
Minimalist Lifestyle Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"The Elves had minimalist lifestyles using what Ilúvatar had already created for them, Arda."
"Health over stuff, right? I mean, you have too much stuff, that means you have to let go of a lot of it."
"Two things, you know how to grow corn. No no, don't worry about it. You will owe nothing and you will be happy. You will live in the Pod and you will eat the bugs."
"She says the key to successful tidying is tackling your home in the correct order, keeping only what you really love, and doing it all at once."
"Simple pleasures make life more simple, obviously."
"Another massive tip for improving proprioception and balance is to take off your shoes or train in minimal footwear."
"If you haven't worn a piece of jewelry in a year, you probably don't need it."
"Minimalism allows us to remove some of that stress."
"Less is more, living on less and liking it more."
"Get on that minimalist wallet wave and get rid of the disgusting bulky leather wallet in your pocket or on your desk right now."
"The Minimalist lifestyle is an interesting experiment in moving together as a group and learning together."
"This takes us in a direction away from consumerism because one is satisfied with less."
"The skincare industry wants you to buy as many products as you possibly can. Making decisions to reduce your skincare routine to only what you need is the best thing you can do."
"The first step in all of this is unsurprisingly to streamline your wardrobe and get it to a place that you really, really love."
"I'm just an average Joe living in my van. I live a far better, more luxurious life than 99% of all humans who have ever lived."
"You don't need to be a minimalist or an avid outfit repeater to have a balanced and functional wardrobe."
"Letting them get bored allows their creativity to come alive."
"It's not about what toys you need, it's about what toys to get rid of."
"Declutter your space by asking, 'Does this item spark joy?'"
"Clear out the clutter. It's time to cleanse."
"Living tiny for me is about appreciating the things that I have and keeping things that are really special to me."
"There's actually comfort in living a simple frugal life where you always have enough... it's better for the environment it's fair globally and we only take what we need."
"I'm all about developing a capsule wardrobe."
"Living a financially minimalist lifestyle brings tranquility and freedom."
"Ridge wallet: tough as nails, stylish, and ultra compact - helping you carry less weight in your pockets."
"Stop buying things, start getting rid of everything you can, start going camping, start learning things. Be a learning machine."
"Declutter your home regularly... it's so nice to have less stuff."
"Discover the joy of living with less, starting now."
"Pure essentials minimalist, just me versus nature survivalist."
"Living simply in a small cabin afforded us so many benefits."
"If I haven't used it yet at this point, it's time for it to go."
"Living tiny has been the best part for me - a feeling of freedom from not being weighed down by debt."
"Living minimally, it's uh I like how the guys on the minimalist documentary had said it where they said um love people and use things because the opposite never works."
"Less is more... I find that I'm better off and happier just being with my wife and my dog and my neighbors."
"Money isn't everything. We are going to do bits without it."
"Sometimes less is more, so living with less is surprising and kind of freeing."
"Forget all that stuff you had in that home, don't worry about no excesses."
"I like a minimalist approach to everything when it comes to work."
"Adopting a minimalist lifestyle: cutting back on clutter and unnecessary expenses can save you more money and increase your happiness."
"I'm really into that capsule wardrobe situation."
"It's pretty cool to think that I've simplified life so much that this is really all I need when I'm on a bike trip."
"I really do find value in not just overloading your closet and just having a ton of stuff in it that you're never gonna wear."
"It sounds counterintuitive that you would buy more as a minimalist, but for me, at least in certain cases, it's true."
"Discipline, homie. Roll your mattress up."
"Living in a tiny house on wheels and living a more intentional life."
"Let me help you clean the anxiety of hoarding and take you one step closer to decluttering your home and mind."
"Live simple, live free, and we are on the road."
"Welcome to my house. We have a one-bedroom, queen-size bed, seating for one slash two, nice little rug."
"I highly recommend going through every single area of your home and deciding what you don't use on a day-to-day basis."
"They really need to adapt the 'fewer but nicer things' approach."