
Questioning Authority Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"Heroes started questioning their motivations, much like Americans started questioning their government."
"Question everything like who gets to determine how far technology goes in the first place."
"What's not forbidden is allowed so you're allowed to go in there and record and ask questions."
"Questions being asked right now could determine the shape of independent alternative anti-establishment and corporate media in general moving forward."
"Anyone, anywhere on any side that tells me not to ask questions, I'm going to immediately ask questions."
"Who the [ __ ] gets to decide who has more power than you do?"
"He will question everything about them, from their credibility to their qualifications."
"Why don't you trust your institutions? That's what's scary."
"I don't understand why we tolerate it or why it's allowed or how they get away with that."
"But when is it ever wise to believe what you're told without question, without reservation, and certainly not without reason?"
"We are conditioned to do things that don't make sense for reasons that nobody can explain simply because we're told to do them."
"We're supposed to be able to question anything."
"How can you criticize that by saying, 'Yeah, but God said? How do you know?'"
"Will we permit this system to take us all down with it?"
"You're not allowed to ask questions... not allowed to ask questions."
"He asks questions that the powerful people, the super State, the unelected state, don't want Tucker to ask."
"We need to start questioning the level of control that is in our society."
"It's somebody's right to ask questions if the majority of the land is being... used."
"So bring that up in court, ask the officer what was your angle deflection when you actually caught me on your radar gun and see if you can answer it I'm probably guessing he probably won't."
"If they're ignoring their own experts, whose experts are they listening to? What's the bloody plan here?" - Russell Brand
"In an MLM company, you cannot question anything; if you do, you're told to stop being negative."
"Don't create a situation where people are worried that you're the danger right, we never want to do anything physical never ever anything violent right but should you question legislators absolutely that's your job as a citizen in a democracy."
"Look, it's okay to question those in charge and ask for more information like, Hey, is that animal really happy, or like, what are you doing?"
"A lone voice amidst the chaos, fearlessly questioning and challenging the decisions that have shaken the nation's faith."
"It's not unreasonable to have questions about that. You're not a traitor if you have questions about that."
"If we're not permitted to question the beliefs, there's no power to what we're being taught."
"Science is not about having all the answers... it's the willingness to accept someone who claims to have all the answers."
"This is just not how civilization works yet most people just nod and smile and that's exactly what happened just because some academic running in egyptology department at the university said so."
"The adversary symbolizes the spark of consciousness which questions everything, manifesting the individualistic path with accountability only to the self."
"Questioning the system changed my life. We had the most profound 13 days of our life during my mom's final days."
"Even if there is a God and he knows everything or way more than I ever will, to say 'who is Matt to question God' is an incredibly awful thing to say."
"I want the people to know that they can question their officials."
"So what I wanted to do by asking the question was to open up the discourse a little bit so that students may see me as an example and maybe model for them that it's okay to question ideas."
"You have to doubt everybody, not just Alex Jones, but the people that have a vested interest in lying to you like politicians."
"Zero Dark Thirty avoids questioning the war itself"
"The best weapon against faith-based ideologies and being bounded by world views is questions."
"How long do you honestly believe that people in power like you will get away with it? How long do you think you can continue to ignore the climate crisis?"
"Question everything and everybody including me."
"A child can question anything, including you, if you allow that in a healthy way."
"You vote with your dollar and you follow the money and you ask questions and really that can solve so many things."
"What for, fam? First you must stand off Cellini and now you want to book Mason? What for, bro? A yellow for what, blood? Mocking!"
"Raising any question is just seen as another political cheap shot but it's not."
"The right to ask questions is never bestowed by some authority. It belongs to everybody."
"Critical thinking is your ability to question things, to see past authority, and to actually think for yourself."
"Independent media is vital for questioning establishment narratives."
"The big one's gonna hit any second, so you might be asking, but hey, wait a minute, this super secret super exclusive military base that was turning a child away because of an insulin pump is now just letting anyone in?"
"Why does he keep changing the cut-off dates?"
"If asking those questions are going to get you arrested those are despots those are villains those are evil men and women those are traitors to The Republic."
"You're asking me a question how are they exercising jurisdiction over you and one of the things that you have to look at as an individual is that your dependency on government."
"Just who the hell was goddess to decide the suffering of others."
"People with a microphone are never just asking questions."
"Ultimately, conformity and authority simply don't explain enough."
"The story is a reminder that we should always question authority when it seems unfair."
"I'm a smart woman. What smart person asks a 15, 16-year-old to go kill her husband with his friends?"
"Thomas to me is definitely an anarchist. An anarchist is a person who constantly questions the authority of the society in which he lives, and I think that pretty much fits Thomas to a tee."
"Look at that demon dude that's a spider that's been ruling the world for 800 years that tried to kill a child is that who we take orders from is that what we're here to do as Marines?"
"Who's the new guy? Who elected him?"
"If people are financially supporting these organizations, they should have the right to question these preachers about anything and everything."
"Honestly, it's [tickets start at] 170 bucks so that the people can tell you how to get into heaven. How do they know?"
"These history books that we've had, these teachers that we've had, the whole system that we have is subject to questioning."
"They underestimated the women around them and what they would say and whether they would question anyone."
"Only God's word is truth, can man's word be the truth?"
"Matthias starts questioning the crest system and uses a fireball spell with his fourth crest."
"Is it only okay for the officials to set fires and not for the common people to light lamps?"