
Moon Phases Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"This moon is called the Strawberry Moon; it's a moon that attracts a lot of abundance and prosperity."
"The moon's phase can reveal your location on Earth."
"This new moon is going to help us... lead you forward into some joyful or at least innovative thinking."
"Full moons are a time for shadow working, for inner work."
"You are getting paid and you are making a lot of money, my lovely Sagittarians. This full moon is stupendous, brilliant, fabulous!"
"Whenever you have Jupiter moon combination, you better look at the seventh house." - "Whenever you have Jupiter moon combination, you better look at the seventh house."
"It's 3:00 in the morning, and look, the moon is not a big moon, it's like a little crescent moon."
"Prefer shooting during the crescent or last quarter moon phases."
"A blue moon is when there are two full moons in one month so it's just a name for it. Yeah, it's a darn once in a blue moon." - Bill Nye
"This new moon is very significant... it's about being open to the new."
"Use the full moon energy on the 19th to access healing."
"Embrace this energetic opening for the first full moon of the year and up your self-love game."
"The Moon through its frequent, monthly increasing in light from New Moon all the way to Full Moon, and then decreasing in light from Full Moon to New Moon."
"I especially loved learning about the phases of the moon, raising caterpillars and releasing the butterflies."
"The Moon rules cancer and so at this first quarter the Moon is in Libra which means that the Moon is ruled by Venus."
"I just kind of go and fish when I can but I do tend to look at the moon phases after a really tough day of fishing or at least I've done so in the past."
"The ephemeris is not as useful for tracking the Moon necessarily, except roughly what sign it will be in on a given day."
"When the Moon is in the same sign as the Sun, generally speaking, you know that that’s close to a New Moon."
"It might help if you’re looking at the ephemeris to sort of circle those dates because that isn’t just a case of the Moon transiting through that sign, but it’s the one time of the year where it might be a New Moon in that sign or a Full Moon in that sign."
"The phases preceding and following full moon reveal a tremendous amount of detail."
"Interestingly, due to the positions of the figures around the orey, they represent each of the phases of the moon."
"When it's a new moon or a waning moon, then the whole universe comes out to play."
"The idea of that menstruation is connected to the cycles of the Moon is well known. I mean, it's still true today."
"It's important to double check the moon phase and when the moon will rise and when it will set."
"The bigger moons, the full and the new, are going to create the greatest amount of movement in the water."
"The intensity of the full moon can still serve as a powerful catalyst for personal growth and transformation."
"Check out our full moon status, we're on a big waxing gibbous right now, it's a couple days away from a full moon."
"Bass also have the same calendar, right? Temperatures, cold, hot, obviously they have an impact on water temp and fish behavior, but fish really operate under a calendar of moon phases."
"The best moon phases for salmon are the three or four days before a full moon or a new moon."
"These right here, you think oh these are white paintings but then you look again and you see that they are the phases of the moon."
"The moon is not a two-dimensional shape where it's just a circle where we divide it in fourths, it's a sphere."
"The phases of the Moon are about how much of the Moon we can see from Earth."
"Each phase of the moon has its own energy to be harnessed."
"This is a really good book to learn from if you're interested in incorporating the moon into your spell work."
"I love the moon. Have you noticed that the moon sometimes is a full moon, sometimes it's a half moon, and sometimes it's a new moon?"
"The full moon is a powerful time for harvesting, creating magic, and worshiping the divine feminine."
"The sun is illuminating all directions of space... it's illuminating the moon and we see the moon illuminated and that causes the phases of the moon."
"We start at a new moon where the Moon is not visible and then we see the illuminated part of the Moon getting larger and larger... eventually it reaches a full moon... and then the illuminated part gets smaller and smaller... and then eventually gets back to a new moon."
"The word waxing means to get bigger; the word waning means to get smaller."
"First, it has to be a new moon phase; second, the moon has to be at its closest position to Earth, also called perigee; and third, the moon has to be directly in front of the sun."
"We always see the same side of the moon, no matter where we are on Earth."
"So I love to create ritual around the changing of the seasons but also the phases of the moon."
"Only a small crescent is shining."
"...there is this ball of light that travels through the night sky and the ball of light sometimes it's a full circle in the night sky and then it moves thinner and thinner until it's almost like a crescent shape and then it moves back into a full circle..."
"You can predict when the moon is going to be full and when it's going to be the brightest."
"Imagine if you could watch the moon over the course of several weeks, you would see that light would gradually be added to the face of the moon."
"The Moon is not full, so the werewolf is harmless."
"New moons bring new beginnings and new cycles."
"A time for healing, the balsamic moon."