
Numbness Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"We all want to be loved, so being numb is not the best place to live in. Trust me, you may not feel hurt, but you won't feel love either."
"I stumbled through it all like a zombie, numb and shattered."
"You know when your leg is so far asleep that you are scared it is no longer a part of your body? It is a ghost appendage."
"Being numb is not void of feelings. It's too much feelings, shutting down completely."
"A lot of numbing and emptiness... feeling dis-separate from yourself or not know who you are."
"He feels no pain because he's dead."
"I would rather feel them and manage them as opposed to feel nothing and just go through life numb."
"I'm dead inside; that's not your fault."
"The dream is gone, I have become comfortably numb."
"...it's so numb, I literally don't feel it, it's so funny, that's so weird, like I'm touching our belly and she doesn't know at all."
"Drugs just made me numb to everyone and everything. It just made me not care about anyone or anything except for me."
"I felt exhausted, my eyes burned with the salt of so many tears, and my mind was numb."
"I turn ice because you don't have any emotions. Everything just gets blocked out, and you're just thinking about you and that drug."
"I was really just dead inside, just so cold-hearted."
"You're not that angry because you're numb. What you call indifferent. And that's not necessarily where you want to stay."
"Numbing doesn't occur only through drugs or alcohol sometimes they delude themselves with entertainment and sometimes with Haram Pleasures."
"I just wanted to numb myself, very much like emotional eating."
"It's almost like you feel detached from reality. You're just in zombie mode. You go through the motions of life, but you're not there."
"Numbness, it's a gift that God gives."
"I actually felt my body go completely numb."
"We're just like oblivious, I mean you're oblivious because you just, you're numb."
"After a while, numbness took over. She worked like a robot, headless of the pain shooting through her hands and arms, the cramps in her legs."
"I'm numb, heartbroken, my mind is all over the place."
"Numbing up can be a coping mechanism for overwhelming feelings."
"Life in that numbed, anesthetic state, the quiet desperation, it's heartbreaking."
"Would you like to live without the feelings? Absolutely."
"Most people are afraid of not feeling anything. They're afraid it feels like they're at a point where they feel nothing."
"The best adjusted person in our society is not dead and not alive - just kind of numb, zombie-like, because if you're dead, you can't work, and if you're really alive, you constantly say no to what's going on in the society."
"One of the biggest things that numbs our feeling body out is our addiction to our smartphones."
"Tanjuro is sitting there and decides to put the mask on. He dons this, the stone mask, and he could feel like a thousand needles, a thousand knives out of nowhere cut into his brain, cut into his face. But then out of nowhere, everything feels numb, nothing hurts anymore."
"I felt numb. I didn't know how to react."
"I feel nothing, I feel everything."
"Mio admits to numbing her heart to that pain."
"A storm inside filled with a tumultuous rage only masked by the numbness."
"I went so numb on Christmas Day, I couldn't feel my hands or feet."
"I'm basically numb right here. The only thing that's actually still sore is my nipples, honestly."
"They had all gotten nose blind to them over the week and a half that they lived with his corpse, easy to do when you're higher than the Burj Khalifa on stilts."
"Still ain't feeling things, still a pill where gorillas hang."
"I left there feeling numb," Bailey said.
"But very quickly when you're focused on goals, it becomes numb."
"'Help me father if your streams have divine powers, change me. Destroy this beauty that pleases too well,' her prayer was scarcely done when a heavy numbness seized her limbs."
"I remember just this numb feeling, less feeling."
"Yo, I'm not stressed, but I'm also... What's the word? I'm just... I'm numb right now. I'm just numb to any sort of feeling."
"There's nothing in my heart. I don't feel pain any longer."
"I can't feel my legs from my feet."
"A mad terror rose and struggled with a spell that still numbed him."
"can't feel my face can't feel my fingers"
"There's no such thing as emotional Novocain."
"I just felt like I wanted to be like numbed and not have to experience the birth."
"It doesn't numb the pain, it just numbs you to the pain."
"If I'm getting hit in my shins I don't feel anything anymore."
"My toes and my feet just went numb like you're going to sleep."
"You will literally get so numb to it so quick because it's so good modded or stock."
"The most dangerous thing that you could feel is nothing."
"She likes the thrilling sensation of numbness."
"My body went into shock and I think I went kind of numb for a little bit."
"Addictions - let's just numb right away."
"...I actually did have weird side effects with the epidural with James I remember half of my body got so numb..."
"Thank you though, it feels wonderful being able to hold you and feel something besides numbness, I really do think I love you."
"I knew I had done something wrong but I hadn't realized what I had done. I just felt numb like I couldn't feel anything."
"I realized I could not feel any part of my arms from the shoulder down."
"I don't feel anything in here downstairs right now at all I haven't went upstairs yeah I don't feel anything."
"I felt numb. There seemed to be only one explanation that made sense."
"I'd rather feel painless than to feel less insane."
"My biggest fear is living a life where I feel numb or disconnected from the things that matter most to me."
"Feeling emotionally numb, flat, having difficulty in enjoying things, forgetting how to be playful."
"I've become so numb, I can feel you there."
"Time stopped, I had no feeling, I was blank."
"Busyness is an anaesthetic; it stops us feeling."
"I love my mouth to feel like it's dead."
"I... have become comfortably numb."
"I couldn't feel anything, couldn't hear any of the sounds of the hospital around me. I could only see things in one giant blur."
"You learn to become or you do become emotionally disconnected from everything. You become numb to everything."
"Feeling numb is absolutely worse than feeling angry."
"Sometimes depression feels like numbness; you feel nothing."
"It's just shooting so much that that bullet fire just became white noise to me."
"I forgot what it feels like to care about something."
"Depressed people don't feel sad; the most common feelings when depressed are numbness, nothingness, and extreme boredom."
"He felt nothing, and right now, nothing felt amazing. Nothing felt heavenly."
"If you feel numb, just know that you're not alone."
"The pain was nothing to him, not anymore."
"I never wanted to feel anything again."
"I began to feel nothing; my consciousness was fading."
"I'm not falling apart. Maybe I should be, but I'm not. I just feel numb, to be honest."
"It's even a blessing to be able to feel emotions because I know what it's like to not be able to feel emotions and just feel like you're numb to reality."
"The fire burns you, but you don't feel it."
"If you develop skin so thick that you start to lose the ability to hurt, then you're at risk of feeling nothing at all."
"He's just too hot, he doesn't care, so numb to everything now."
"People do it when they feel empty, when they feel numb, when they don't want to feel anything because they feel too much."
"Sometimes we feel there is so much shock and pain and heartbreak that we can't feel anymore."
"The scolding liquid didn't even process in her mind because she felt so numb from the news that she had just received."
"Why are we becoming so numb, especially for women and fighting for other people's rights?"
"I feel kind of like I don't know where my life's going, I don't know the direction it's going in, I kind of feel just like numb to everything."
"She felt numb beyond rage or disappointment or even fear."
"We've become so numb to all of this."
"I've had so many surgeries, I'm actually numb to pain at this point."
"When you shut out pain, you shut out everything else too."
"I'm a lost soul whose heart froze; I don't love nothing."
"How can the person that you love so much, the person that you have expressed all your feelings to, all of a sudden you feel numb."