
Protector Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"The Emperor sits upon his Golden Throne, he is the corpse God, he is the protector of humanity, the ultimate savior."
"When you think of a mother, what words come to mind to describe her? Loving, caring, protector."
"The great protector that appears later on in the film."
"He's not a hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector, a Dark Knight."
"You can consider me an avenging Angel for the children."
"We don't have a Black Panther, we just have a protector."
"I'm the man of the house, I gotta protect my family."
"I'm not a god, I'm a guardian, a servant, and a weapon."
"He is a fighter for justice, always a fighter of the true war, like a policeman to this universe."
"Because he can take it. Because he's not a hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector."
"She prefers the duty of a knight and protector as she sees it as her Destiny."
"The role of the husband is to provide and to protect, to look after the best interests and affairs of his family."
"We almost had a kind of brother-sisterly love for each other and respect, and he was my biggest protector and also my biggest cheerleader."
"Elsa makes the shocking discovery that she is the fifth spirit, and she stays behind in the forest to become its protector."
"Godzilla is here as our protector. He's not here to harm the Earth."
"I thoroughly took satisfaction out of being a protector. You know, the fact that people called us at their worst moment and trusted us to fix it."
"Wielding it means taking on the role of protector, requiring a caretaker with a wealth of energy and strength to offer to others."
"I am the protector of 'The Book of Knowledge.' 'The Book of Knowledge' contains the oldest and most important stories of our history, of our world."
"Is he going to become a defender of the land, not initiating fights but willing to fight to protect the people?"
"Each one of us has a Kareem, an angelic protector, and a Shayateen, a devilish influencer."
"What a man is, is someone who can provide and protect. Not contribute, not put some on it, not give you an idea. But who can provide and protect."
"If you're not on this planet to provide and protect for your wife and future children, then I don't care what you are. That's not what you're going to do. Then move along, sir, because that's what most women are looking for these days."
"Protector, provider, and then being present."
"I want my sisters and my daughters to date a guy like me because I'm a man that can protect, provide, and offer stability."
"Alice not only became Kirito's protector but one of the most essential characters in the whole SAO verse."
"Buffy Summers is the chosen Slayer for this generation so whether she likes it or not she is the protector of all that is good in the universe."
"Mikasa is still placed within the mindset of being Aaron's protector."
"He's the opposite of a predator, he keeps women safe."
"A stark reminder of the fine line between protector and predator."
"Heimdall, guardian of the Bifrost bridge!"
"He was not like the young Khan who destroyed an entire Village on his father's death, called for vengeance. He was more, more than just a conqueror, he was a protector."
"Pazuzu's role as a protector despite his fearsome nature highlights the complex relationship between the Mesopotamians and the spiritual world."
"Ichigo is a soul reaper who is universally recognized- especially now- to be a protector of the innocent."
"Itachi Uchiha, from cold and calculating murderer to a misunderstood protector of peace."
"Amaya is a ferociously protective aunt to Callum and Ezran, and a tough but fair commander and friend."
"Optimus Prime, Earth's greatest protector."
"One of the greatest and most influential characters of all time, our protector."
"Gamera is an intelligent creature, being able to respond to human speech and is especially reactive to the cries of children, where he will immediately come to their defense."
"Men, it's like we see a part of us that built-in jealousy, yes, is aligned with our protector."
"Sasquatch is very often a protector, an elder brother, he's seen as kind of another iteration of humanity, maybe a spiritual being so related to us but not the same thing."
"One Punch Man said hold up, protector of dogs."
"God is many things: compassionate, merciful, and the protector."
"So he's in charge but he's a provider and he's supposed to protect and take care of his family, and that, I believe, means emotionally, mentally, and physically."
"So long as he lives, this island will be a monument to all of those lost. Charles Xavier has dubbed himself the sole protector of ccoa."
"You can be a destroyer or a protector, joining both sides of the coin."
"Daddy titles mean that they're delicious. They got swag. They're decisive. They provide. They protect. Decisive, demanding daddy."
"...Jon literally protected Gilly from falling he protected the weak like a king is supposed to."
"...what's wrong with a guy being a protector... what's wrong with a guy being tough as nails... what's wrong with a guy being a fighter and being able to take care of his loved ones... that's a good quality."
"He was a true gentleman, a protector, a provider."
"Shield archons are patient protectors and therefore embody the virtue of temperance, using their Spears and Shields in massive formations that can endure even the most severe onslaughts."
"A man is somebody who will put themselves in harm's way for somebody that's weaker than them."
"The son of the land, King of the Seas, and protector of the deep."
"He never sought out fights for the sake of it, and he didn't grow up as a warrior; he grew up as a protector."
"Venom declares himself to be Venom, the lethal protector of Earth."
"As a Guardian Fairy of Lynphea, she must do what she can for her world and her friends."
"Lady Sif, seer of all, defender of the rainbow bridge and all the 10 realms, protector of Earth."
"O Saint Joseph, you who are the protector of the Church and those who serve her, help us to be faithful to the Gospel and to build a more just and fraternal world."
"I protect beauties, children, and elders."
"Following his sudden transformation into a demon hybrid, the once timid Akira declares himself as a protector of humans."
"I never thought about it as like how it could be a protector figure."
"You think Kong's evil as heck, but then you find out he's the protector of the island."
"She is the proud daughter of these lands, sworn protector of the realm."
"I am the hope of this world. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace."
"Meet Boston Blackie, enemy to those who make him an enemy, friend to those who have no friends."
"He's a protector, he's a provider."
"...he gained the reputation for being a protector of the people in his community."
"I am Liu Kang, protector of Earthrealm."
"I consider myself to be a provider and a protector in the deepest sense of the word."
"The Savage Spider-Man was the new protector of Savage Land."