
Combat Tactics Quotes

There are 132 quotes

"On the battlefield, it's more useful...to use a shield...a shield is very much more useful than a second sword."
"The playstyle... can be broken down into three separate areas: the first is where they want to take their fights... closing distance... and most importantly, the undertone of this whole composition, area-denial."
"Firebenders can change the course of an incoming fire blast and redirect it back at the attacker."
"Wraith's kit is still pretty great at resetting fights and keeping you and the team in the battle."
"Tower's so quick now. Yes, and suits can fire into combat and all sorts of craziness."
"Firepower became the single greatest priority followed by protection and then speed in a distant third... that made sense."
"You can pull off that badass attack maneuver, but you've pushed yourself and you've got less hit die than you would before."
"His basic attacks include hopping up and down to slam on you and backing up for a huge swing with a shockwave."
"Their preferred heavy weapon is the autocannon while their favorite assault weapon is the melt a gun."
"Simplicity, I think is the answer. Some of the things that are the most useful in a fight or in combat or whatever usually the most simple."
"It lifts you up, so if someone's trying to approach you, you can actually dodge their approach and then interrupt them with this."
"If you ever find yourself in a fair fight, it's all because your tactics suck."
"You really can use the mace to skip the entirety of the second phase of the Wither fight."
"You need a good list of one-liners to yell right before you kill every enemy."
"I really feel like there should be some weapon that can counter shields."
"Dual wielding increases the reliability of landing sneak attacks."
"Never ever get into a turning fight when you're flying one of these things. Never try to dogfight a Spitfire or a zero because they will hand you your ass on the silver plate."
"The glue gun is a really cool weapon. I like that it's effective in combat without dealing damage directly. It's an unusual twist."
"I like the idea of sieging the castle and then killing the lord monster inside."
"The tempest strike is an excellent addition to this kit as well."
"Slasher feat: highly good, complementing certain character builds like sword and board."
"Harus isn't a combat specialist, but he's still a thief. And what do thieves do best? They fight dirty. That's exactly what Harris intends to do."
"Movement is really important, being able to disengage from fights quickly is really important."
"Charging your arrow, hopping around a corner to shoot, and then instantly lunging the other way with Hanzo, it lets you instantly shoot an arrow without the enemy having time to react."
"If you attack an enemy with glaciers, they'll become Frozen. If the next attack that hits the target is Defindo, they'll take an insane amount of damage."
"Pop cooldowns during your charge rather than when you're on the target. Just something to keep in mind."
"Revolved around conjuring visible lifelike astral projections to off-balance and confuse his targets until they were left prone to a blast of telekinesis or Force Lightning."
"The battle's won before it starts, before a bullet has left a gun."
"The two best ways to kill the spider are champions that do max enemy HP damage."
"In theory, you can batter the enemy into submission whilst taking only superficial damage yourself."
"The ice bomb freezes demons in place, allowing you to do massive damage."
"She coats her bolts in concocted poisons, dealing devastating damage."
"You play patient at first that way you can counter people in fortnite and it turns the aggression around really quickly and you can finish up kills just like this."
"I think those super attacks are going to be a super key thing to pay attention to here."
"The best fight scenes are between Lady and Trish, showcasing variety and tactics."
"If you're able to play this without outcast, you get to attack two minions and you take no damage in response, and that is just amazing no matter how you look at it."
"Godzilla figured out how to more effectively fight Ghidorah."
"Orders of operations: kill the sectoid first, then follow up with the shredder rocket, then finish strong with a Papa Bear heat ammo special."
"You definitely have to hit these with the light. They're afraid of the light."
"Proper tanking is crucial for a successful attack."
"Paralyzing or sleeping a monster provides you with great openings."
"Enemies will really use all the tools at their disposal they will block more often and dodge attacks more frequently."
"Accept any challenge no matter the odds which allows you to get like uh you get like assault doctrine which he understands what you don't like extra attacks and [__] but you can't fall back from combat."
"Against mixed units, the veteran infantry are King followed by the Spearman, the Darkon, and the axemen."
"Since you're preserving your sharpness through shield attacks, chances are you'll always have optimal sharpness for that all-important spinning reaper."
"Fakes are everything, you know. You've got to set traps, you've got to set shots up."
"Why CC enemies with icky glass while you can just shatter them into non-existence?"
"Who wouldn't want a pointy sword at the end of your rifle and charge down enemies?"
"This glitch is insane! We can slash up these skeletons while being invisible."
"Sometimes the best way to protect your allies is by killing the thing that's trying to kill them."
"It's sort of a last ditch effort, a last chance at lowering your opponent's health because yours is low. You're about to get taken out of the picture, so try and take them down with you."
"It's just a lesson to learn. You always fight to your strengths, you make your opponent fight your fight, you don't fight his."
"Kill the enemy leader as quickly as you can."
"Best case scenario for Ali is to take command of the distance early with his jab and good movement to prevent Tyson from discovering his range."
"They're operating in looser formations, darting into combat, laying down deliberate, well-aimed individual fire before darting back out again when the situation gets rough."
"Charge up with the frontline, try to get as much flanking as we can."
"Sneak attacks don't work if you yell them out loud."
"Bombs are great for blasting gun turrets off the back of Arachnotrons or just splattering smaller demons on the spot."
"Every battle is won before it's ever fought." - Q
"Everything is patterns. Fighting is patterns."
"The name of the game is closure spread, closure distance. Be quick to pull the trigger once you find a good automatic weapon and decent armor."
"Success in this game will come down to your ability to adapt to these situations and put as much distance between yourself and your enemies' crosshair."
"She loses at her escape and then you can literally just combo her down and beat her up."
"In a fight if things are truly bad, you definitely don't need to be pulling triggers as a commander."
"You can cut the legs off a Guardian Stalker to stun them and eventually immobilize them completely."
"Harlequins: hitting the enemy very fast and hard with a colorful kaleidoscope of eldar performers."
"And the flame gliac goes down just like that."
"Why do you jump when you kill the cat? Killing mobs, you basically... you see the sparks when you kill a mob, that means you're getting a crit, which means you're doing more damage."
"Quick attack is great great great at covering landings as your opponent will typically with an aerial and you can zip in with quick attack under them zip back through and then get an up air or fair and just continue your pressure for whatever."
"Sam deals tons of damage up close and his super makes it very easy for him to dodge attacks and get close to enemies his Gadget is just ridiculously strong for 1v1s"
"Every pair she gets, if there's a wall, she gets pretty much 30 damage which is actually insane."
"Don't crouch in every gunfight: it makes you an easier target."
"In a proper team fight where my DPS doesn't get one shot, we should be completely fine."
"Control the situation by having the high ground in engagements."
"The person who there's like the saying in like fighting who wins the the smart fighter the smart fighter or the crazy fighter it's the crazy fighter because they'll do what the smart person won't."
"High melee attack trumps high melee defense."
"He wants to begin this dialogue so he can beat his opponent in the most absolute way possible."
"The huge magazine is a big benefit in Blackout, allowing you to carry a little bit more ammo and do suppressing fire almost like a light machine gun."
"She can go invincible at any point in time and can counter launch you."
"Conor is very dynamic, he could go out there and switch that stance."
"Distract him for a split second always a good way to start a fight."
"When he starts it up, get far enough away to avoid the whole thing and the wind pressure... then run in and attack near his hind legs and tail."
"Try and say monks are weak when your stun locks on the floor getting fisted four times around."
"If you one shot a zombified piglet using something like a Smite 5 sword, other piglens won't get mad at you."
"Now we have a lot of expensive moves, I will say that all of our attacks now cost two mana each but that's okay because we've got a lot of speed. We can now punch a lot and get a lot of mana restored as we fight."
"Information is more critical than ammunition. Winning fights is less about how and what, and more about the why."
"Assault the hab and if we have to evade again we'll evade again, we can crawl back to Earth I reckon."
"One knock push strategy is powerful in the close and mid-range."
"What you want to do is make your opponent think you're moving forward when what you're really doing is moving sideways into his blind spot."
"She has her crossbows for long-ranged tactical fights, she can use her Iron Boots for some sweet kicks as aerials or smash attacks."
"Defeated the enemy by letting the enemy defeat itself."
"Fighting withdrawal is distinct from a retreat. In a retreat, you're basically trying to break contact with the enemy."
"What's it gonna do now goodbye that did a lot as long as it like don't flinch me we're good are you better run coward face it's like a robot it's so weird uh we're just gonna Flame Charge it and see what happens."
"He predicts some of Vegeta's moves, dodging them flawlessly or parrying them flawlessly."
"This essentially gives you over a 10-level advantage, and if you're ever in a pinch, you can just toss out this Pokémon and deal massive amounts of damage."
"Positioning on Doomfist is crucial to winning fights."
"If he doesn't see the shot coming, if there is an old injury with the eye, if the reflexes have slowed down, boom, I'm going with big Francis." - Nick
"If you guys are facing off against cops or any online players, the only way you'll end up dying is of course if they shoot you through that front windshield on the driver's side or they do shoot rockets at you."
"Survive the hits coming and when it's finally your turn unload big damage."
"Their burst potential is just insane in certain fights."
"Overall, I feel like stand out for value here is faster than use for 35 points. That's just awesome for getting some scary orc melee all the way up the board."
"Weapon buffs increase DPS and provide additional mechanics, enhancing shaman combat capabilities."
"The results will shock you because holy geez attila takeda gets fully 100 rolled by that zenobia theodora combination."
"If there's a way for Poirier to get into this fight... is to dismantle that lead leg."
"He cannot just stand there under heavy fire."
"Combat has changed, shields are gonna be much more effective and more useful."
"It's the most creative way to kill a symbiote that I have ever seen."
"You should always be strafing and hip firing to give yourself more movement speed and become harder to hit."
"You always want to have the initiative when you're facing an opponent."
"Remember to swap stances when it's appropriate."
"Aim for the head... negates armor... takes less damage."
"If you fire everywhere, you will never miss."
"He just wants to get tanky, get his items, and then look to start fights."
"It's like taking a little Billy bat and just nailing somebody in the leg and Watch What Happens."
"Finnish Pilots would amass huge kill scores utilizing smart tactics and making use of the Buffalo's good turning abilities."
"The skill of American pilots combined with the Hellcat's superb flying characteristics helped turn the tide against the Japanese."
"Throwing a boat at someone wouldn't be my first answer if I'm trying to keep a low profile."
"Now, where Dragon's devil fruit really comes in handy, if its wind, is that while fighting, he could essentially have airbending techniques like Aang from The Last Airbender."
"Swords would be the better weapon to pick when fighting against someone with shields like you know we see in Dune."
"Success in air-to-air combat depends on the ability of the pilot to place themselves in a position from which that firepower can be delivered. In fighter versus bomber combat, time is also important and can be really considered a measurement of success of an interception."
"A round shield disguises the orientation of your hand, making it harder for opponents to predict your movements."
"The last but certainly not least Komodo's as well as the entire monitor lizard player base understand that their tails are an invaluable weapon."
"If you're a ground combat Soldier, it's crucial that you remember one key rule about engaging the enemy: as soon as you take your shot, you reveal your position and become a Target yourself."
"Mark's new way of fighting is to subvert the opponent's expectations."
"When engaged in pitch battles, the Vikings tended to fight on foot, whereas the Normans adopted Frankish cavalry tactics."
"He frequently strikes the knees during his forest battle, displaying Silat's concept of going after weak points that aren't targeted in other martial arts."
"Vegeta says this will work against Moro because this is the one kind of energy that Moro shouldn't be able to absorb."
"There's two types of generals: those who fight with strategy and those who fight with instinct."