
Carefreeness Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"When you have no [cares] to give, the freedom you feel is absolutely insane."
"I'm just having fun out here, no pain. I cannot be a hater."
"When you're out late for the party, the fun is never gonna end. There will not be repercussions for what I am doing right now."
"Never forget to float - you'll float - yo float oh wow."
"Freedom is moving like careless and fearless."
"Old enough to know better, but young enough not to care."
"It felt so liberating to not have to look over my shoulder. I practically skipped into the store."
"Life would be a lot more enjoyable if I was as carefree as she is."
"Peace once again allows children to play carelessly."
"Your sexual energy is very free and carefree; you have no feelings of guilt around it."
"That run I can't even tell you because I knew that I was washing my hair which I obviously have already done I didn't care about getting wet or my hair getting ruined and it was just so nice."
"Time to act, and on the back of the deck, we have jug: a light-hearted, carefree time."
"It's always a good day when you're losing count."
"Doesn't matter how you done so long as you are having fun."
"Dancing through life, swaying and sweeping and always keeping cool."
"I'm having fun. I don't care what nobody say. I'm having fun."
"Step out of concern into carefreeness."
"In carefreeness is inherent within it creativity."
"Stepping out of concern into carefreeness naturally manifests spontaneity, excitement, creativity, and love."
"He beamed down at her carefree face, 'Sure can.'"
"Each mile was a plaything that she threw away."
"For a second, for a minute, can we go back when we were young and didn't care if we messed up?"
"You can concentrate on living and having fun and not worry about anything else."
"This is pure happiness, this is like carefree happiness."
"Place yourself in a more comfortable space of mind, a state of mind which you are more carefree."
"People are just so carefree and free-spirited here in general."
"Embrace the whimsy and let your worries melt away."
"Everything about you is fun and it's light-hearted, it's carefree."
"Watching her run down the street like she didn't have a care in the world."
"They want you to be as carefree as possible."
"You feel so liberated, you feel so free, you become carefree."
"Tonight you're a celebrity again; you don't have a worry in the world."
"Now isn't it a great night to be young and enjoying life and not have responsibilities?"
"We soon met others of the dainty ones, laughing and dancing in the sunlight, as though there was no such thing in nature as the night."
"You just feel like so happy and like there's not a worry in the world."
"Life is amazing, just lay down, do something obnoxious, and you'll quickly realize that many people don't care."
"I feel like a butterfly... carefree and childlike."
"We were really carefree; we didn't really have responsibilities."
"Here we laugh for no reason, and it is fine."
"Ah, to be young and carefree," he mused.
"Back when I was a young man, I had little to no concerns."
"See the jolly skeletons are dancing on the sea."
"It's almost like you exit the matrix; it's hard to go back in and just be carefree."
"We just existed without the weight of any great care or obligation."
"Don't you miss those days when we didn't worry about anything, anything?"
"When you're young, you're just carefree."
"Being carefree is not bad. Really."
"Childhood is a wonderful time, a time to live carefree and have fun."
"To have true wealth or affluence is to be totally carefree about everything in life, including money."
"It's better to be outside, to be having fun, to be enjoying your life, not worrying about nothing, just living it up."
"Prance through this beautiful landscape with not a care in the world."
"People are going to love her for it because she's so honest and because she's so carefree."
"The child is playful, the child doesn't really worry about anything, the child wants to be educated."
"Think this is fun, even if it's a lie. Remember how it was to be a child and explore without worry of tomorrow."