
Character Enhancement Quotes

There are 161 quotes

"Berserk does romance beautifully; it's not something that's just thrown out there cheaply. It's something that's used and incorporated to only enhance its characters."
"Rampart sees a boost primarily due to the meta we are entering."
"It all just makes the fighter more fightery."
"It doesn't take away from the fighter at all. It actually adds to it in meaningful ways."
"You give Dennis Bergkamp an engine, that's what you do."
"Technically get an extra 114 cyberware 70 from the maxed out compressor and 44 for not using the Apogee."
"Techies buffs. One-shotting people. Very cool."
"Jin is buffed, alright, that's the nice Jin buff."
"Infinity War just made her so much better of a character for me."
"The key with using some rim lighting or edge lighting on the back of a character is to help make them look extra three-dimensional."
"Now if you do go for all of these infusions, when you're next at twenty-five might, it's sort of like you're instead at twenty-seven might."
"Dragons are going to end up giving your character stats and these are gonna be permanent buffs to your entire account."
"It's like having half the benefits of the Berserker rage racial power but for any character."
"It's no coincidence that once the Russo brothers took control of the entire MCU, that Cap improved."
"Your second constellation is going to be one of your best."
"Thanks to the DLC, we got a brand new class mod for Moze and it sort of doubles your damage for Iron Bear. Yep, it's pretty broken."
"This new weapon is pretty amazing... it's very good on a specific few characters."
"Piercer feat: a must-have for dexterity-based combatants like rogues and rangers."
"Slasher feat: highly good, complementing certain character builds like sword and board."
"Telepathic feat: good, with fun roleplay applications and versatility in character creation."
"This week is going to be an important moment in history, as the world faces significant changes."
"People are going to love this feat because people love cooking, and I love food!"
"Crusher feat: a must-have for monks, amazing for knocking people around."
"Eldritch adept feat: a must-have for warlocks, particularly involving devil's sight and darkness combinations."
"Whether you're choosing spells to give you new options in battle or you're just using a couple well-chosen spells to give you some extra defensive tricks, the Eldritch Knight really augments what the fighter is capable of."
"Do not ignore mods, they are responsible for about 20% of your character's viability."
"Lewin Leoncur provides extra replenishment rate for knights and is just an absolute god on the battlefield."
"If you're a shaco player who enjoys the assassin's style over tank which I'm sure most do these buffs will provide a nice uptick in strength."
"This is pretty good if you can land it onto Lathral because she's... if she's hit once or you already played a couple elves, she's going to make that many elves."
"Feline Heroics gives you a bigger increase in damage than even the max level of heroics 5."
"Brave makes your character so much better in terms of combat."
"Amaterasu coming up next on the buff train, Heavenly Reflection getting a revert in the positive direction."
"Nullifies abnormal condition paralyzed, cannot be canceled."
"New Perspective increases the range of her super which is amazing."
"Everyone's favorite Dragon Ogre just got even better with Immortal Empires."
"Having good attacks and beefed up stats are the key to beating the crap out of people."
"Mid-game is where Bite starts to go for what he calls his Exodia build."
"Well Oiled compliments Tick so well, one of the best Star Powers in the game."
"Colt has received a little bit of a buff with this reload speed gear."
"Spam swingers Lando star card upgrades give him a huge boost."
"At 18th level, you gain Warping Implosion, a ridiculous nova version of Thunderstep."
"Her buff is so big you're also going to see her in teams that don't necessarely need a hydro unit."
"Finina is going to take a lot of units that were phased out of the meta and bring them back in."
"Equip this soul literally on schmoopy and he'll be a befriending monster."
"All heroes gain 50 max HP and five defense permanently."
"Lastly, your sixth constellation is a pretty insane one that will increase the damage and the duration of your charge attack throughout its duration. In fact..."
"I want to emphasize these aspects of his character, turn him from a generic baddie into a sympathetic protagonist."
"Echo: Late game is way better, abuse Dark Seal or Mejai's."
"Every time Olaf dies, he gains five permanent AD, so if you can get an early 2-1 Olaf and start stacking that AD, you can have an extra 50 AD for free by like 4-1."
"Seeing him in Smash Bros to where he's been beefed up, you know, it just looks like he's gonna wreck everything in his path."
"Pit's final smash finally does him the justice he deserves."
"They are going to be boosting his base damage as well as increasing his super damage."
"Janemba definitely made out pretty good in this patch."
"A massive buff to Shadow King, making him probably the best tech card in the game."
"Ghostface needs something to help them out in chase at times. For me, how do you save the best for last because it's helped me out so many times in endgame situations."
"A subtle change but it brought so much character."
"I feel like these units significantly power up with dupes."
"These buffs are just nice reward, I like that they're buffing Blitz."
"It's a really nice buff, so this is good for Caitlyn."
"Relics are going to further amplify what a character's goal is in the game."
"Nothing feels better than wielding a character-defining item."
"The Zero Project for Mega Man X3 adds so much more than just swapping X with Zero."
"One highlight that I really recommend you do that is really, really going to make your character pop is towards the inner corner of the eye."
"Every time we level up, we get an explosion of stat boosts."
"Sam Fisher got upgraded to Ghost Recon Breakpoint. That's big."
"So legendary tier 7 armor gives me even more damage resist. 30 tall attributes, 90 60 to strength with 90 to strength overall. Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and put that on."
"Remember that a small spell in the right place can make all the difference in the world."
"Magic Initiate: a feat that can shore up any weaknesses for your character or double down on their strengths."
"Sisters are about weak units being buffed to a massive degree through tons and tons of extra abilities."
"Erisa base health increased from 250 to 275. Base armor increased from 250 to 275."
"This certainly will be a buff for the champion."
"So if you buy this right here, um character level boost includes a one-time character boost to 68 a death knight level boost oh so all of the pets and toys and [ __ ] are just gonna be for buying the game again all right."
"His second constellation... significantly increase your burst damage... makes your burst a lot better."
"Rampart's amped reloads perk is a game-changer."
"Namekian fusion is less like two beings fusing together and more like one absorbing the other."
"Every fusion character, even the Namekian fusions, is stronger than the two warriors that formed it."
"Reaper's worst parts are better with the new DPS passive."
"Eyes painted in, we get loads more character."
"It's those tiny details that enhance him so much more just like the wrap in the skull."
"Strong brings a lot of fun and nuance to one of the franchise's main characters."
"Mercy who already was winning but is winning harder now."
"Putting full energy recharge on Kaza is definitely the way to go."
"Zarude joins the dance with Swords Dance, enhancing its already formidable stats."
"The Collector is getting simple buffs to make it more attractive."
"After introducing klepto Mancienne grasp of the undying as key stones in the game during runes reforged, it quite frankly broke Gangplank."
"Both of Teferi: putting planeswalker decks into overdrive."
"It's not the doom from the comics but I do enjoy seeing him amped up on surfer juice."
"Tara now binds to Noah, enhancing her strength greatly while imparting to her the mission to join Vaughn and revive the Genesis trees around the world."
"Giving characters an actual voice within the game just helps to give them so much more life."
"Oh man, DPS, that's gonna make a huge difference in my battles."
"If you do have it or choose to pull for it I would definitely recommend using it on your Yaimiko as it is very good for her."
"Syndra received a massive buff to her Q and E. Syndra has received a lot of damage buffs in the previous patches as well which has placed her into our S tier in the mid lane."
"Get yourself a pair of gore riders, these are going to be absolutely murderous."
"This is gonna be a big buff to Bandit and it's gonna make it significantly harder to deal with certain strategies."
"Health increases the base health of your champion making them much sturdier and harder to kill."
"Laura steel, still a lot of people don't understand this increases the base stats set bonuses of all sets that increase base stats by 15."
"Finina is an incredible support... This buff will also be applied to her and as we saw it's going to be happening passively throughout your rotation."
"Leon recently received a kind of indirect buff with the vision gear."
"Mixing Druid with other classes opens up new possibilities, like a Barbarian's rage enhancing wild shape."
"One of the new Feats... called mobile... increases your movement speed."
"Mihoyo may release a four-piece artifact set to improve Xiao's performance."
"Pit's changes are in the correct direction to make him a better character."
"Lenny C6 is obviously going to be his best for personal damage as every time you fire a prop Arrow you will also fire your special pyrotechnic strike."
"Moira's self-healing has been increased from 20 to 24."
"Giant's Mite lets you grow up to large size and gives you advantage on strength checks and saves."
"If you are a free-to-play player, the free five star from herta's shop, Cruising on the Stellar C, is going to be a top pick for Susan."
"C6 holy [__] is that the Declaration of Independence H infusion whenever you use her Elemental skill."
"With this star power equipped, Lily's movement speed is increased by 15% as long as there is an enemy within her supercharge Circle."
"I'm cyberware affinity. Hand razor, yes please. Twin slash, yeah, I want that."
"This guy is not only getting a significant amount of buffs with everyone else here but look at this triple zenkai buff 120 pretty much for everything."
"Riven empowers her blade, stunning nearby enemies."
"This adds so much to him, I think it completes him."
"Syndra hulk will be receiving a huge buff to its bonus damage to minions and monsters and you should expect to see it around a lot more."
"Kensei has gotten a recent buff as well and in my opinion deserves a spot on the A tiers."
"Mortal Kombat X: Kano's threat and presence skyrocketed with variations."
"With the buffs to items like Everfrost and Cosmic Drive, Ahri's power only rose even higher."
"That's a lot of attack speed man, that is a huge amount of attack speed."
"Soraka got some massive buffs at the beginning of the patch, making her much stronger."
"Bennett is just so broken... almost everyone needs attack and it provides an extremely high DPS boost and healing to boot."
"Brock's newest rocket fuel gadget has completely revamped his viability."
"Crits are really good because you could build Hand of Justice and Infinity Edge so crit is just overall the best item for Yasuo."
"An energy recharge Sands for dendro main character DMC was a must."
"The best zetas in Galaxy Heroes are those that really transform a character, unlock potential they just can't quite have otherwise."
"Mimikyu getting Play Rough is like the greatest thing ever."
"The visuals in Super Mario Wonder are bursting with color and personality."
"We're going to want to level him up because he just makes all mortars and bomb shooters insane."
"Nope, we're not done yet. We really kept you waiting for this one, but the Legends Limited Super Vegito is... Oh, no, getting a Zenkai."
"Like these lit, at least categories, literally every update getting insane characters."
"This feels like a better outrage Dragonite. Like this feels like a... This feels like what you want out of outrage Dragonite. But so much better to me."
"Debuffs can often be stronger than a buff for your character."
"Mawile's mega evolution instantly became one of the biggest threats around."
"I loved the increased attack speed on TF. It feels more appropriate to stack him now."
"If we just say for a moment that Zangetsu and White amped Ichigo to being one of the top-tier characters in the series for a split second..."
"It's time for the giveaway... You will be getting for free in your account a 12 star unbeatable Squirrel Girl."
"Wario was already a good character but when you take into consideration his final smash which makes them faster and stronger, it's bonkers."
"There's so much I think that Andrew upped the character for sure."
"Unlocking constellations can greatly enhance characters like Noel and Sucrose, maximizing their potential."
"The Kaioken is a very flexible piece of equipment that you can equip onto any melee-type character."
"Most of their characters are quite good, they can bear nice relics such as the Dominus Aegis or Beacon Angelus."
"Pikachu is a wonderful accent piece for Ash."
"It's a very inexpensive way to add a lot of character to your holiday decor."
"Leather is going to develop its own natural patina, it gives the shoe a lot of character."
"It's also very cool to get specialized weapons being included here as weapons packs for the characters themselves."
"That yellow is such a cool touch on him; it fits him so well and it makes the suit really pop."