
Heirloom Quotes

There are 156 quotes

"My family has been seed saving this strain of heirloom tar heel green pole beans for over five generations, going back to the 1800s."
"The family heirloom part of it is real strong."
"My mother owned a pearl necklace that was passed down from mother to daughter for generations."
"It's because it was a watch that... I feel like there's a part of him in there... and so I would definitely go for that."
"Passing down a watch and passing down a tradition in a restaurant empire."
"Originally it was my father's, and he's no longer with us, so needless to say, I'm never getting rid of it."
"I have a sweater in my collection that I don't wear because it's far too precious to me."
"The ring signifies not only an heirloom but also profound affection for her younger sister."
"...you may pick the biggest most beautiful most delicious tomato you've ever had in your life off of an heirloom plant."
"Worthy of becoming an heirloom piece."
"This just might be the watch that I hold on to to pass down to my kids or grandkids."
"I brought today, um, a bracelet that was my grandmother's."
"The story of Cherokee Purple is that somewhere pre-1800s the Cherokee Indians gave the grandfather of a woman named Jean Greenlee seeds of what they called a purple tomato."
"My plan is to make sure that each family member gets one of my mom's quilts."
"I have a feeling that this chest will be treasured for many generations to come."
"My grandfather had this Omega and he used to let me wear it every time I would see him."
"This watch makes me feel connected to my father... it's beautiful and it's something that I'll keeping my collection forever."
"This is a forever piece, this will be my daughter's when she, if she wants it when she's older."
"...it's like heirloom quality. I can pass this on to my daughter and she can pass this on to her daughter."
"I really do think if you're looking for a really nice heirlooms quality axe, this is definitely a good one."
"This is a heirloom quality piece that they're purchasing and it will go up in value over time."
"Heirloom tomatoes are open-pollinated varieties with stable traits that have been around for a long time, often with a rich backstory."
"This thing could be like a family heirloom."
"My beloved late mother-in-law created this for us years ago... it's just such a special piece to us."
"This watch will never be put in the bin, never. It'll be handed down, it'll be sold somewhere else."
"These can last you for the rest of your life and even get passed down for generations."
"Literally your children's children could be cooking in these pans if everybody down the line considers them valuable and takes care of them."
"It will last me for the rest of my life, and I could easily pass this down in a long time."
"A huge part of my sound, this is like a family heirloom at this point, you know?"
"It's going to be an heirloom pistol for me, a lot of pride and ownership."
"These gloves are like a timepiece when it comes to boxing gloves. They're pieces that you can essentially wear your entire life and then hand it down to the next generation."
"This makes this not look like a composition book and it changes it to an heirloom looking piece, it really does, it's so beautiful."
"This will be passed down to the kid when she's older. She's excited about it, she liked the color we picked out together."
"Here, it doesn't tell time or anything. But it's a family heirloom my dad gave it to me, his dad gave it to him, and someday I'll give that to our child."
"It'll be an heirloom piece, and if you're buying one to give to somebody, make sure that you write them a beautiful little note on the inside."
"This watch is the only item connecting Ron to his ancestors. It survived the horrors of a prisoner of war camp, kept hidden by Ron's grandmother sewn into her dress for four years."
"You're investing in pieces that will truly last beyond your lifetime."
"I thought you might like these. This was my grandmother's ring. That ring meant 'I love,' and sometimes the smallest things speak the loudest."
"And I would say you're gonna want to put a value for insurance--they're family items--you'd want to insure the pin and the trophy for $125,000."
"We felt very much that it should be a legacy piece that you could hand down to your children or your families."
"My son became very emotional, and I decided that he should have the pearls to keep."
"The watch on your wrist, unlike your iPad, will mean something to someone one day if it doesn't already."
"This to me has become a valuable heirloom."
"It's the sort of knife that you can hand off to your grandkids someday and be like, 'I carried this for 20 years'."
"The Fendi Peekaboo bag was envisioned from its inception as a timeless heirloom that could live on through the generations."
"A luxury watch can be a meaningful and timeless piece of jewelry that can be passed down for generations."
"Envisioned from its inception as a timeless heirloom that could live on through the generations."
"Italian heirloom... it's considered to be one of the more productive tomatoes and also one of the tastiest."
"Cherokee carbon... it actually produced a lot more than the Cherokee purple heirloom itself."
"Heirloom tomato varieties have exceptional flavor."
"It'll be a special little heirloom that they can keep and give to their kids and their kids' kids and just pass it on down."
"I got a grandfather clock that will always be in our hallway now."
"Every woman for generations in our family has worn them to their wedding."
"Touched by its contents, the family decided to try and locate the owners of the Bible or at least their relatives, hoping to reunite this precious heirloom with its rightful owners or their descendants."
"This piece was sentimental to me; it was an heirloom piece that represented the history of my bloodline."
"Handy dandy hand mirror that belonged to my great grandmother."
"You have just created a beautiful heirloom looking napkin."
"It's something that you're going to be able to pass down to your kids and even your grandkids."
"These are heirloom quality lighters... you can hand them down to your grandkids and your great-grandkids."
"If you're looking for a great kind of heirloom KJV Bible, this is definitely one to consider."
"It's not just a watch, it's a legacy passed down through generations."
"It truly gives the impression of being the kind of audio equipment that you will buy and then expect to use it for your whole life before passing it down to your kids."
"These are pieces that you can use for a lifetime, pass down to your children and grandchildren, they're just beautiful."
"This is an heirloom and these actually have meaning to the owner."
"This thing will be here long after I'm dead, and I could pass it on to my son."
"An explosion of granny square charm that's sure to become an instant heirloom."
"The necklace is very precious to me; it used to belong to my grandmother."
"That's a pretty looking pumpkin; turns out it was an old heirloom variety."
"This is my wedding ring. I was thinking that maybe you could give it to Hope someday."
"The pendant wasn't just a piece of jewelry, it was a link to a past life."
"He passed away a while ago leaving me with his most prized possession, a little pink mirror."
"That's going to be a keep hand-me-down."
"I think that is really special, and I'm sure she'll cherish this for a very long time."
"This technique will result in a gorgeous ornament that can be handed down for generations to come."
"I'm really digging it; it feels like a piece that you would find in an antique market, a really delicate heirloom style piece."
"I'm going to turn these animals into an alphabet quilt and hope that someday I have grandchildren and this quilt can go to one of my grandbabies."
"This thing is phenomenal; it is an amazing piece of art, heirloom quality."
"If you're looking forward to saving the seed of your tomatoes to grow next year, it's an open-pollinated variety, typically an heirloom, that you should be looking for."
"This is priceless, from my mother."
"This is the type of knife that you buy when you're like, 'Alright, I want to spend some money on a knife that is going to last me for the rest of my life, that I can hand down to my kids.'"
"This is something that I will have forever and hand it out to my girl or someone important in my life."
"I kept it and tried to keep it in pristine condition as it was me father's."
"Clemson spineless is the basic green okra, it's probably one of the most common heirloom okras, and for a reason, they are good and tender, really nice flavor."
"I'm definitely going to have this forever, one day I'll give it to my daughter."
"I treasure this because it was my father's."
"Studs are the kind of item in the jewelry collection that never goes out of fashion; it can be passed from generation to generation."
"Any knife can become a family heirloom."
"The music box is so special for my mum because it's one of the only things she has really of her father."
"Some of these guitars become very valuable family heirlooms as time goes on."
"All of it just kind of felt really good and right and I was just appreciative that my grandfather was willing to let me have it."
"It's pretty important to us because it's one of the few things that my father still has of his."
"The clock is a link between me and my mother and my grandfather."
"It's nice to have something to pass down that has a link with my family over the generations."
"Thank you so much, also I really, really appreciated that you'd give me something that your grandfather gave you."
"This locket has been in our family for generations."
"I kind of like stuff to last and be timeless and maybe pass it to my kids later on."
"A watch can be a symbol of memories, like that timepiece Grandad passed down."
"This Green Phoenix Bangle is the Xiao family's heirloom. It forms a pair with the Jade Flower Carvings on my Pojun Sword."
"It's a ruby brooch. It's beautiful. It's an heirloom."
"Every piece that I've bought at this shop is like the forever piece, a piece that I'm going to pass down to my loved ones."
"It's an heirloom piece that could be passed on over time."
"I expect to wear this watch all my life and I want to pass it on to my son."
"I still have the tea towels my grandma made me, so keep that in mind when you're going off to housewarmings and parties."
"I thought it would just be super cute that Serenity did get older, her be my only daughter, I'd be able to pass this necklace onto her and her always keep a piece of us together."
"I like the proportions of this piece, and I think if we do it correctly, it could easily become an heirloom."
"This is my dad's Rolex... it means the world to me."
"I wanted a watch that I can really wear in her memory and pass to my son one day."
"While marriage was an artifact from the before times, it didn't matter; the ring had been a family heirloom."
"It may not be a valuable price, but it's a priceless heirloom to me."
"They're a great way to display your grown children's clothing, a nice way to display heirloom clothing."
"Thank you so much. This will be a family heirloom passed down from one generation to the next."
"Let's talk today about how to make a gorgeous heirloom granny stocking."
"It's a family treasure, it's originally belong to my great great grandfather."
"A real old cuckoo clock, just like my mother had," Doris cried.
"Hopefully you know, it's a nice thing getting this because obviously this old lawnmower means something to him."
"My watch is an heirloom... handed down to me when I graduated."
"Ultimately, it's an investment piece; it's an heirloom, and I just cannot wait to share all the stories that I have with this particular watch to my future loved ones."
"This open-pollinated heirloom produces two or more ears of sweet golden corn per stalk."
"One of the signs of a truly heirloom mechanical device is the fact that you can still service the bearings."
"What's so cool about this, you can use this today, and hopefully, this same bowl will be used decades from now."
"It's kind of a family heirloom too, and it's just a really, really nice camera."
"When you grow food at home, you get to experience those heirloom varieties that make no sense for a commercial grower to grow."
"This is a family heirloom that has been passed down through many generations."
"This is definitely a lifetime piece for sure, a piece that you can wear for life, own for life, and pass on."
"They become family heirlooms that you use every single year."
"It's a real nice family heirloom that I can keep and pass down to my kids."
"I just wanted to get them something that they all have forever and that they could maybe pass down to their kids later on in life."
"It's an investment, but you know what, it's an heirloom. It's really beautiful."
"It just becomes a wonderful heirloom project, goes together very quickly and easily."
"The most precious thing I cherished in my life was the longevity lock Father gave me."
"The open-pollinated, non-hybrid varieties... you're able to keep planting the seed and improving it in your home garden."
"This blanket is a showstopper; it is one that will look good in a modern family room or a traditional family room and it is going to be an heirloom piece for your family."
"Buy pieces that you will have in your collection forever, things that you can pass down to your kids and so on so forth."
"Love those like family heirloom type pieces."
"It's one of those pieces that you can pass on to your kids later on in life."
"These are christening quality, these are heirloom quality, these are fabulous."
"This is definitely a bag that I'm going to one day pass down to my daughter."
"I'm planning on handing this down to my daughter Addison."
"The word that keeps coming to mind for me is heirloom: something that has history, something that has quality, so that it can last a long time."
"This is just one of those classic pieces that I'll just be able to hand down and have in my family for many, many years to come."
"Fine jewelry is gonna be the expensive jewelry that lasts forever, that you can pass down from generation to generation."
"It's the sort of bag you kind of keep forever and hand on to your daughter."
"Maybe your first quilt which ends up ratty and horrible and crooked is going to be your new heirloom quilt because you made it with love."
"It's got sentimental value. It's not going anywhere. It's family."
"They can be passed down generation after generation."
"It's very special, it's one of those pieces that you'll have forever and you can pass down."