
Allies Quotes

There are 185 quotes

"Superhero stories are a kind of monster story where the monster is on your side."
"You know, we have the will to fight. Do our allies have the will to support us?"
"You two are very strong supporters and you're soul-bonded and very strong allies regardless of the context or circumstances."
"We have allies. China has customers, it doesn't have allies."
"The water isn't that cold... you might find that actually you'll find new allies and new friends..."
"Why are we so eager to turn allies or potential allies into enemies?"
"Black Folk have never had any real allies in this country."
"Thankfully though we are now crushing them, though I must give credit to my allies."
"We have to stop trying to cancel people and shouting down our allies."
"There are the traditional U.S allies and European Union countries of Australia, Canada, Israel, the UK, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, France, and Greece."
"Discovering unexpected allies and valuable loot in the most unlikely places."
"Respond to evil with that which is better and you will find that even your enemies will become your protective allies."
"Get those scary-looking demons on your side, because when you do, nobody can mess with you."
"You gotta start looking for allies and not enemies."
"Once you realize that, you'll suddenly find yourself with many more allies and many less enemies."
"Marco, the big gun, the most powerful ally that they could call upon, he finally showed up."
"Will Republicans be foolish enough to say, 'Yeah, it was a great idea attacking our closest allies when there's no strategic benefit to it whatsoever.'"
"Better to circulate among people, find allies, mingle."
"Even some of Trump's fiercest allies say, 'look we gotta knock this off, we need to support Ukraine.'"
"We have lost the respect and trust of some very close and very important allies."
"The Allies took a quarter of a million prisoners."
"Beset from all sides and betrayed by those who believed to be our staunchest allies."
"Ukrainian troops have received more than one thousand artillery pieces from the Allies."
"Futaba quickly goes from an anonymous threat to one of your most important assets."
"Luca and Alberto have allies who defend and support them, even if it means checking their sea monster bias."
"Canada could help fuel its allies to victory."
"The battle at Winterfell that pits an uneasy collection of allies against the Night King and his army of the undead."
"Luckily it's not an issue because Australia and USA are not clashing. They are awesome awesome allies."
"Ukraine has very wealthy allies who can provide a lot of things, that's Ukraine's resource."
"Trump's allies have actually expanded in this instance."
"You have seen and unseen allies, draw upon their strength."
"Joo must utilize the knowledge of humanity, test that knowledge against those very humans Sorcerers and even his own allies, and come to informed conclusions about what he can really do."
"Our mutated friends jumped out of their hiding spots and came to our aid."
"Ukraine is the new Berlin, it's the rally point for NATO and the Western allies."
"We're breaking our word as Americans, breaking our words to our allies, of having people who risk their lives, who've been there for years."
"If you like protecting your allies and tanking without having to forego your own defense, then this is the build for you."
"The main objective of the Allies in the Battle of the Atlantic was to get merchant ships into British ports unscathed."
"It will show our allies our word is still good and we will stand by them in times of need."
"Amelia to rely on her allies more frequently."
"The main protagonist encounters people from different regions of the world who become important allies and eventually befriend their rival."
"Monica joined several of her allies to found the Ultimates."
"...they're not even having that much trouble, mainly because their allies are so strong."
"Through these daring operations, the Allies decisively thwarted Germany’s nuclear ambitions."
"From a brilliant start to the war, within a few years, through courageous resistance at home and abroad, the Allies had ground the Germans down."
"The Allies won the technological race (…), and overtook their enemies not only in numbers but also in fighting power. In the process they pioneered the characteristic forms of later twentieth-century warfare…" - David Stevenson
"...the Allies have complete control of the Skies..."
"It's all about who you have in your corner."
"So brag saw his opportunity to regain prestige among his fellow Kardashians and show up his Dominion allies."
"They all share your goal. They're your allies."
"Alabasta alone might actually provide more manpower than all the other allied forces and nations the straw hats would have at their side combined."
"ARS thinks about how happy he is that he now has two Dependable allies."
"You never know who's gonna be an ally in your life."
"Magneto tells hope that with such allies forming, there may yet be hope to turn the tide of the war."
"We love the American military, we love the British military, we love all our allies absolutely."
"The heroine realizes that everything will be different now because she has gained loyal allies."
"I can't imagine he'll succeed. The Allies' only defense against my victory is assured. Look, if the order has been given, no. He's afraid. Look at them, look at his eyes."
"My allies have shown me how to focus the potential of the multiverse."
"We need as many allies as we can get."
"Jean shows up with a message from the Allies in the rear mountains."
"A lot of people have a problem with this guy, so if you would actually take the initiative, you'd probably find that you have more allies than you think you do."
"It's not about how many are against us but who is with us."
"Granola didn't even realize that these are his allies."
"For your opponents, it's extremely disorienting and for your allies, it creates openings upon openings upon openings."
"To our allies and partners, know that you have no more trusted friend than us. To our competitors, know that you will have no more determined adversary than us."
"Almost all of China's neighbors are likely to ally with the United States to form a balancing coalition against China."
"Honestly, I had thought I could get a little more use out of him. Incompetent allies are more trouble than enemies, wouldn't you agree with me, new ruler of the Oriana Kingdom?"
"If you treat them well and with respect, you'll find yourself an unexpected ally."
"Taking a life causes him no heartache at all, yet it deeply hurts him to see one of his allies in pain."
"Snowden mentioned countries like Japan, Germany, Austria, Brazil, and Mexico. All these countries were considered allies of America; however, they were spying on them at all levels."
"You never know who might turn out to be your ally."
"That's why we have you guys as allies, to keep us on our toes."
"If you're comfortable, tell as many people as possible because you don't know where you're going to find allies, people who have connections that you just didn't know."
"It's all about stepping into the shoes of our allies and understanding their strengths and challenges."
"We not only got all our Americans out but we got a significant number of South Vietnamese who would been staunch allies during the war in Vietnam."
"In this timeline, they do have an additional five allies who are very quickly catching up with the rest of the crew."
"The attack on Prometheus was a wake-up call. We need allies and we need them now."
"...team 7 was then found by their allies from Konoha..."
"Kinji Hakari and Yuta Akotsu, two characters that Gojo himself has already deemed powerful allies."
"Finally she has wiped the nose of both her opponents and her arrogant allies."
"Making change in politics is all about expanding your coalition and finding the right allies."
"You will find allies and people who will support you but you might also find resistance and reasons, too."
"The Allies had won a foothold in France but at a great cost."
"If the intention behind diversity is for us to be allies bringing everyone to the table, then that's diversity."
"When all of Luffy's allies come to his rescue it would be utter insanity"
"The city's salvation came from the strangest of allies."
"Morathi turned her enemies into allies."
"The Allies were about to show how their Mastery of the air sea and land made them capable of Feats of Rapid maneuver that the Japanese could simply not hope to counter."
"Being able to almost ignore [frightened] for ourselves and really help out our allies too is fantastic."
"The artifact possessed the remarkable capability to invigorate and empower allies."
"The tide had turned in favor of the Allies, with their hard-earned victories showing that the initiative was now firmly in their hands."
"The Seabees stayed to see the Allied armies they had helped land on the beach at Normandy drive deep into Germany itself."
"When you speak out because you feel you haven't got a choice and because it's your truth, you end up bringing a lot more allies than you do hate."
"They are imposing, the kind of people you want on your side."
"It's not the number of people who are on your side, it's who is on your side."
"Incompetent allies are worse than competent enemies."
"I've dealt with Psychopaths before but this sir I strongly suggest you call in Captain Gordon he could be a valuable Ally for you."
"The Allies issued a declaration to Japan, the alternatives offered were stark: unconditional surrender or prompt and utter destruction."
"The French entry into the war made up for the lack of resources."
"A strong American economy is essential to the well-being and security of our friends and allies."
"Well Sam is a much-needed Ally with his own Megazord and futuristic Morpher."
"The allies gradually out-built German U-boats, turning the tide in the Battle of the Atlantic."
"I kind of feel like Sunny is that way now because I'm one of the people who I believe allies are probably the most important part of any movement."
"Thinking through how our allies and partners can leverage forward production opportunities is an issue of the future."
"It wasn't just Americans fighting that day, there were Canadians on the battlefield too."
"I realized that behind me was an army of spiritual allies in the form of plants."
"The Allies would need concrete and lots of it."
"He is in my custody. I believe he could lead us to his allies that assisted him on Old Mantel."
"Kids who used to be Dalton's rivals became his allies."
"A friendly civilian populace is the best ally a merc can have."
"The quick increase of muscles is a blessing or curse and a signal for allies to gather."
"I'd rather an honest enemy than a fake ally."
"When we're willing to face the energies in us that we typically run away from, those energies shift and become allies."
"You do things with allies, not to allies."
"There should always be truth between allies."
"Real relationships with people who are your allies is essential."
"You must have quite a support system, good funding, powerful allies."
"From the story of Thingol, we see that he had true wealth when he had many friends and allies."
"Change doesn't happen unless you have allies."
"Anything that eats biting insects is on our side."
"It gives us a huge competitive advantage... we need to be thinking about these advantages not just the US but our allies."
"We've got to be able to operate with our allies and partners because they bring capabilities to bear that we need as part of an overall multinational team to achieve our objectives."
"In a more dangerous and more unpredictable world, it is important to have friends and allies."
"The battle of the ONG had been an outstanding success for the Allies."
"Wherever you are, you will know that you are surrounded by allies, you are surrounded by friends, you are surrounded by people who will support you."
"The more democratic states that we have, the more allies that we have, the more that we start to work in other countries, the better we're going to be."
"God can give you unusual allies, unexpected friends that can come to your rescue."
"If we turn this moment of danger and insecurity into something that brings a new sense of unity between allies, there is no reason we cannot prevail."
"The Western allies organized the Berlin airlift, round-the-clock flights from England and the United States brought essential supplies to the people of West Berlin."
"Most Americans would say Britain and France, they are long-time allies."
"We'll defeat our enemies together."
"Ally can be found in unexpected corners."
"Get help; it's very important to find some allies before you take your test."
"Batman has more friends and allies than pretty much any other superhero in comic book history."
"Fear not, for they who are with us are more than they that are with our enemies."
"1704 and 1706 had been great years for the allies."
"The winners of this war are Britain and the Prussians."
"The scarier thing is the ally who is working against you."
"Microbes can not only be our enemies, they can also be our friends."
"Despite having the potential to become very strong, Naruto knew he needed allies to support him."
"We must remain robust partners and allies with nations that share our interests and values."
"Never let your guard down, not even when surrounded by only allies."
"That's so cute, dude. Now they fight for our side."
"Her spirit allies show her the terrible truth."
"America's second advantage is the one weapon it has that China cannot hope to match - and it's not a missile or new airplane. Rather, it's US allies."
"One of the most striking expressions of collaboration between Allied governments without which our common victory would have been impossible."
"Thank you to all the allies out there, it really means a lot."
"He's got five really strong Saiyans on his side and he kind of knows a god of destruction which is pretty cool."
"The Allies had assembled their mightiest land, sea, and air force for the purpose."
"Far too often, we forget that our most important allies are not always the most powerful."
"We have to find them, not only for me but also to find allies to help our community."
"Germany is one of our closest allies and our closest friends."
"We will do things with our allies, not to our allies."
"When you have seen the marines back from Tarawa, it makes you glad they are on our side."
"America is committed to our allies, Japan and the Republic of Korea, and that we expect China to increase its role in persuading North Korea to move away from nuclear weapon and ballistic missile development."
"The Allies agree on the principle of unconditional surrender against Germany."
"Together the allies of Ukraine outrank the Russian economy 25 to 1, so we just got to make it count."
"Until you're sure that you're undefeatable, find yourself some trustworthy allies."
"We must find out what they are; if not, we need to know whether they are friends or foes."
"Let's go dude, once again, like everywhere we go, making allies, making friends."
"These are individuals who fought alongside the United States over the last 20 years."
"You always want to be placating and reaffirming your allies."
"Life's sweetest victories are achieved alongside your greatest allies."
"We should view bats as allies, not as enemies."
"The great thing to fear is not a competent enemy but an incompetent ally."
"Amidst the trials of life, we find our true allies, not in titles, but in the hearts that stand by us."
"Our best bet for a reasonable, favorable settlement is with the Western allies."
"I am a diplomat, and I'll tell you this: all those people that I talked with will become our allies the moment we turn this place into an actual democracy."
"The memory of yourself will be with your allies, and the memory never dies, even if the body does."
"Humanity's notoriety grew tremendously across the region, unpredictably dangerous yet invaluable allies capable of finding opportunity and victory where least expected."
"Everybody you fight is not your enemy and everybody that helps you is not your friend."
"You have so many allies in the spiritual realm."
"The Allies won World War II, it wasn't the Germans."