
Youth Perspective Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"People have given up on religion, and they make the state their God. That is what I see being very pervasive amongst the young people."
"It's this the profundity that is living for something bigger than yourself and for me that's what having a child was and it seems a little bit absurd to say that at age 17."
"If you're like worried about how things are going and you're under the age of 30, you have nothing to worry about."
"Young people tend to underestimate their value."
"But at the end of the day we are the future."
"I think it would be very hard to find a young Russian my age who supports this invasion, who supports the war."
"Words can hurt and at the end of the day I am only 19."
"When young people tell you they don't want to go to college whatever look what school was school wasn't [ __ ] they didn't even really engaged a lot of these kids."
"Opportunities for me, what kid was like hold up I've heard this so first opportunity oh no I believe that opportunity looks a lot like hard work."
"If you're under 25 years old in Afghanistan, this means you have never really experienced Taliban rule."
"I think there's a mix of immaturity and misogyny, you know what I mean?"
"In South Africa now as a 19-year-old woman, you can feel the difference between being free and when were you not free?"
"Young people think when they're feeling sad, 'I'm gonna feel sad forever.' Well, no you're not. Next week, it's gonna be a lot better. In the week after that, you're practically not gonna remember this."
"Children coming into meetings with adults and speaking their truth about how ludicrous it all looked from their perspective... little kids saying, 'This is not right.'"
"I'm 19 years old and what I do for a living is entertain the universe by uploading digital videos to the internet for people to sit on the toilet and watch, think occasionally, right?"
"School's a waste of time. Come on, I haven't had a locker code in a minute."
"Independence, in my opinion, and a lot of young people's opinions, offers an escape for that. If we can take that opportunity to economically thrive in an independent country, it to me seems quite silly not to take that opportunity."
"It's just incredible, sometimes I have to reframe things for my 13-year-old self."
"This isn't right, this isn't fair, we are still young and we are not going to spend our lives and our money into this place."
"Yo, Cordae, I really like the flip you did of Cole's 1985. I thought especially for someone in your age and I hope that doesn't sound weird, like, you sound very wise, you know what I'm saying?"
"I think they're more socially conscious and empathetic and more aware of kind of things that affect them and affect the world so I actually do think things will get better."
"People under the age of 35 think this entire system is so rotten to the core and so rigged they want to see it broken."
"The younger Generations say hey this crypto stuff is a huge benefit to us, it's the next internet."
"Younger people understand we need fundamental change."
"Especially for you young people out there, all the collapse that you are seeing right now."
"I think sometimes when the money comes too early, your fire goes away. I'm an 18-year-old kid, okay? I've been lifting weights, I get on a cycle, and I start looking good."
"The default position of a lot of young people is capitalism is bad... We need to try something new."
"The majority of young people...value our relationship with the European Union."
"You have to go back to this kid who thinks he's smarter than everybody."
"School bring on that Society like you're a Savage side."
"I'm gonna be stuck working on cars or in a factory - my heart, how old are you at this time, probably 16?"
"Kids are living in a reality that is intuitive to where their world is going."
"It's easy for young people to think they're being tolerant, or nice, or, 'I wanna be loving,' or something like that."
"We're beginning to see a little bit of a change in the upward Direction what do you think the reasoning behind that change is because I think your Generation The Young Generation gets it."
"I'm 17. I can't save the world. I can't even parallel park."
"I think there's a lot of truth in that. You can't ask young people to believe in Democratic capitalism if it's not working for them."
"Not the [__], you have done an amazing thing. Bewildering how an 18-year-old with no experience raising babies has more common sense than multiple adults with multiple children."
"I'm turning 25 this year, and it's my proudest moment to be like, 'oh yeah, I'm making a video about relationships when some of the people were like teenagers.'"
"The happiest high school students I've met... saw no point whatsoever in dating in high school."
"An entire generation of youth now say they will never be able to afford a home. This is not normal for Canada."
"You're essentially unarmed. You listen to this teenager."
"Covid is both very mild but also something that young people have nothing to fear."
"Things like this are part of the reason why a lot of young men are unenthusiastic about being married."
"I guess my life changed the craziest part. I'm only 22 years old."
"They're not mobs, they're future rocket scientists."
"For all the heat that Gen Z gets for being fragile or being a little messed up, they deserve the benefit of the doubt."
"I'm a baby. We've got so much of our lives left to live."
"I know you guys are young, so like you know, you take this game way too seriously."
"If you're like 12 years old like me, it's kind of fun."
"Almost 50% of young people say they believe in free speech but not for hate speech."
"We've made it more likely that people will offend. I've talked to 13 and 14-year-old boys in poor neighborhoods who tell me they don't expect to be free by the time they're 21."
"You know, I mean, everything that I've got, I had to work for, you know what I mean? So, I see things way different than other kids my age."
"So I'm much more interested in the impulse to democratic socialism and what that says about those young folks that I am in like how it is that they imagine carrying out what they want to carry out."
"You know when you're young and 25, the world doesn't seem so dangerous."
"The youth of today don't enjoy the luxury of another hundred years of such institutional stupidity."
"Times are changing now, so the younger kids might be thinking differently when they get married."
"One young person called me cool guy; that's all the affirmation you're looking for now as a dad."
"They're young, fresh, they've got a really interesting take on this thing we call everyday carry."
"The younger people today are very skeptical about advertising."
"I love my job. Yeah, the kids at school reckon it's cool driving in a police car."
"This world is dirty and beautiful, but you're still young, less experience. This world is neither black nor white, but a delicate ash."
"These kids' perspective on our lives, our society, our world would be like the setting that my intimate story kind of walks through."
"Young people are generally more in touch with their soul, their spiritual self, and they haven't shifted from trusting their intuition into relying solely on their intellect."
"She was just talking from the point of a kid her age who's worried about the environment."
"Young black men speaking about their world which is extremely unique."
"If you're 16, 17, and you haven't experienced that, your perception of reality is just one way."