
Professional Relationship Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"We ended up in an awesome place with it, and we get to actually work together today. It's wonderful."
"I work with my sous chef, you know, himself."
"You know it when you see it and the chemistry wasn't there." - Warner Brothers executive
"Feel free to reach out, head on over to my website, fill in the application form, and if it feels as though we are a potential match to work together, then one of my team members will be reaching out to you directly."
"It's been one of my profound Pleasures to call him a coworker these last few years."
"I'm back, and you're gonna be my admin guy again."
"I genuinely look forward to working with you."
"You guys still work together or maybe want to work together one day."
"Valentina is her contractor, is her like informant basically, is the person that gives her the jobs that gets them both paid, allegedly we don't know."
"She quickly became the one person I counted on during my shift."
"I like Mike Berkowitz. I like those guys over there but I got lucky because he was running, he was booking comics in another manager's office."
"You know, it was because I was terrified but you were incredible and I just want to say thank you for allowing me to work with you for 10 years."
"Like, I love working with Kazi. I find it really easy to work with and I think he's a player that naturally fits my coaching style quite well because I'm all about like not caring about making mistakes, reassuring people, and stuff like that."
"I've worked with David for over a decade now, and everything he has told me has worked exactly as he said."
"Stephen, I'm your doctor. You're a doctor. I'm here to help you, Dr. Harrow."
"You have to approach it almost as a therapeutic relationship... you want to gain their trust."
"First date, we talked about business for four hours. At the end, I said, 'I don't know if this will work out, but you should only work for me.'"
"There's something there between us that, you know, it's once in a lifetime in this business."
"It's been really nice actually to work with you and go through this whole process together."
"In a world where business partnerships often resemble alliances, the enduring friendship and professional collaboration between Charlie Munger and Warren Buffett was nothing short of legendary."
"I do consider you not only one of my favorite collaborators but also a very, very good friend."
"My relationship with the Glazers is a good one. They've employed me, they listen to me, and we're looking forward to success in the future."
"We're their Fiscal Agent, and I'm just going to leave it at that."
"It's clear that Mr. Perfect was a man that Brett deeply respected."
"There's a mutual respect between myself and JD and that's why this show takes place. Do we agree on everything hell no but at the end of the day like we'll sit at a bar and have a drink together and we don't hate each other we never will."
"It's going to be nice working with you."
"You embarrassed Howard, who, God help him, inexplicably vouched for you with Cliff Main."
"One person whose relationship with WWE was not going so well was Cody Rhodes."
"Bobby Heenan was one of the only people maybe the only guy who left WWE and would not bash Vince McMahon."
"Go Figure: 'Nick, I need Champion again I need you.'"
"Vince McMahon was so good to me. He was always good to me as a person."
"Losing Leo meant losing one of our best clients."
"Finally after 4 years of working with LMR and loving their shop and knowing Steven, I am visiting."
"I confided in her with a lot of things like in my personal life. I just always trusted her. She was someone she was my boss, but she was someone that, you know, I always just... we just connected really well. We just worked well to with each other."
"You're going to get a good feel and whether or not you trust or don't trust them."
"They really know one another and get along that way, and they have a lot of respect for one another too."
"Mutual respect... I respect my colleagues' right to disagree with me at any time, and they in turn respect mine."
"We were very fortunate to work with an amazing photographer and friend named Eric Chen."
"Therapists earn trust and should not just be given trust."
"I felt very lucky when she approached me about working with me."
"We went to school together; he's one of the best geos I know, worked for big companies, done a lot of exploration work."
"We're here for work, that's why we're together."
"I'd love to have her as my manager for like the rest of my time as a CNA."
"Being the original bassist in Poco and the Eagles, he was an enormously large and important person in my life, musically, professionally."
"I had worked with Marvin in the past, and he has always been very friendly."
"I'm looking for an editor, and you're the only one I trust."
"What are good business practices between editors and streamers?"
"My executive assistant is like my favorite person in the entire world."
"He was the chief of police, and we became really good friends."
"How long is your average turnaround for reading and notes? This is a very important question because it's an essential part of your working relationship."
"Under what circumstances would you part ways with a client?"
"It's a professional friendship, but you have to really understand the person."
"You're a good guy, Kevin. If anything happens, any position opens up, I'll keep you in mind."
"It's important to find a stylist, find someone you trust."
"I look forward to working with you, Deina, and like I said, what goes on inside that office stays between us only."
"I'm looking forward to seeing you again soon and working with you."
"I'm so grateful to get to work with you."
"It's a badge of honor to have worked with her as many times as I have."
"I am so, so excited to be working with her."
"We respect each other, we care about each other."