
Mobile Development Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"Flutter is stable and mature on mobile, giving you a look and feel that is tailored to the target device you're running on from a single code base."
"Use PageView widget for swiping through pages."
"Transform anything into a button with GestureDetector."
"This is huge for dealing with mobile development."
"Flutter is generally faster because it doesn't have that extra JavaScript bridge to the OEM user interface."
"Flutter widgets are made to look exactly like the stock OEM widgets pixel for pixel."
"I'm really trying to break Django more into the mobile app world."
"Can you build mobile apps with Django? I just know I'm gonna get people commenting."
"React Native is extremely popular. I would say it's the best way to build mobile apps with you know web type technologies."
"Flutter allows you to make an app for iOS and Android... which is insane."
"I'm thrilled that we're going to get to make that a thing of the past: you know, take your phone, build web3 and Solana applications on something you take with you and find those use cases that don't exist today."
"This new API which we call ActivityResultContracts makes asking for permissions super easy as well as many other common tasks like taking a picture."
"It's just finding the time, I mean, I'd love to make like an Akari app or something, or a Nurikabe app."
"You can create mobile apps with JavaScript... with a single codebase for both iOS and Android."
"The transition to Expo has been a game changer for our mobile development process."
"After we finish testing and fixing our app on real iOS and Android devices, we're going to build this sucker for production and deploy it to Netlify."
"I claim there's nothing controversial about using SQLite on an iPhone or on an Android app."
"We'll dive into both tools tonight, talking about how to actually set up a FlutterFlow app, how to create your SuperBase back-end storage, and other things."
"My goal is to make sure that at the end of this course, you are able to create your own mobile applications."
"Mobile is very niche, meaning there's not as many people in the world equipped with the skill set to do mobile development."
"I'm continuing my series on building your very first Xamarin forms application for iOS and Android."
"The CollectionView is optimized using the RecyclerView and the UI CollectionView on iOS."
"I have six years of working experience as a mobile application developer."
"React Native gives you the advantage of having the best list of ready-made solutions and libraries to simplify the task of mobile app development."
"React Native, in my opinion, is the best way to build mobile apps with web dev technologies."
"React Native supports iOS and Android."
"Ionic is a set of components and helpful utilities to build awesome looking native mobile applications for both iOS and Android with adaptive styling."
"Flutter is an UI toolkit that helps you to build beautiful mobile applications for both mobile, like for Android, iOS, desktop, web, and different platforms."
"React Native has three main threads: the main UI thread, the layout thread, and the JavaScript thread."
"The focus of this class is going to be on mobile app development."
"This react navigation library is one of the best libraries for the Expo and React Native applications."
"Technology around mobile app development has gotten so much better."
"Facebook also provides React Native, which lets you build mobile apps that run on both Android and iOS using JavaScript."
"So instead of making some changes for the small iPhones, the bigger iPhones, iPad, iPad Mini, iPad Pro, and so on, instead, we're going to make one game fit one size, and then this will simply scale onto every device."
"Let's go ahead and create these mobile menus."
"It's used for creating native mobile and desktop applications, so it's not a web framework; it's for building apps that run on these endpoints or run on these devices."
"It's important to test on an actual mobile device."
"The biggest performance killer for phones is overdraw."
"Flutter changes all of this. This could finally be the time when mobile app development is democratized for the very first time."
"What we brought you with Cloud Endpoints is a really easy way to make mobile backends, and backends for web-based applications using App Engine."
"This really gives us a ton of flexibility on the mobile side because that means on a per screen basis we can decide whether we want to build that screen in native code or whether we want to build that screen in JavaScript in HTML."
"We're going to dive into integrating the generated code into your iPhone or Android app."
"Expo makes it really easy to build awesome React Native apps."
"Develop a Flutter to-do app that allows the user to add, remove, and list task items."
"Defold is probably the ideal pick if you are a mobile developer."
"NativeScript is a free open-source framework, and we can build native iOS and Android applications using JavaScript and CSS."
"Flutter is a high-performance cross-platform mobile application runtime and its corresponding framework."
"NativeScript is a free and open-source framework used to create truly native mobile apps."
"We appreciate you taking the time to go on this mobile app development journey with us."
"Firebase makes it incredibly easy to send notifications on both Android and iOS."
"One pretty cool thing is that you can combine navigation and tab bar controllers."
"React Native is a really interesting approach that lets you use JavaScript and a bunch of features in ES5, ES6, and ES7 to write native apps."
"React Native is a project that allows you to write real native mobile apps using React and JavaScript technology."
"Check out the framework, make an Android app or an iOS app... and let's all make mobile development better together."
"If you're here to learn more about using Vue to create truly native mobile apps for iOS and Android, then you are definitely in the right place at the right time."
"React Native changed the React project from a JavaScript framework to building UIs to an entire cohesive web mobile development system."
"We are really on the cusp of redefining mobile development."
"If we pull up on the box, it will sort of stretch out, and when we let go, it will snap into place."
"With Xamarin, you get access to every single native API of iOS and Android all in C#."
"React Native is a tool that we can utilize in order to build mobile applications for Android and for iOS."
"Xamarin allows you to write applications that will run on iPhone and Android."
"PhoneGap will save you a ton of time in the development of mobile applications as it will allow you to distribute across multiple platforms with a single build."
"To understand the core concept of PhoneGap, you must first learn the difference between the native side of the application and the non-native side."
"The mobile web is no longer just this subset of the web that you think about at the end of your development; the mobile web is just simply the web."
"I kind of fell in love with Flutter."
"The amount of investment and the revenue which mobile application development is bringing in is going to be very huge."