
Private Equity Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"There are four reasons why private equity is failing, and four reasons why all of us are going to be the ones paying for it."
"Private equity is simultaneously the ultimate career goal of every insufferable business bro and the cause of all the world's problems."
"Private equity firms have a bad reputation for gutting companies, laying off staff, and saddling them with tons of debt."
"Private Equity blew the doors off in 2021 as trillions in pandemic-related stimulus produced a historic surge in deal making and exits."
"If you treat your investments like private equity style and nothing's changed with the core thesis, then there's no reason to sell it."
"Private Equity has outstripped every stock market in the world in its returns."
"If you put a million dollars 35 years ago in the stock market, it's worth $26 million today. In private Equity, it's $39 million."
"Private Equity runs hospitals and mobile home parks the same way they run streaming platforms."
"Private Equity owns 11% of all nursing homes in America."
"Real estate and private Equity have been popular alternatives for high net worth investors but there's a physical asset that's historically shown resilience during inflationary periods like these."
"What I am mad at is the fact that these private equity giants got enriched again to the tune of hundreds of billions over the last several months."
"The Trump administration aided and abetted by the private equity industry."
"One casualty of the Fed's interest rate increases is going to be private equity firms."
"Private Equity firms spent over a trillion dollars buying companies last year."
"The whole of the private Equity industry has basically had its legs cut off."
"The US economy is being held hostage by a small cohort of financiers who run private equity firms."
"By 2021, private equity firms managed about 20% of total US company equity."
"PE firms bought out more than 2,000 companies valued at more than $250 billion by 1989."
"Private equity is a really really cool one."
"In the early days, private equity was seen as not worrying about shipping jobs offshore, wasn't worried about environmental things. We have a very large ESG program now to make sure everything is consistent with certain socially responsible principles."
"Private Equity firms aim to improve operational efficiency to generate cash flow."
"The private Equity Firm was able to make a 2.5x multiple."
"Private Equity secondaries are where people are buying and selling private Equity investments before they reach the end of their investment period or maturity."
"Celebrate them. You have to realize in my rule to private equity point one percent of the private equity firms have returns of what these two have delivered in their companies celebrate."
"Private Equity can be a cruel business."
"Getting a job in private equity is like playing hopscotch. You have to jump from one box to the next. So focus on the box you're in and how to get to the next one. If you can jump ahead, super."
"Private Equity is disrupting the medical industry across America."
"When private Equity buys up hospitals, Healthcare outcomes for patients may actually get worse."
"It leaves that Community often much worse off."
"Private Equity has become a part of that problem, making that problem worse."
"The more money the private equity firms have, the more they're going to spend buying companies, which means they're going to load it up with more debt, which creates systemic risk for the economy."
"This really clever guy listed a closed-end fund with $50 million worth of private investments."
"Private equity is very hard, and not recommended for most people just trying to make money."
"I currently operate a small private fund via a company that I run with my co-founder."
"Private equity is basically holding ownership interests in a non-publicly traded private company."
"Private equity is different from other investment classes in that you have control over the entry, holding period, and exit."
"Deal structuring is crucial for private equity because it allows you to adjust the profile of an opportunity to meet your risk-return objectives."
"It's not 80,000 people watching it, but it feels familiar. And I think that's why there is magic in private equity."
"If you want to have that big upside, that's gonna require you to have some private investors."
"The average 3-year growth is significantly superior for private equity funds."
"Private equity funds generate better returns than publicly listed companies."
"Private equity is about active investing."
"The average long-term returns net returns produced by private equity according to the data is somewhere around 14%."
"The opportunities ahead in the world of private equity are really endless."
"When a private equity firm buys a company, they'll end up owning close to a hundred percent of it."
"Private businesses traded a 25% discount on a price to book basis... the rise of private equity has now taken many of those businesses to valuations that are over and above what we see in public markets."