
Perpetuity Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"So long as Zero remains, one would eventually grow to one hundred again."
"You're gonna be forever communicating with the person, connecting with the person."
"What God gives can never run out, cannot be outspent; it was created to keep giving."
"This is the token of the Covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you for Perpetual Generations."
"If you have something that has to be shared, you can share it forever, and you can share it in different ways forever."
"Genocide is not a crime that grows old."
"...the legacy is established, it's perpetual in the sense it has momentum and can move forward. You don't have to carry it, hide behind the scenes, and figure it all out, protect it. Not let people do memes and all that sort of stuff, it's there."
"And this shall be a statute forever unto you."
"Beauty continues into perpetuity at any age."
"Viral loops and network effects pay back forever."
"I wasn't too happy. Click here and go see my mistake. It lives on. It's forever."
"These games servers don't eventually shut down or if they get affected by licensing issues the game still exists as is and you can play it in perpetuity."
"I view it as something that surpasses me, something that lives in infamy and hopefully just goes on forever."
"There is no sign of this Teenage Dream coming to an end."
"What was incredible there is still incredible here."
"Software by definition is never done."
"The music will live on and on and on."
"It's never done, it's never finished."
"He is the perpetual spring that will never run dry."
"It's like a gift that keeps on giving."
"As long as they are kids, they will always be Nickelodeon."
"That will keep his legacy alive forever."
"The priesthood of Christ is perpetual and unfading."
"Seed time and harvest time are perpetual processes."
"The nature of seed is to arise on its own forever and ever, because the seed doesn't ever get exhausted."
"And with Your blessing let the house of Your servant be blessed forever."
"How can we have reconciliation without caring for all children, not only then, not only now, but for all time?"
"The message is that even if someone has died before another, they will eventually be reunited together in perpetuity."
"Believing that the diffusion of sound learning is essential to the perpetuity of those blessings."
"The cool thing about garlic though is once you have grown it one time, it perpetuates itself and you don't have to purchase it again."
"For you, O Sovereign Lord, have spoken, and with your blessing the house of your servant will be blessed forever."
"Make thee another self for love of me, That beauty still may live in thine or thee."
"The cycle of hatred would keep going for eternity."
"Love each other the way I have loved you, with the same everlasting love."
"We all die, but you will have made the human race a perpetual one."
"He left behind a legacy of memories that will last forever."
"Even if humanity dies, their legacy will still live on inside the machines that they have built in their own image."
"For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed forever."
"The value of a share is the present value of all the future dividends, which continue up to perpetuity."
"It is a sign between Me and the sons of Israel forever."
"A perpetuity is a set of level never-ending sequential cash flows."
"He has a never-ending priesthood that saves us to the uttermost."
"The beauty of the trust is that it can never die, it will carry on looking after the rest of your family as the generations go."
"Education is important, I mean it always will be."
"We live through that moment, live forever."
"The Throne of his father David, and he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there shall be no end."
"As for me, this is my covenant with them, saith the Lord; My spirit that is upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth."
"I buy assets to keep forever and eventually pass them down to my kids and even my grandkids."
"Water is consistently wetting and rewetting itself in perpetuity."
"God's throne is a place of eternal life."
"Energy is conserved, it will go forever."
"A perpetuity with no growth assumes that the business no longer grows after 10 years but continues to produce cash flow into infinity."
"This country will live on forever and ever as a bastion of freedom."
"Jesus Christ our Lord established in the Apostle Peter a perpetual salvation and perennial good of the church."
"He's able to save completely those who come to God through him because he always lives to make intercession for us."
"Controlling a woman who didn't want to be associated with them. In perpetuity. That means forever."
"Without father, without mother, without genealogy, resembling the Son of God, he remains a priest forever."
"I want to see a villain created right, who causes trauma in your life and waits for you to heal, like get over the trauma, and every time you get over it, to come and take away whatever it is that allows you to get over it, so you perpetually stay in trauma."
"He's competing for his legacy, he understands this is a pivotal moment in regards to how he's viewed and how he'll be viewed for perpetuity."