
Historical Validation Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"No archaeological discovery has ever controverted a biblical reference."
"The claims of the Book of Ezekiel find support in other ancient literature."
"The water system offers the strongest proof yet that hisalik could indeed be the Troy of Legend."
"Now we have that tangible proof, one of those lost drawings has been returned."
"Even if you're not going to witness history vindicating yourself or people you admire, it matters to know that history will."
"Our job is not to believe in the word who tells us why, how, and what to believe. It's to believe fully in His Word, and history has proven His Word to be true."
"The almost identical cyclopean megalithic ruins found in those regions both onshore and now submerged support and confirmed Plato's account."
"The Great Pyramid of Giza: not just a technological marvel, but also positioned at the exact center of the earth."
"Biblical archaeology continues to uncover evidence supporting stories and events mentioned in the Bible, sparking new debates and discoveries."
"The integrity of biblical history ultimately is justified by the expression of these languages."
"The mystery here is that because of this newly discovered shard, it's pretty clear Jerubal was a real person."
"Imagine the surprise of Classical Historians in the 1870s to discover that the ancient city of Troy was real."
"But whaddyaknow, when an archaeologist wanders around the western coast of Anatolia and starts digging roughly where Homer said the city was, one might happen to discover a Troy or two."
"The Exodus from Egypt is not a myth, following a real pattern of evidence it has been rediscovered."
"It's the earliest known confirmation in the record of the davidic dynasty."
"Monotheism triumphs. The archaeological evidence proves it."
"The events were also validated by the international UFO museum."
"Wisdom has proved right over time and history."
"Oral traditions match the archaeological record quite well."
"The plethora of artifacts confirms the historical statements in the Bible."
"The water system offers the strongest proof yet that hissarlik could indeed be the Troy of legend."
"The Bible is authenticated through the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, which mirror its content."
"The Bible is the best attested book from the ancient world."
"When you use observational science, it actually confirms biblical history."
"For Christians, finding an archaeological match for the biblical pool is deeply reassuring."
"Archaeological support for the historical veracity of the scriptures."
"The discoveries corroborate ancient writings bridging the gap between myth and reality."
"God's word is powerful - the book of Zechariah said that when the shepherd, the man close to God, is killed, the sheep would be scattered, and we see that history has unfolded exactly as Zechariah predicted."
"The antiquity of the Americas can be proven legitimately through genetics, archaeology, and language."
"We are blessed to literally see in front of us here the discovery that affirm the truth of the Bible coming to light before our eyes."
"If archaeological evidence shows that Israel appeared in the promised land between 1400 and 1200 BC, then one conclusion follows: the Israelites must have migrated from Egypt into Canaan and an Exodus actually occurred."
"You're the proof that the bible is real because everything I just read describes your people."
"It illustrates how we can validate these ancient events using contemporary extra-biblical records."
"The reason why we're here talking about it ten years later is because a lot of what this person said people feel has come to pass."
"The modern archaeological discoveries only from about 10 years ago confirm a the Quran is talking about a pharaoh chopping up hands and arms be that musa perhaps lived around that period of time."
"This demonstrates the existence of Isaiah as a prophet in the 8th and 7th centuries BC at the time of King Hezekiah right in Jerusalem."
"Everything we're finding is commensurate with scripture."
"These scrolls preserve the messianic prophecies to 150 to 200 years before Jesus is born in Bethlehem."
"The Bible is always constantly under attack, but archeology continues to underscore the truth claims of scripture."
"The testimony of archeology and discovered history time and again confirms the Bible's truth."
"The biblical description of brick making in Egypt is affirmed; it's accurate to what we see in the Egyptian record."
"We actually have scientific empirical material evidence now for the Quran going back to the first century of the Islamic period."
"It puts Joshua there on this spot in Mount Ebal in the 15th century, building an altar to the exact specifications given to Deuteronomy."
"If it wasn't for archaeology and for historical fact, the claims of some people would have stuck."
"Historical accuracy... the archaeological evidence supports them."
"The documents found here at Elephantine enable us to be so confident in the historical accuracy of the Bible."
"The discoveries of archaeology have verified the truth of this record."
"History is proving he was absolutely correct, and many of the predictions that he made are coming to pass."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls, an ancient text that proves the truth of the Bible."