
Movements Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"We don't need leaders; we need movements. Power is always dangerous, no matter who wields it."
"Moments can turn into movements if we think movement."
"There's nothing more powerful than the Tea Party."
"You cannot look at any successful movement in American history that didn't involve coalition-building."
"So please please please look out for false movements especially forming from May onward because I would bet my bottom dollar that a lot of these things are going to be fake."
"Arguably the most functional movement in history."
"The only hope left is to get out in the street and build mass movements."
"There is nothing more powerful than a movement whose time has come."
"The good fight was never about one man, it's a movement." - Wasteland Joe
"They want to join our movements to neutralize us."
"It's how change happens. It's what happened in the early 1900s."
"What is going to move people? There's nothing that moves people in the history of this country other than movements."
"Nonviolent movements succeed twice as often as violent uprisings."
"These movements produce enormous political and cultural change."
"Things can turn in a second. It will look like someone is down and out and like this is it, and with three swift movements, they have someone in a triangle hold."
"The movements play a very important role laying out an agenda for these countries where a new mood has begun to set in."
"It's about the person, not the movement. You know, we've heard plenty of movements, whether it be called the Iron Age, Comicgate, the Fandom Menace. But to me, it's about the person and the content of that person's character."
"It's inspired many progressive movements, revolutionary movements, movements that have expanded human freedom."
"We just declare movements. Movements thrive when they find something that and declare it disgraceful."
"Many of the movements presented in our video would have a profound influence on the thinkers and reformers that began the Protestant Revolution."
"Movements have a growth, like a person."
"Men feeling disaffected has become such a pervasive problem that movements like the passport Bros, mtow, red pill have all been born."
"All great movements have started on a grassroots level."
"The beauty of fascist movements is that they cannibalize themselves... they've never been successful... they have like a built-in self-destruct."
"To Vogue means to execute a series of precision movements."
"Society shouldn't want that kind of like big movements, right? Society should want stability."
"The great movements of the last few hundred years have been ideas, viral ideas."
"They are hopeful movements, not built on some despairing resignation for the unknown dread lord they serve, but rather a hope-filled fervent belief that they are doing things right."
"We are standing in the midst of movements that have never happened before."
"Serious activists like the Freedom Riders, the Civil Rights Movement, I credit activists for civil rights, for the women's movement, for gay rights."
"Movements come from a crisis of the economy, crisis of legitimacy, simultaneously outraged, provoked by injustice, and at the same time, they are able to form quickly and autonomously intended members."
"It's trivial for me to notice the movements of the impersonal within me."
"We're students of truth, not students of movements."
"Every movement has its hypocrisies."
"The inspiration that a lot of people on the Left are drawing from anti-colonial movements and for the movement for Black lives is particularly important to think about now."
"The only way movements can be successful is if they go beyond their own particular ghettos."
"The point of a symphony is that it usually consists of several chunks of music, those chunks are called movements."
"What is your favorite art movement?"
"Combine that with the devastating and brutal movements, and damn, this is really good design."
"...the great movements...which have tried to replace religion in the west...are very much like the churches, like the theology which they want to replace."
"Every movement starts somewhere, from humble beginnings."
"Movements are not measured in terms of duration, they're measured in terms of impact."
"The atomic bomb ends surrealism for all its sense of purposes and Abstract Expressionism becomes the next movement."
"It has become so revered by various groups that it has spawned new religious movements all over Southern Africa."
"That's art movements, that's literary movements, that's technology movements."
"All men are created equal is another one that's ignited one movement after another."
"We have to embark upon transformational projects, we have to create movements."
"Most of the movements in the new world are connected to spiritual traditions."
"Soon the history of freedom movements will be changed forever."
"Postmodernism begins to make sense only when it is in constant dialogue with other movements such as Marxism and feminism."
"There is good long-term progression with these movements."
"We remember the bombings in Tulsa, we remember Azusa, we remember the Latter Rain movement."
"Companies require the whole collective to work together, political movements require the whole collective to act in one accord."