally one of the greatest things I've ever discovered. Thank you so much for making it easy."
"We have unlimited possibilities of creating something within Premiere by just mixing the right effects."
"Angular CLI is powerful, allowing dynamic generation of components and services."
"Ansible, Docker, and Linux: the trifecta for enterprise configuration management."
"Not having to type these out is absolutely amazing."
"I love being able to just auto complete with vs code and not have to type all this stuff out myself."
"Now I've been using Paint.NET for years... it's sort of my Swiss Army knife for digital editing."
"I've actually been having a lot of fun with this whole concept."
"Once you're done checking out the bounding box, if you want to remove it completely you can just remove the structure block."
"You could use structure blocks to copy that build into a separate world before you tear it down."
"It's so good for experimentation and creating music fast Ableton has a great way of managing its own stock plugins instruments and effects."
"Alright, that was a quick look at how you can start taking advantage of tasks in Microsoft Teams."
"The full life cycle of a day in the life of a Palantir analyst."
"Try to use Firebase as much as you can because it's so much easier to set up and work with."
"Your code is extremely safe when you're working with git."
"Everything we're gonna do, I'm a Windows guy so I'm gonna be running all of this on Windows, but all three of the things I've mentioned PowerShell core, VS code and git are all available on Windows, Linux, and Mac."
"LaTeX is just so powerful for being able to display equations."
"Spring Boot: easy to use once you know how to use the annotations and APIs."
"Figma is the one tool that I think most of you have requested more than any other tool."
"Alright, another new but similar neural filter is being able to switch color from one to the other."
"ZK Sync releases new software development kit."
"We're hope you're as excited about GitHub Actions as we are, and we look forward to hearing your feedback."
"Now it makes a curve and you'll notice when we play this back it stops more naturally."
"Pandas has so much of this stuff already built in."
"Let me know if you used nmap or if you're going to use nmap. I'd love to hear the cool ways you're going to use it."
"Clips are a game changer in terms of Machine Plus. You can take any bit of MIDI or audio, drop it anywhere you want on the timeline, and arrange your song scene after scene."
"Nothing selected... I can select any given polygon and drag it to any other and it will bridge between them."
"Even with just the internal tools that come with the software, you can build up quite a good balance."
"Beautify is just a framework that's used for building really nice material design apps."
"I think I'm still going to use battle scribe because I'm used to it, but I expect to be using new recruit more."
"Co-pilot Studio... you can build custom GPTs, create new plugins, orchestrate workflows, and much, much more."
"Stop worrying about the operators. Like people get very excited about all these tools you just handed them, and it's scary to them." - Ben Lesh
"There's no reason to use the built-in tools or the stuff that ships with Windows..."
"Corsair has a configuration utility over in their website..."
"Paint.net is basically a free version of Photoshop but honestly it's very very good."
"I like coding in IntelliJ a lot more than I like coding in a browser."
"I want to focus on building a front-end with React and something called Apollo."
"This is the graphical tool that I was talking about."
"Space Vim is great for the new user because it gives you some ideas of what the editor can be."
"git gives you a way to keep track of all of these changes."
"Chrome DevTools - essential for debugging, powerful tools."
"Over in your viewer, it'll give you a preview of it, and that's super helpful."
"Every company has a different tool. There are some market leading ones start with those and then it's pretty straightforward to make the transition over time in the middle time."
"Look at Zapier. Um, it'll change your life. I re I really think so."
"Understanding signal flow inside Thor is as simple as following the arrows."
"When I want to go visible I have my task sequence up for the particle effects and then I have the visibility thing and simple trainer I hit both of them at the same time."
"Rarely will you do anything inside VirtualBox."
"A lot of people think that the way to get hard melodies you have to have expensive VSTs like omnisphere while they do help I promise you it's not what you need it's not like the sole factor of why people make hard melodies."
"Now to capture the video I'm using Vegas Pro 11. I tried all the other Solutions and I mean all the other ones and they all drop more frames."
"When you're working with widgets and UI, hot reload is great."
"We now even have Vue DevTools integrated, and this wasn't here the last time I checked."
"You don't need any of these programs to work with fonts on Linux because by default your Linux installation already comes with all the tools that you need."
"...the game porting toolkit that was just announced at WWDC 2023 looks like it could address a lot of the difficulties that developers have had porting their games to the Mac."
"I love freeform gradient. Yeah, it's, I think, one of the most powerful, easiest awesome tools in the whole Adobe suite."
"Maybe today we are coding in Python maybe tomorrow we are coding in Haskell or C++ or whatever and probably Vim will have a plug-in that suits that new programming language that we will use in the future as well so we will probably never have to change your editor ever again."
"It is so much better and this is where I'm gonna also talk a little bit more about craftybase because it's what I use to at the end of this process."
"Many tools, especially those that do destructive actions Or some kind of action that you cannot undo Provide what's known as a 'dry run flag'."
"ROS is perfect for control, planning, perception, mapping, etc., many people provided it with ROS, so you can make use of existing tools."
"So I think this is a really good way to start using CMake."
"I was really really pleased to see that Game Maker has a very capable timeline editor with a really really clear key framing and animation curve system."
"What I like to do when I'm first teaching getting started with a program is the first video is always kind of a here's what the different tools are and where everything's located."
"What I'm going to do is compare it to the dehaze filter found in the camera raw filter and let's find out which one is really better."
"Prettier is an opinionated code formatter."
"It's kind of like having Photoshop in an object."
"MX has lots of tools for you, always has, wonderful system."
"Lucky Backup uses Rsync, so does Time Shift."
"The idea of App Builder is basically you take a GUI Builder for your users to be able to build apps."
"And what I love about this plugin is that there's a link here that sends you through to a Bubble editor with plenty of examples of all the different styles of charts that you can create."
"This was the 3D Maps feature in Excel, one of the newer charting and visualization tools available."
"What you do is that you create all your tool windows, you drag them around, you put them in the location you want."
"So those are the ten instructional design software tools, the ten best ones, the ten most popular ones."
"I remember the first time someone showed me Jupiter Notebook and Anaconda, I was so excited because of all the cool things you could do with it."
"The software tools are built to make life easier, why not use them that way."
"The compiler is not the only tool."
"The right way to really think about actors is they're a bit of a Swiss Army knife that can be used in whatever area you feel is appropriate."
"If you're using Windows, Anaconda can make your life much easier."
"Lightroom has started implementing AI into their masking tools in an effort to help make our lives just a little bit easier."
"Static analyzers, really cool tools that can analyze your codebase, find bugs that humans often can't find."
"Docker desktop makes it really easy to run a single node Kubernetes cluster."
"Block Blender is a tool that I made that converts 3D models into Minecraft blocks within Blender."
"Zoho click one of our absolute favorite Zoho applications."
"It then gives you the advantage of being able to actually see the code."
"Static analysis tools... you can't just run them and expect them to solve all of your problems."
"The Node Wrangler add-on is very useful for working with our procedural nodes."
"It genuinely is one of the most powerful tools for After Effects and it is free."
"There are a bunch of built-in ones that you can leverage."
"It's a really powerful tool to do continuous delivery pieces and have different environments."
"What bat aims to be is a replacement for the cat command, and wow, what a replacement it is."
"That markers feature could be a real lifesaver if you're trying to debug a scroll trigger issue."
"Luminar Neo has two brand new landscape tools that will help you quickly take your images from this to this."
"I've been using Bubble since early 2019 and I'm yet to find another no code tool that matches its rich list of features."
"It gives you a set of Excel tools that can really help you take your spreadsheet to the next level."
"Both tools, both workflows had the power and the capabilities to create a professional animation of my model."
"Frida is a dynamic instrumentation toolkit."
"If you watch the tutorial series from starting to end you will be in very good shape to use Zephyr for Jira very properly in your projects."
"Remember the command pip list when you want to see everything that you've installed with Pip."
"For my work, I've been using Visual Studio 2019 for a month and a half, two months something like that, and I really like it."
"Frida is an awesome dynamic instrumentation toolkit."
"The purpose for these 30-minute workouts is to help you add additional tools to your AutoCAD or your Autodesk toolbox."
"Just pick one, it ultimately really doesn't matter that much, they both basically do the same thing."
"It's just a really cool plugin that gives you all of these extra tools that Revit unfortunately doesn't have."
"The tooling is, I'd say, one of the best of the functional languages."
"General availability .NET MAUI tools in Visual Studio, 17.3 on Windows."
"They are an incredibly versatile tool that allow us to trigger code off the back of any changes pushed to our project's branches."
"I didn't think I would like Easy Motion when I first tried it, but then I actually went and installed it, used it for a couple of minutes, and then I absolutely loved it."
"I've been using the Kite integration in VS Code for several months, and it's definitely made my coding speed faster."
"Kite gives you all the tools for you to be more productive."