
Fees Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"Wall Street has a solution to every investor problem, and the solution is always 'pay us more in fees.'"
"For the majority of people in general, index funds and ETFs are going to be the better way to go because now you're going to meet the stock market returns and you don't have to pay the super high fees."
"At the end of the day, the chain that has the fastest TPS and the lowest transaction fees wins."
"Banks are charging Americans 34 billion dollars a year on overdraft payments. Unacceptable."
"We paid massive fees to Wall Street, the highest fees we ever paid in our lives."
"Uniswap just became the first protocol to surpass 1 billion in fees."
"It was the first time in my life I got to experience transacting a cryptocurrency without incurring any fees... both sending and receiving it within a matter of one to two seconds."
"Take payment in any way, shape, or form, Doug, but don't shy away from taking a credit card even if it costs you two or three percent."
"Ronin tokens will act as the gas transaction fee for these Axie ecosystem."
"Fees alone, if something has low fees it doesn't automatically make something a good exchange and high fees doesn't automatically make something a bad exchange."
"Transactions and transaction fees in the last 24 hours: Bitcoin - $15 billion, Ethereum - $5.5 billion, Cardano - $5.3 billion. But here's the big thing, the fees: $43 million for Ethereum, but only $75,000 for Cardano."
"To use a public road there's a registration fee? To walk, there's a registration fee? To breathe air?"
"If you abolish student fees and abolish private funding, you don't treat the student like a consumer; the students are there to learn."
"This fee is going to hurt the people who can least afford to pay it."
"If you're retired and maybe you're doing regular trades to pull money out for retirement, you're going to get hit with this fee every single time."
"The average expense ratio or yearly fee of an index fund is around .06 percent on average."
"Amenity fees... that's where you get your rec centers."
"Don't pay bank account fees! Look for better options."
"What's he on about pressing a few little buttons and then being forced to pay more money?"
"High fees don't necessarily lead to higher returns."
"...the two board members are on the hook for almost nine thousand dollars in legal fees plus 35 000 in punitive damages."
"The commissions at auctions are as high as 50%."
"...we can start by waving that late fee for you because you are not aware of the charges and the payment due."
"If your exchange has withdrawal fees when you go to remove Bitcoin from it, you are doing it wrong."
"I felt terrible for the guy and his family. ... The attorney knew it wasn't me making the decision ... he decided to take $0 in fees."
"The more you're paying in fees, the worse your returns."
"This app right here, Current, free to download, there's no hidden fees."
"The extra fees are routing fees, so when Bob receives one point zero zero three but only pays out one point zero zero to, effectively Bob gains a little bit."
"So if you host a website Shopify is going to charge you a monthly fee, same with Squarespace, Wix, it doesn't matter, that's just how websites work."
"...and there are no additional fees as well as dumping you did not have to bring it back dumped if that part scares you you can bring the tank back absolutely full and turn it in and there are no additional fees."
"If we can get fees down on ETH, I think the ecosystem all wins and we probably see a lot more even more adoption."
"Most of us, we are used to air travel where you were charged Sky High fees for checking in baggage. Cruise ships are completely different. There are no fees for luggage and no hard rules on how much you can bring."
"One of the things some dealers are doing right now is pumping up their so-called dealer delivery fee to essentially whatever they think they can get away with given the current commercial dynamics."
"The frictional cost is too high they're charging their 100 basis points or whatever in fees and maybe there's another 25 or 50 base points in trading expenses whatever it is."
"We’re likely to reduce our 1% fee as a percentage of assets for all of our clients in order to share the benefits of increased assets with everybody."
"Fees do really eat into your overall investment returns, so keeping them to a minimum is absolutely imperative."
"If your bank charges you a monthly fee, move banks."
"Julia's popularity, as well as the amount of fees, is not waning."
"If you're paying money to access your own money, there is a problem here."
"Have your final financing in the works early in the rehab process to cut down on your fees."
"It is inconsistent to be a relatively economically poor continent and have to pay the highest fees to transfer money."
"Performance comes and goes but fees are forever."
"The big loser out of it when you can consider how much we are missing as far as Revenue goes on registration fees."
"I always wanted to charge fixed fees. I didn't want to get charged by the hour because what's the motivation put more hours in and I wanted to get results."
"You need to account for your fees when you're selling."
"I think there's a lot of pressure for app stores to open up and also reduce their fees at the moment which I think is good for the space."
"Why would banks charge you for being out of money?"
"When you get investors obviously, you know you have to make profit for those investors but you can then also charge success fees."
"Fees are actually extremely important when it comes to investing."
"24/7 professional security monitoring is just $14.99 a month. There are no contracts and no hidden fees."
"You have zero fees in terms of late fees or foreign transaction fees."
"...you have to make sure that you're not paying a lot of fees on this."
"Vanguard has saved investors as a whole $1 trillion in fees."
"The Federal Trade Commission is exploring a rule to crack down on unnecessary fees."
"Robin Hood actually had a profound impact on the market, right on the surface level it's just like oh they just like charge Zero fees."
"Chainlink is able to capture fees at all these different parts of the modular tech stack by acting as a layer zero."
"I agreed to a $150 cleaning fee and that should have been the only thing that was taken out."
"...question all of the fees and make sure that they were disclosed to you upfront."
"the main reason is because the active managers who charged - didn't earn them"
"eventually people will get tired of paying two percent plus twenty percent"
"There's no early payoff penalty, no origination fees, and no hidden fees."
"Could these be speaker fees? They could be they could very well be speaker fees."
"Etoro doesn't charge any kind of commission for the trade so there's no trade fees, there's no account management fees, there's no monthly fees, there's no any of those kind of fees."
"If you want to swap assets that are like each other, you can actually get lower fees and lower slippage using Curve."
"I had to like really do the research I'm like it's not all the restaurants literally now it's every restaurant including the pizzerias and even you know the salad bar they are charging three percent for using your credit card they are passing on that fee to the consumer."
"Coinbase offers a wide variety of cryptocurrencies and has some of the most competitive fees."
"Once you get transactions that happen relatively quickly and the fees are not completely nuts, everything feels quite good to use."
"What we really need to work out is what value are you likely to get for those fees."
"Fees are paid on the amount of turnover of tokens, not the amount of liquidity in the pool."
"When there's an Ethereum trade, when there's a transaction Ethereum, there's a fee, right? That's cool. Visa, MasterCard, everybody has a fee when you do a transaction."
"Once you click Next, you will be required to read and agree to a declaration, type out and submit the electronic signature, and pay the application fee."
"Sofi aims to provide a fee free banking experience for its customers."
"There's no reason to pay an expensive financial advisor an ongoing one percent fee every single year to manage a two or three fund portfolio."
"Coinberry doesn't charge any deposit fees or withdraw fees in terms of fiat currencies."
"If you're currently paying something to your bank for the privilege of accessing your own money, it is time to switch. Screw that."
"These merchandise fees are not surprises. They're not just coming to these bands at the end of the night."
"If a venue has done nothing for a band and their merchandise manager or the band themselves have sold all day with no help there should be no merch fee."
"Well, because if you want to open channels that requires an onchain transaction as does closing a channel and you want to make sure that you do that when the fees are as low as possible."
"...allows you to maximize your routing Revenue by changing fees every single time your channel balance changes and therefore squeezing out every last Satoshi that you can without having to pay for rebalancing because your channels get lopsided."
"Never, ever pay a percentage-based fee."
"Student counts uh there's fee-free options and low-cost Banking and free ATM withdrawals."
"The fees for realtors will most likely go down, probably more like a flat fee for services."
"Imagine all the fees you actually do have on maybe just one account."
"Airbnb's been getting pounded in the media over having expensive cleaning fees."
"I really disagree with how much Fiverr takes. They take 20% but they also charge a service fee. It kind of feels like double dipping."
"I actually only paid for the taxes and fees and that ended up being only 300 round trip."
"These types of services are not allowed to charge you upfront fees. They're only supposed to charge you when they are 'successful' and negotiating something on your behalf."
"Understanding the difference between a fee and a fine. A fee is just a price of admission that you paid to get something better on the other side."
"I love live events but I hate buying tickets, the hidden fees they suck and coordinating with friends is a nightmare."
"Making sure you're finding an account once you've consolidated that has low fees."
"Make sure that you check online and you're aware of the exact ATMs that you can visit in your area without paying those additional ATM fees."
"Minimizing fees and ultra-low-cost investing is now big business."
"Fees matter, and if you can reduce your fees and stop using active funds just use index funds across the board in all your asset classes."
"We're going to have a third real competitor that's broad-based, widely distributed to Visa and MasterCard, that will bring down interchange fees."
"What factors should you even consider when choosing an online broker? Trade execution, reliability, and their fees."
"Newton covers the first five dollars of any network fees that you incur whenever you're withdrawing crypto to your own wallets or to another exchange."
"If you owe a company money, you will be charged interest, late fees, and service interruptions fees almost immediately after the due date."
"Amazon's charging fees because it's the only way they can pay for their extensive infrastructure investment."
"Terra caps fees at one percent, and that's just the cap; in fact, fees are usually much, much lower than one percent."
"Consider discount air carriers for ridiculously cheap fares, but be aware of the fees."
"Fees should be fair, reasonable, and commensurate with services performed."
"It's just so transparent in terms of how they're doing fees."
"Convenience fees when paying bills online, for real, it's no longer an inconvenience, it's just how things are."
"There are service fees when you buy and sell; that's how these NFT platforms make their money."
"They are getting rid of all seller fees. You will not pay any fees whenever you sell anything."
"The conflict of interest in the industry has not active versus passive, it's high fee versus low fee."
"Lowering the amount of fees that you have in your investments is incredibly powerful for your long-term wealth building ability."
"This gives us an overview of the current fee environment on the Bitcoin blockchain right now."
"Ethereum has so much usage, it has a fee base that we can rely on."
"Ethereum's inverse price sensitivity when used for fees as a form of money is something markets haven't seen before."
"We led the charge to drop overdraft fees. We have a unique product that actually allows the client to choose in the moment if they want to return the item or pay the item."
"A lot of the revenue is on fees whether it's overdraft, late fees, and the like."
"Parking fees were non-existent, did not charge me anything to park my vehicle, which is nice."
"Banks made $9.9 billion off of overdraft fees alone."
"We want a thousand companies out there that are like Bank of America but aren't charging overdraft fees."
"Trust me, the tax is not the tax; it's the charge they don't disclose to you."
"You will be caught off guard and you will be screwed, so please understand what those FBA fees are."
"Please avoid publishing in journals that charge you to publish."
"This might just be sufficient to cover your fees."
"As part of the ongoing requirements for your LLC, Colorado requires that you file a Periodic Report and pay a yearly fee."
"Seemingly small fees can have a huge impact on our wealth."
"These fees will impact your better financial future, not by a lot but by a significant enough margin where I feel as though you shouldn't pay them."
"There's a lot of Etsy fees that are kind of hidden and you don't realize how much they're actually taking out."
"California's new law will in theory end junk fees on anything."
"Every time you list a new item, you have to pay a listing fee of 20 cents."
"Never invest in something you don't understand and never invest in something where other people are charging you fees for managing your money."
"Transaction fees can never be too high or too low; they are at exactly the level that the free market is setting them."
"Fees are the great destroyer of wealth because they compound over time."