
Racial Tension Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Do the Right Thing does not have good guys and bad guys... it shows step-by-step how everyday events can lead up to a racial incident."
"I want to understand white rage... what is it that caused thousands of people to assault this building and try to overturn the Constitution of the United States of America?"
"In Do the Right Thing, the Dutch angles mirror the instability of the neighborhood, where racial tensions are threatening to boil over."
"Something is wrong here. The Army, my Army, is pointing machine guns at black women."
"Most people, close your eyes. Remember what those people looked like coming out of the fields carrying torches. Their veins bulging, spewing anti-Semitic bile."
"Protesters heckle a Brooklyn taqueria after Chauvin verdict as white demonstrator leads chants telling white owners to get the F out of New York."
"Black folks weren't playing games with these white supremacists, they were bringing it to they ass, you did!"
"The Republican convention is about scaring the living out of white people, particularly in the tipping point state of Wisconsin."
"The potential for a race war was quite real."
"After a 3-month trial, the predominantly white jury acquitted the officers, inflaming citizens and sparking the violent infamous 1992 Los Angeles Riots."
"The case has drawn national outcry and sparked many heated debates over racial tensions, vigilantism, police practices, and gun laws."
"They're hoping and wishing that a ghost skin is going to show up, meaning that's a white supremacist posing as a cop. That's what they're hoping to happen."
"A black man is protecting his white family from whom?"
"They're angry that these black kids are not going to their schools."
"White people are losing their damn mind, an angry pro-Trump mob storms the US Capitol."
"The problem with that is that white people have been so propagandized to be opposed to black people."
"As a black woman walking past that event that day, where there were heavily armed, and now that we know, domestic terrorists."
"Republicans must remember that what they are witnessing here is lynching."
"Maybe [__] bastard back to the hand clapping, you die quicker than Darren Wilson walking through Ferguson dressed like the Grand Dragon of the Klan."
"How are you nervous? How are you on edge? You got a taser, a baton, a gun, a bulletproof vest, and a flashlight, but you view me as a threat in jeans and a t-shirt." - Cube
"It's crazy how absolutely insane everything's getting in terms of race relations, racial stories, and all the stuff."
"No, we can't get along 'til these white [__] cops who keep murdering blacks are off the streets."
"It's going to be the foundation of itself. The racial tension is going to be based on genetical self-preservation."
"What are they saying? Like the hell with this black-owned business? Is that what they're saying?"
"White men are Devils... lynching, killing, cutting..."
"White people always wanting their respect like they deserve it for free."
"Most people are being unironic when they say crazy [ __ ] but really the average person does not go down the street with a bone to pick with people simply because they have a different skin color."
"This is being done by Design and this is a form of genocide to black people."
"This is easily Kendrick's most aggressive song. This song is a culmination and reflection on a lot of this seemingly never-ending racial tension prevalent in society today."
"The race baiting on Twitter has gotten [__] insane."
"She keeps the tenets of white supremacy alive."
"Political correctness does not heal racial tension, it does the opposite."
"There's only one answer to rising racial tension, and that's to de-escalate and work toward colorblind meritocracy."
"They are trying to ignite white fear because they need that to show up at the ballot box."
"Proud strong white people... scared of everything... scared of anything approaching fairness."
"Black Unity is a threat to the Jewish Community, I wonder why. Black Unity is a fear to White Society, I wonder why." - Captain
"The fact is economic anxiety and issues play into racial tensions in myriad ways."
"The 56-year-old white man was at his storefront in Warren, Michigan. Everything was fine until a black man offensively and without warning went walking on the sidewalk near his business."
"Critical race theory fosters racial division, racial stereotyping, and racial hostility."
"White supremacist said that we are an enemy to them. It don't matter who you are. There's no innocent non-white people."
"The white supremacist came over and said, 'Hey, this is ours.' That's not founded, that's called colonizing, that's subjugating the people."
"So when I get there, I just feel this tension, this racial tension, and I'm like, what is going on?"
"You know what? If every white person had lost their mind and turned on me, I'm dead. Yeah, I'm dead."
"The massacre began when a young black man named Dick Roland was accused of assaulting a white woman in an elevator, sparking tensions simmering for years in a city deeply divided along racial lines."
"That happened, you white [ __ ]. That's why I – you [ __ ]. Unsociable, unaware [ __ ]."
"He held a city hostage and threatened to ignite a racial powder keg."
"Y'all [__] weak [__] white men suck."
"Living in a time of racial tension, the Taylors feared their civil rights activism would make them a target of violent bigotry."
"You better not even dream about telling white folk the truth."
"Their progression scared white Americans as much as black radicals."
"White Americans kicked and screamed this entire time, fleeing deeper into all-white enclaves."
"Racial tension was high, it was that same year that me and hundreds of young blacks graduated out of eighth grade."
"The racial tensions that take off after 1889... transform into a general social attack on Black participation in society."
"The trigger for white rage is inevitably black advancement."