
Extreme Behavior Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Stan culture perpetuates this unhealthy weird behavior and it only gets more extreme the longer it goes on."
"At such an extreme moment, they didn't even run away from the crocodile."
"I get totally out of control when I have a crush and I suppose if you were to phrase it so insensitively then I guess you could call me a stalker."
"What kind of level of psycho do you have to actually be to do this kind of thing?"
"Extreme behavior can cause extreme consequences."
"I just love about it's not like there's Kindle like these things are this but like he's risky library fines over killing people."
"Give me a real club scene, give me people doing crazy Aurora drugs in the bathroom, let's watch people get their hands cut off for some bad gambling deal or something."
"They should be the most innocent members of society, but children can be capable of the most sadistic, premeditated, and brutal murders."
"Revenge is driven by this deep desire within for retribution and sometimes it can lead individuals to engage in some extreme and really harmful actions."
"Tesla Twitter people are just a completely different level of insane... What that company says is the word of God to them."
"This is some demonic possession level [ __ ] man."
"Love makes you do crazy things, but this is next level crazy."
"I have a wife and I love her so much that if she didn't love me back, I would lock her in my garage and set her on fire."
"With all this in mind, this gives us a frightening look into the world of extreme narcissism."
"Am's suicide planning shows how insanely far he is willing to go."
"Georgia Bulldogs, eating off the floor every single one of them will do it."
"Some saying it was so painful that they jumped into the river in hopes of drowning, just to make it all stop."
"My pettiness will go to extreme measures at times. I ain't even gonna lie."
"You don't sacrifice your life, quit your job, desert your family, and prostitute yourself under a bridge for something that's okay. You only do that for something that's like, 'Wow, I need this in my life.'"
"We do need to recognize someone whose ruthlessness takes them into a moral sphere that the rest of us would find almost impossible to conceive of."
"There's people out there who are literally killing 70 people."
"It's extraordinarily reckless and extraordinarily dangerous."
"The simple act of driving a car deliberately into a tree at 50 miles an hour without breaking is something many people would find very difficult to do."
"Would somebody really murder their wife for not having any more children with them?"
"Oh, dude, he's going all out... This guy's insane."
"Publishers aren't just greedy, they're greedy in the extreme."
"You're crazy! At first I thought you were just driven, but I was wrong, you're absolutely crazy!"
"I want to go [ __ ] crazy when I'm in a mosh pit. I want to break a table. I want someone to chug alcohol. Like, I wanted to go nuts, dude."
"Listen, okay? If you want to get strung up from the ceiling and Diddly done dids six ways from Sunday, I hope you were getting it."
"This is one of the most foul, egregious, disrespectful, crazy things that I've seen in my lifetime."
"She poured gasoline all over him and lit him into a bonfire in the backyard."
"Hangman Page is absolutely insane, he's got no regard, there is no well-being."
"She actually tried to strangle kellett on their wedding night."
"It's very odd how a person would let anybody manipulate them to commit multiple murders. I mean, we're in serial killer territory now."
"Penelope wasn't just Amanda's number one fan this is the type of person who would probably wear the skin of the person they idolize if given the opportunity."
"He's crazy enough to do things that no one else has done."
"This is just a way for you to recognize extreme thinking and behavior in yourself."
"It's sort of just doing what you normally do but to extreme levels."
"Being in an MLM company makes you do some insane things, right?"
"I've never seen a case like Mr. Glidewell's, this was attempted murder."
"When you've outcrazied Alex Jones, you're done. There's no hope for you."
"What is boiling underneath our society such that people are willing to take someone's life over having a sandwich with too much mayonnaise?" - Ben
"He sent dead pigs to his colleagues, you know things to his colleagues like literally to their house he would ship PR packages but of like dead pigs and dead rats."
"We value Freedom, individual responsibility, protecting people, but y'all are psychopaths, y'all are a cult."
"One of them was so insane, so outrageous, and so mad..."
"Few things could be considered more stupid than attempting to demonstrate your ability to one-up a foot-related injury with removing your own head via chainsaw."
"He might be the craziest person we've ever covered, that's saying something too."
"Perhaps not sensible, but extreme and awesome."
"If you can't laugh, you know where it ends. You end up shooting a woman point blank range in the face in the middle of the street in Philly."
"So get ready for the schadenfreude as we take a look at yet more extreme cases of revenge."
"That just put a whole new light on the extreme evil that Laurie is capable of."
"I just can't wrap my head around hammering your own parents to death."
"Part of me just thinks that she was so infatuated with this famous author... that she was willing to kill her whole family for it."
"If you are one of these people, please go and get psychiatric help. Please, you need some sort of fucking exorcism done to you. I mean, I would never. I was raised by loving parents who respected others. I don't know what these people are doing."
"Nigeria is cannibalistic in the extreme."
"There's got to be some crazy person out there who's used it you know there's the the guy in the Slayer album that carved Slayer into his forearm I feel like there's some crazy like metal grandpa that uh used the Aussie rules brand on himself on his ass."
"Extreme and outrageous conduct means the conduct has been so outrageous in character, and so extreme in degree, as to go beyond all possible bounds of decency and to be regarded as atrocious and utterly intolerable in a civilized community."
"The Fourth Crusade is where the Crusades go completely bat guano insane."
"I can say for a fact that the phenomenon where people do some really crazy things for love is accurate and true."